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  • ZCORE-STM32+BC95_核心板

    ZCORE系列NBIOT开发底板资料开源。 NBIOT开发板主要接口:      Micro USB *1      3.7V电池充电电路      庆科WIFI模块支持      贴片SIM卡支持      STM32L433全部外围接口已拉出为2.0排针

    标签: ZCORE-STM 32 BC 95 核心板

    上传时间: 2018-04-25


  • 液晶LCD1602使用手册

    1602,LCD,液晶,使用手册 1602 = 16个字符/行 * 2行 = 像素 16*2

    标签: 1602 LCD 液晶 使用手册

    上传时间: 2018-05-10


  • Distributed Antenna Systems

    The rapid growth in mobile communications has led to an increasing demand for wide- band high data rate communications services. In recent years, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) has emerged as a promising candidate for future (beyond 3G or 4G) mobile communications, as illustrated by projects such as FRAMES and FuTURE. The architecture of DAS inherits and develops the concepts of pico- or micro-cell systems, where multiple distributed antennas or access points (AP) are connected to and con- trolled by a central unit.

    标签: Distributed Antenna Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Bio-MEMS - Technologies and Applications

    Applications of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfabrica- tion have spread to different fields of engineering and science in recent years. Perhaps the most exciting development in the application of MEMS technol- ogy has occurred in the biological and biomedical areas. In addition to key fluidic components, such as microvalves, pumps, and all kinds of novel sensors that can be used for biological and biomedical analysis and mea- surements, many other types of so-called micro total analysis systems (TAS) have been developed.

    标签: Applications Technologies Bio-MEMS and

    上传时间: 2020-06-06



    The mature CMOS fabrication processes are available in many IC foundries. It is cost-effective to leverage the existing CMOS fabrication technologies to implement MEMS devices. On the other hand, the MEMS devices could also add values to the IC industry as the Moore’s law reaching its limit. The CMOS MEMS could play a key role to bridge the gap between the CMOS and MEMS technologies. The CMOS MEMS also offers the advantage of monolithic integration of ICs and micro mechanical components. 


    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Frequency+Tunable+MEMS

    For more than three decades, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have steadily transitioned out of research labs and into production forming a more than $10 billion market [1]. MEMS devices such as accelerometers, pressure sensors and microphones, to name a few, have seen immense utilization, particularly in the consumer electronics market, because of their compact sizes and minute power consumptions. In addition, these devices benefit from batch fabrication, which has enabled year-over-year reductions in cost [2]. In recent years,

    标签: Frequency Tunable MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • High+Performance+RF+MEMS

    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are miniature systems composed ofintegratedelectricalandmechanicalpartstosenseand/orcontrolthingsonaµmscale. The concept of MEMS is attributed to Richard Feynman’s famous talk on December 29th, 1959 [2,3]. Dr. Feynman foresaw many aspects of future MEMS development with his insight in microphysics. In particular, material properties in the µm scale are differentfrombulkpropertiesandthescalingdownofintegratedcircuits(IC)fabrication technology has been a major driving force of MEMS development.

    标签: Performance High MEMS RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors

    Recent advancements in nanotechnology (NT) materials and growth of micro/ nanotechnology have opened the door for potential applications of microelectro- mechanical systems (MEMS)- and NT-based sensors and devices. Such sensors and devices are best suited for communications, medical diagnosis, commercial, military, aerospace, and satellite applications. This book comes at a time when the future and well-being of Western industrial nations in the twenty-first century’s global eco- nomy increasingly depend on the quality and depth of the technological innovations they can commercialize at a rapid pace.

    标签: MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Fuel+Cell+Micro-grids

    The solid high-polymer-film-type fuel cell (PEM-FC) system is used as the power supply equipment for transportation and replaces an internal combustion engine. A reduction of the environmental load is expected through the cogeneration system’s (CGS) use of the PEM-FC system as a distributed power supply to individual houses, apartments, and so forth [1–3]. The growing use of distributed power systems, such as fuel cells, the reduction of power-transmission losses, and an increase of waste heat recovery are expected. Therefore, the reduction of carbon- dioxide emission is also expected as compared to conventional energy supply methods using commercial electric power. 

    标签: Micro-grids Fuel Cell

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • 常用接插件USB座 SD卡 TF卡 RJ45 AD集成库ALITUM库49个合集(原理图库+PCB封

    常用接插件USB座 SD卡 TF卡 RJ45 AD集成库ALITUM库49个合集(原理图库+PCB封装库),集成封装库型号列表:Library Component Count : 49Name                Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3F07                立体声耳机插座6.3mm插簧           6.3mm插簧Battery             备份电池CON 2X16 DIN41612   DIN 41612CON 2X32 DIN41612   DIN 41612CON50A              D Connector 15      VGAD Connector 9       串口DB25                并口DG141               DIMM-100            接插件EMIF                接插件FIN                 散热片FPC-30P             FPC排线连接器FPC-40P             FPC排线连接器HR5803              以太网接口HR911103A           网络接口HR911105A           以太网接口Header 10           接插件Header 10X2         接插件Header 14X2A        接插件Header 15X2         接插件Header 16           接插件Header 16X2         接插件Header 17X2         接插件Header 2            接插件Header 2X2          接插件Header 3            接插件Header 30           接插件Header 32X2         接插件Header 4            接插件Header 40           接插件Header 5X2          接插件Header 6            接插件Header 7X2          接插件Header 8            接插件Header 8X2          接插件Header_AMP50        控制器接插件LCD_CON37           LCD接口Light_Pipe          灯柱PJ-306              立体声耳机插座PWRCON              直流电源端子RCA                 RCA Phono JackSDCARD              SD卡自弹SDCARD-M            TF卡槽SU-25-3             接线叉USB                 USB接口USB_M               Micro/Mini USBZIF20               接插件

    标签: 插件 usb pcb

    上传时间: 2021-11-21
