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  • AHP toolbox AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation. AHPHIER One-step hierarchic

    AHP toolbox AHPCALC Perform a complete AHP calculation. AHPHIER One-step hierarchical assembly of AHP weighting vector. AHPREORDER Internal reordering function called by AHPCALC. AHPVECTOR Calculate the AHP ranking or weighting vector from an AHP reciproal matrix. AHPMAKEMAT Turn a vector of comparisons into an AHP reciprocal matrix. Copyright (C) 2001 Michael J. Scott

    标签: calculation hierarchic AHP One-step

    上传时间: 2013-11-28


  • c++ Ngô n ngữ C cho vi đ iề u khiể n Các tài liệ u tham khả o, e

    c++ Ngô n ngữ C cho vi đ iề u khiể n Các tài liệ u tham khả o, ebook. Programming Microcontrollers in C (Ted Van Sickle) C Programming for Microcontrollers (Joe Pardue SmileyMicros.com ) Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C (Jucio di jasio ) C Programming for AVR Programming embedded system I,II (Michael J . Pont ) ( các tài liệ u này đ ã down load về )

    标签: 7919 7873 7843 7875

    上传时间: 2017-07-29


  • Anthony s book is easily the most complete treatment of eCos system development. I believe it is des

    Anthony s book is easily the most complete treatment of eCos system development. I believe it is destined to become part of every eCos developer s library." —Michael Tiemann, CTO, Red Hat Software and Co-founder of Cygnus Solutions

    标签: development treatment complete Anthony

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world le

    A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world levels are created and rendered in real time. At the same time I found myself in between jobs and so I embarked on an effort to learn about 3D rendering with the goal of creating my own 3D rendering engine. Since I am a developer and not an artist I didn’t have the skills to create my own models, levels, and textures. So I decided to attempt to write a rendering engine that would render existing game levels. I mainly used information and articles I found on the web about Quake 2, Half Life, WAD and BSP files. In particular I found the Michael Abrash articles that he wrote for Dr. Dobbs magazine while working at Id to be very illuminating.

    标签: interested particular shooter became

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • Fire and fury

    Fire and Fury。 This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump about the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.

    标签: Fire fury and

    上传时间: 2018-02-26


  • Fire and fury

    This article is about the 2018 book. For other uses, see Fire and Fury (disambiguation). The title refers to a quote by Trump abot the conflict with North Korea. The book became a New York Times number one bestseller.Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by Michael Wolff which details the behavior of U.S. President Donald Trump and the staff of his 2016 presidential campaign and White House. The book highlights descriptions of Trump's behavior, chaotic interactions among senior White House staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief StrategistSteve Bannon. Trump is depicted as being held in low regard by his White House staff, leading Wolff to state that "100% of the people around him" believe Trump is unfit for office.[1] Reviewers generally accepted Wolff's portrait of a dysfunctional Trump administration, but were skeptical of many of the book's most controversial claims.

    标签: Fire fury and

    上传时间: 2018-02-26


  • 柔性机器人关节

    Michael Ruderman关于机器人柔性关节的高水平论文

    标签: Identification Modeling Elastic Joints Robot and of

    上传时间: 2018-06-09


  • Arduino+Cookbook

    This book was written by Michael Margolis with Nick Weldin to help you explore the amazing things you can do with Arduino. Arduino is a family of microcontrollers (tiny computers) and a software creation envi- ronment that makes it easy for you to create programs (called sketches) that can interact with the physical world. Things you make with Arduino can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light. This type of technology, often referred to as physical computing, is used in all kinds of things, from the iPhone to automobile elec- tronics systems. Arduino makes it possible for anyone—even people with no program- ming or electronics experience—to use this rich and complex technology.

    标签: Cookbook Arduino

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Linux内核驱动模块编程指南

    《Linux内核驱动模块编程指南》最初是由 Ori Pomerantz为22版本的内核编写的,后来,ori将文档维护的任务交给了 Peter Jay Salzman,Peter完成了24内核版本文档的編写,毕竟Lnux内核驱动模块是一个更新很快的内容。现在,Peter也无法腾出足够的时间来完成2.6内核版本文档的编写,目前该2.6内核版本的文档由合作者 Michael Burian完成版本和注意Linux内核模块是一块不断更新进步的内容,在 LKMPG上总有关于是否保留还是历史版本的争论。Michae和我最终是决定为每个新的稳定版本内核建立一个新的文档分支。也就是说LKMPG24x专注于24的内核,而 LKMPG2.6X将专注于26的内核。我们不会在一篇文档中提供对旧版本内核的支持,对此感兴趣的读者应该寻找相关版本的文档分支在文档中的绝大部分源代码和讨论都应该适用于其它平台,但我无法提供任何保证。其中的一个例外就是 Chapter12,中断处理该章的源代码和讨论就只适用于x86平台。什么是内核模块?内核模块是如何被调入内核工作的?什么是内核模块?现在,你是不是想编写内核模块。你应该懂得C语言,写过一些用户程序,那么现在你将要见识一些真实的东西。在这里,你会看到一个野蛮的指针是如何毁掉你的文件系统的次内核崩溃意味着重启动。什么是内核模块?内核模块是一些可以让操作系统内核在需要时载入和执行的代码,这同样意味着它可以在不需要时有操作系统卸载。它们扩展了操作系统内核的功能却不需要重新启动系统。举例子来说,其中一种内核模块时设备驱动程序模块,它们用来让操作系统正确识別,使用安装在系统上的硬件设备。如果没有内核模块,我们不得不一次又一次重新编译生成单内核操作系统的内核镜像来加入新的功能。这还意味着一个臃肿的内核。内核模块是如何被调入内核工作的?你可以通过执行 Ismo命令来査看内核已经加载了哪些内核模块,该命令通过读取/proc/modules文件的内容来获得所需信息这些内核模块是如何被调入内核的?当操作系统内核需要的扩展功能不存在时,内核模块管理守护进程kmod1]执行 modprobe去加载内核模块。两种类型的参数被传递给 modprobe

    标签: linux

    上传时间: 2022-03-30


  • 深度学习入门书籍中文版

    该书的作者是来自 Y Combinator Research 的研究员 Michael Nielsen,他也是一位量子物理学家、科学作家、计算机编程研究人员。他的个人主页是:Neural networks and deep learningneuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com书籍介绍 这是我个人以为目前最好的神经网络与机器学习入门资料之一。内容非常浅显易懂,很多数学密集的区域作者都有提示。全书贯穿的是 MNIST 手写数字的识别问题,每个模型和改进都有详细注释的代码。非常适合用来入门神经网络和深度学习! 全书共分为六章,目录如下: 第一章:使用神经网络识别手写数字 第二章:反向传播算法如何工作 第三章:改进神经网络的学习方法 第四章:神经网络可以计算任何函数的可视化证明 第五章:深度神经网络为何很难训练 第六章:深度学习 《Neural Network and Deep Learning》这本书的目的是帮助读者掌握神经网络的核心概念,包括现代技术的深度学习。在完成这本书的学习之后,你将使用神经网络和深度学习来解决复杂模式识别问题。你将为使用神经网络和深度学习打下基础,来攻坚你自己设计中碰到的问题。 本书一个坚定的信念,是让读者更好地去深刻理解神经网络和深度学习,如果你很好理解了核心理念,你就可以很快地理解其他新的推论。这就意味着这本书的重点不是作为一个如何使用一些特定神经网络库的教程。仅仅学会如何使用库,虽然这也许能很快解决你的问题,但是,如果你想理解神经网络中究竟发生了什么,如果你想要了解今后几年都不会过时的原理,那么只是学习些热?的程序库是不够的。你需要领悟让神经网络工作的原理。

    标签: 深度学习

    上传时间: 2022-07-24
