目前TWS 蓝牙无线耳机已经较为大众接受,TWS蓝牙耳机充电盒虽然是耳机附件,但是它的作用至关重要,由于耳机盒设计比较精致,体积较小,导致电池容量不高,需要长途物流、静默搁置,所以超低自放电是一项硬性指标.但目前TWS蓝牙充电耳机盒大都还是使用MiCRO USB 连接线来对蓝牙无线耳机充电盒充电,使用者外出必须携带 Power Bank +MiCRO USB, Type C (Android) + Lightning (iPhone) Apple等等线材,若是Power Bank 也是无线充电是否可以改善如此多线的麻烦事. 所以基于方便性及相容性将Semtech 无线充电RX 5W(Qi)方案导入无线耳机充电盒来应用,也可以将无线充电耳机盒设计成防水防尘等级的无线充电盒.使用Semtech RX 5W(Qi)无线充电并可以相容于TX(Qi)无线充电板.
上传时间: 2022-06-05
一、前期软件要求需要预先安装如下软件:1.MDK522KEIL5.22安装软件2.MDKCM522KEIL LEGACY安装软件,兼容5以前版本3.Keil.TM4C_DFP.1.1.0TM4C芯片及板的DFP安装包4.SW-EK-TM4C1294XL-214.178TM4C1294XL驱动及样例程序默认安装完成后,有两个目录1.Cleil v5KEL可执行文件目录2.CtrilTivaWare C Series-2.1.4178 TIVA系列驱动及样例二、硬件要求WIN7及以上操作系统,2G内存TM4C1294XL板及TM4C1294XLSUBBOARD组合板,即S800板Micro-USB数据线一根三、新建用户目录设为CIS8OOLEXPI CPU为TM4C1294NCPDT因为需要使用TM4C1294芯片的硬件定义以及固件库,因此从CtzilTivaWare C Series-2.1.4178中将/NC及DRIVERLIB两个子目录拷贝到用户目录中。
上传时间: 2022-06-22
浮点数据处理 实验设备 1、 PC计算机 2、 NEC EZ/EM-1仿真器、程序下载及仿真调试电缆、PC到仿真器的USB通讯线 3、 µ PD78F0485微控制器(单片机)最小系统板及实验板
上传时间: 2017-08-14
MICRO HDMI TF卡 USBTYPE-C USB-侧立式 摄像头FPC-24P OLED屏模块AD集成库(原理图库+3D封装库),).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,已验证使用,可以直接应用到你的项目开发。器件列表:ANT-Rainsun-AP5120AZ1045-04F BSN20BKR N-Channel 60 V 2.8 Ohm 310 mW 0.49 nC Surface Mount Trench MosFet - SOT-23ButtonTACT_3x4x2_180ButtonCP2102 USB转TTLESD-0402 ESDHDR2x4_2.54 HeaderLED_0402 LEDLM4871LP2992 LDOMIC Micro-HDMI Conn Micro HDMI RCP 19 POS 0.4mm Solder RA SMD 19 Terminal 1 Port Micro HDMI Embossed T/RNL27WZU04DF OLED-6432 显示屏OV2640 Header, 24-PinQuantum-Quark-Core RJ45座 RJ45座RT9011 TF卡座 8脚自弹USB-Type-C-TOP USB-WiFi-ANTUSB-侧立式 USB A Skt, Upright/Flag, R/A GF, W/kinked shell stake, tray电容-0402 Capacitor电容-0603 Capacitor电阻-0402 Resistor二极管-5B5817WS 40V晶振-4Pin-无源 2520无源选择跳线 Resistor
上传时间: 2022-01-09
The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 MicrocontrollerCore. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementationof the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardwaredemonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to workwith the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.IN-APPLICATION-PROGRAMMING (IAP) AND IN-SYSTEM-PROGRAMMING (ISP)Since the μPSD contains two independent Flash memory arrays, the Micro Controller Unit (MCU) can executecode from one memory while erasing and programming the other. Product firmware updates in thefield can be reliably performed over any communication channel (such as CAN, Ethernet, UART, J1850)using this unique architecture. For In-Application-Programming (IAP), all code is updated through theMCU. The main advantage for the user is that the firmware can be updated remotely. The target applicationruns and takes care on its own program code and data memory.IAP is not the only method to program the firmware in μPSD devices. They can also be programmed usingIn-System-Programming (ISP). A IEEE1149.1-compliant JTAG interface is included on the μPSD. Withthis, the entire device can be rapidly programmed while soldered to the circuit board (Main Flash memory,Secondary Boot Flash memory, the PLD, and all configuration areas). This requires no MCU participation.The MCU is completely bypassed. So, the μPSD can be programmed or reprogrammed any time, anywhere, even when completely uncommitted.Both methods take place with the device in its normal hardware environment, soldered to a printed circuitboard. The IAP method cannot be used without previous use of ISP, because IAP utilizes a small amountof resident code to receive the service commands, and to perform the desired operations.
标签: Demonstration 3200 USB for
上传时间: 2014-02-27
Carrier Board for Gumstix Verdex Pro. Has 2 - 30A motor drivers for robotic loco motion PIC micro handles motion control. USB host signals. USB console connector AC97 audio CODEC Exapnsion headers for PIC micro.
标签: for Carrier Gumstix drivers
上传时间: 2014-05-29
常用接插件USB座 SD卡 TF卡 RJ45 AD集成库ALITUM库49个合集(原理图库+PCB封装库),集成封装库型号列表:Library Component Count : 49Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3F07 立体声耳机插座6.3mm插簧 6.3mm插簧Battery 备份电池CON 2X16 DIN41612 DIN 41612CON 2X32 DIN41612 DIN 41612CON50A D Connector 15 VGAD Connector 9 串口DB25 并口DG141 DIMM-100 接插件EMIF 接插件FIN 散热片FPC-30P FPC排线连接器FPC-40P FPC排线连接器HR5803 以太网接口HR911103A 网络接口HR911105A 以太网接口Header 10 接插件Header 10X2 接插件Header 14X2A 接插件Header 15X2 接插件Header 16 接插件Header 16X2 接插件Header 17X2 接插件Header 2 接插件Header 2X2 接插件Header 3 接插件Header 30 接插件Header 32X2 接插件Header 4 接插件Header 40 接插件Header 5X2 接插件Header 6 接插件Header 7X2 接插件Header 8 接插件Header 8X2 接插件Header_AMP50 控制器接插件LCD_CON37 LCD接口Light_Pipe 灯柱PJ-306 立体声耳机插座PWRCON 直流电源端子RCA RCA Phono JackSDCARD SD卡自弹SDCARD-M TF卡槽SU-25-3 接线叉USB USB接口USB_M Micro/Mini USBZIF20 接插件
上传时间: 2021-11-21
USB_MiCRO USB_MNI USB扁口座 TF卡槽 SOIC8 LQFP32芯片ALTIUM 库(3D PCB封装库), 3D封装,已在项目中使用,可以做为你的设计参考。详细列表如下:Component Count : 94Component Name-----------------------------------------------32165032-8MHZAMS1117ANT2AntennaBATbuzzerCapCAP-0805CAP-3216CD32Crystal Oscillator 3225HC-06KEY-2PINLED-0603LQFP-100LQFP32LQFP44LQFP44 10X10_LLQFP44 10X10_MLQFP44 10X10_NLQFP48LQFP48 7X7_LLQFP48 7X7_MLQFP48 7X7_NLQFP64 10x10_LLQFP64 10x10_MLQFP64 10x10_NMagMOTONRF24L01NRF24L01-modeOLED-0.96-PIN7QFN20_4X4QFN24_4X4QFN32_5X5remoteRES-0603RFX2401CRPSG90SH1.0mm-4PINSH1.0MM-5PINSH1.0mm-6PINSMA-ANTSMA/DO-214SOIC-8SOP16SOT-23-3SOT-23-5SOT-89SOT-223SPL06-001STM32F030C8T6STM32F030F4P6STM32F103C8T6straight-1x2pinstraight-1x2pin - duplicatestraight-1x2pin - duplicate1straight-1x3pinstraight-1x3pin - duplicatestraight-1x3pin - duplicate1straight-1x4pinstraight-1x4pin - duplicatestraight-1x5pinstraight-1x8pinstraight-1x8pin - duplicatestraight-2x2pinstraight-2x3pinstraight-2x4pinstraight-2x5pinSW-NO/OFF-PIN3SW-SMD1SW-SMD2SWITCH-DIP-6*6*7SX1308TF-CARDTO-263-5TP4056USBUSB_MICROUSB_MNI_BUSB-MICRO-1winding_1x2pinwinding_1x3pinwinding_1x4pinwinding_1x5pinwinding_1x8pinwinding_2x2pinwinding_2x3pinwinding_2x4pinwinding_2x5pinXTAL-5070/SMDXTAL-QC49/SMD
标签: usb
上传时间: 2021-12-02
SD卡 USB VGA DB9 RJ45 RJ22 通讯接口封装Altium Designer AD PCB封装库2D3D元件库文件PCB Library : 通讯接口.PcbLibDate : 2020/12/29Time : 14:31:34Component Count : 46Component Name-----------------------------------------------BM4-M003-BBM4-M003-BKBM4-M003-GBM4-M003-RBM4-M003-YDB9/P_ADB9/S_AMicro SDMICRO SIMMICRO SIM-BNano-SIM-ARJ-45A12RJ11-4P4C-LI-BKRJ11-4P4C-LI-GYRJ11-6P6C-BKRJ11-6P6C-GYRJ45_180RJ45-2RJ45-2LEDTF-1USB_A/P_AUSB_A/P_BUSB A/2-14USB A/2-17USB Type-C-6Pin_AUSB Type-C-16Pin_AUSB Type-C-24Pin_AUSB-A/S_AUSB-A/S_BUSB-A/S_CUSB-A/S_DUSB-A/S_EUSB-A/S_FUSB-B/S_AUSB-C/S_AUSB-C/S_BUSB-C/S_CUSB-micro_AUSB-MICRO_BUSB-micro_CUSB-MICRO_DUSB-MICRO_EUSB-MICRO_FUSB-MINI-AVGA15AVGA15B
上传时间: 2022-03-12
AD软件常用USB micro,Type C接口的3D封装
标签: usb
上传时间: 2022-04-24