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  • This is a mutlicore and cluster(of single-core,multi-core systems) matrix inversion code. Which

    This is a mutlicore and cluster(of single-core,multi-core systems) matrix inversion code. Which uses the MPI(Message Passing Interface) for communication across the compute nodes of cluster and using thread-API based OpenMP(Open Multi Processing) between cores of intra-compute or head node.

    标签: single-core multi-core inversion mutlicore

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • public class DBClass { private String driver private String url private String user

    public class DBClass { private String driver private String url private String username private String password private Connection connection private Statement statement private String message="" }

    标签: private String DBClass public

    上传时间: 2017-05-23


  • 本书分为四大篇。第一篇提出学习MFC程序设计之前的必要基础

    本书分为四大篇。第一篇提出学习MFC程序设计之前的必要基础,包括Widnows程序的基本观念以及C++的高阶议题。“学前基础”是相当主观的认定,不过,甚于我个人的学习经验以及教学经验,我的挑选应该颇具说服力。第二篇介绍Visual C++整合环境开发工具。本篇只不过是提纲挈领而已,并不企图取代 Visual C++使用手册。然而对于软件使用的老手,此篇或已足以让您掌握Visual C++整合环境。工具的使用虽然谈不上学问,但在视觉化软件开发过程中扮演极重角色,切莫小觑它。 第三篇介绍application framework的观念,以及MFC骨干程序,所谓骨干程序,是指Visual C++的工具AppWizard所产生出来的程序码。当然,AppWizard会根据你的选项做出不同的程序码,我所据以解说的,是大众化选项下的产品。 第四篇以微软公司附于Visual C++光碟片上的一个范例程序Scribble为主轴,一步一步加上新的功能。并在其间深入介绍Runtime Type Information(RTTI)、Dynamic Creation、Persistence(Serialization)、Message Mapping、Command Routing等核心技术。这些技术正是其他书籍最缺乏的部分。此篇之最后数章则脱离Scribble程序,另成一格。 本书内含光盘一片,书中所有原始码与可执行文件尽在其中。

    标签: MFC 程序设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 练习多任务实时操作系统下Task 调度、Task 间主要通信手段、I/O 子系统基本应用 等内容

    练习多任务实时操作系统下Task 调度、Task 间主要通信手段、I/O 子系统基本应用 等内容,并形成嵌入式实时应用软件的良好编程习惯。 内容: 1. 创建多Task,为每个Task 创建私有的Message Queue,每个Task 只通过自己的私 有Message Queue 接收消息;Task 间消息通信通过向对方私有Message Queue 发送 消息完成。 2. Task1:管理Task。负责系统启动时同步系统中其他Task 的启动同步,利用信号量 的semFlush()完成。同时接收各Task 的告警信息,告警信息需编号以logmsg 方式 输出。本task 负责系统结束时的Task 删除处理。 3. Task2:console 命令行接收Task。接收并分析console 发来的命令行及参数。自行 设置5 种以上命令,并根据命令的内容向Task3 发送激励消息。同时实现系统退出 命令,使系统采用适当方式安全退出。收到非法命令向Task1 告警。 4. Task3:console 输出Task。接收需打印输出的字串消息(命令),输出到console。 收到长度为0 或超常字串向Task1 告警。 5. 在以下基本功能完成基础上,自选扩展一项功能。

    标签: Task 多任务 实时操作系统 子系统

    上传时间: 2017-06-11


  • This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviati

    This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviation programmes. First select the required com port and the required NMEA message string. There is a default starting position but this can be changed to suit just by typing in a new position. Click on the Start button the current position displayed will change according to the speed and heading selected and the selected NMEA string will be output to the com port and will reflect the current position as displayed. There is a text box which is normally not visible. If you change this to visible the relevant NMEA string can be displayed.

    标签: code originally outputs naviati

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • Very very small GUI. Usefull for small system, without OS or small OS. Event driven, support user m

    Very very small GUI. Usefull for small system, without OS or small OS. Event driven, support user message to GUI. included simle widgets: nested menu, window, dialog, inputline, scroll list. Footprint for 16 bit CPU - aprox. 60kB. Languadge - C

    标签: small Usefull support without

    上传时间: 2017-07-08


  • about encryption method of the quantom . this way is the new method for powerfull encrypting message

    about encryption method of the quantom . this way is the new method for powerfull encrypting messages for security applets.

    标签: method encryption encrypting the

    上传时间: 2017-07-15


  • The sample provided here is a simple control panel application that will just display the memory usa

    The sample provided here is a simple control panel application that will just display the memory usage of the system using a message box. Windows Mobile

    标签: application provided control display

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • This m file hide an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secr

    This m file hide an image jpeg,png in another jpeg,png image. The height and width of the secret image is in LSB of 1st 32 pixels of 1st row of the cover image.This helps in the recovery of secret image. The secret image must be smaller than cover image.A message box will appear with a number ,that number is the maximum product of width and height of secret image that can be successfully embedded in the cover image. The final png image will appear in workspace with random name.This image contains the secret image.One such png image is in the zip file with name 4447.png it contains an image of res 100x122.

    标签: image jpeg png another

    上传时间: 2017-07-25


  • /********************************************************************* * This is a part of Angry I

    /********************************************************************* * This is a part of Angry IP Scanner source code * * http://www.angryziber.com/ipscan/ * * * * Written by Angryziber * * * * You may distribute this code as long as this message is not * * removed and it is clear who has written it. * * You may not rename the program and distribute it. * *********************************************************************/

    标签: Angry This part is

    上传时间: 2013-12-17
