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  • S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian. 1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 1 1.1 Wireless

    S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian. 1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 1 1.1 Wireless Technologies 1 1.2 Cellular Systems 2 1.3 Elements of a Mobile-Phone System 4 1.4 Keeping Users’ Calls Separate 5 1.5 Multipath Propagation 7 1.6 2G Mobile-Phone Systems 9 1.7 GPRS Systems 10 1.8 3G Mobile-Phone Systems 13 1.9 IP Multimedia Subsystem 16 1.10 Mobile-Phone Hardware 17 2 Introduction to Symbian OS 19 Introduction 19 2.1 The Development of Symbian OS 20 2.2 Symbian OS User Interfaces 21 2.3 Coding Idioms 23 2.4 Tool Chains 28 3 The Console Application 33 Introduction 33 3.1 Creating a Console Application 33 3.2 CBase Classes 38 3.3 Protecting Memory 38 3.4 Putting It Into Practice: An Engine for a Simple Card Game 46 Summary 56

    标签: programming-a-tutorial-guide-symb Introduction Mobile-Phone Wireless

    上传时间: 2016-05-14


  • STL的测试代码


    标签: STL 测试代码

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • This application creates an USB Mass Storage drive on a host computer. The drive is created from the

    This application creates an USB Mass Storage drive on a host computer. The drive is created from the internal Flash or external SDRAM memory of the evaluation kit.

    标签: drive application computer Storage

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • // This Communications Component is implemented using separate Read and Write // threads. Messages

    // This Communications Component is implemented using separate Read and Write // threads. Messages from the threads are posted to the Comm control which is // an invisible window. To handle data from the comm port, simply // attach a handler to OnReceiveData . There is no need to free the memory // buffer passed to this handler. If TAPI is used to open the comm port, some // changes to this component are needed ( StartComm currently opens the comm // port). The OnRequestHangup event is included to assist this. // // David Wann // Stamina Software // 28/02/96 // davidwann@hunterlink.net.au

    标签: Communications implemented Component Messages

    上传时间: 2016-05-30


  • WINDOWS调试工具很强大

    WINDOWS调试工具很强大,但是学习使用它们并不容易。特别对于驱动开发者使用的WinDbg和KD这两个内核调试器(CDB和NTSD是用户态调试器)。本教程的目标是给予一个已经有其他调试工具使用经验的开发者足够信息,使其能通过参考WINDOWS调试工具的帮助文件进行内核调试。本文将假定开发者熟悉一般WINDOWS操作系统和进程的建立过程。 本文的重点是集成内核模式和用户态模式的图形化调试器WinDbg。KD在脚本和自动化调试中更有用,并且在资深程序员中拥有一定地位,但是本教程将集中讨论WinDbg,只会偶尔提到KD。 本文讨论的是Windows NT 4.0,Windows 2000或以后的版本,而且目标电脑的处理器基于X86架构。对于64位平台,将不会特别提及。 总之,本教程由简单介绍调试器的安装开始,大体分成2部分,基础知识和选择技术。基础知识包括基本调试命令和常用调试命令。选择技术是其他命令和在很多情况下都有用的调查方法。后者并不是调查象deadlocks, memory corruption或者resource leaks的唯一方法。第一次阅读本教程,你可能会跳过选择技术。你可以停止阅读本教程而转向微软调试器讨论组,也可以通过调试器的反馈e-mai解决更多的问题。

    标签: WINDOWS 调试工具

    上传时间: 2016-06-05


  • This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and powe

    This file contains a selection of VHDL source files which serve to illustrate the diversity and power of the language when used to describe various types of hardware. The examp terms of basic logic gates, to more complex systems, such as a behavioural model of a microprocessor and associated memory. All of the examples can be simulated using any synthesised using current synthesis tools.

    标签: illustrate diversity selection contains

    上传时间: 2016-06-06


  • This paper presents a low-power asynchronous implementation of the 80C51 microcontroller. It was rea

    This paper presents a low-power asynchronous implementation of the 80C51 microcontroller. It was realized in a 0.5 µ m CMOS process and it shows a power advantage of a factor 4 compared to a recent synchronous implementation in the same technology. The chip is fully bit compatible with the synchronous implementation, and timing compatible for external memory access. The circuit is a compiled VLSI-program, using Tangram as VLSI-programming language and the Tangram tool set to compile the design automatically to a standard-cell netlist. This design approach proves to be powerful enough to describe the microcontroller and derive an efficient implementation. Further, it offers the designer the possibility to explore various alternatives in the design space.

    标签: microcontroller implementation asynchronous low-power

    上传时间: 2016-06-07


  • This program is used to measure the temperature sensor on an F330 device. It uses 1-point calibrati

    This program is used to measure the temperature sensor on an F330 device. It uses 1-point calibration and stores the offset value in FLASH memory. The program outputs temperature values in 100ths of a degree Celsius with UART.

    标签: temperature calibrati program measure

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • Precision Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) with 8051 Micr

    Precision Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) with 8051 Microcontroller and Flash Memory

    标签: Analog-to-Digital Digital-to-Analog Converters Precision

    上传时间: 2016-06-15


  • C++STL STL(Standard Template Library

    C++STL STL(Standard Template Library,标准模板库)是惠普实验室开发的一系列软件的统称。它是由Alexander Stepanov、Meng Lee和David R Musser在惠普实验室工作时所开发出来的。现在虽说它主要出现在C++中,但在被引入C++之前该技术就已经存在了很长的一段时间。 STL的代码从广义上讲分为三类:algorithm(算法)、container(容器)和iterator(迭代器),几乎所有的代码都采用了模板类和模版函数的方式,这相比于传统的由函数和类组成的库来说提供了更好的代码重用机会。在C++标准中,STL被组织为下面的13个头文件:<algorithm>、<deque>、<functional>、<iterator>、<vector>、<list>、<map>、<memory>、<numeric>、<queue>、<set>、<stack>和<utility>。以下笔者就简单介绍一下STL各个部分的主要特点。

    标签: STL Standard Template Library

    上传时间: 2016-06-20
