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  • dances Act now and you ll be given a free Membership to a top Internet firm who is changing people s

    dances Act now and you ll be given a free Membership to a top Internet firm who is changing people s lives for the better.Mary L. White of LA. stays at home with her children and works just 3 1/2 hours a day... she now earns twice as much money as she did before. Frank Herns Jr. of NY takes 2 vacations a year to the Caribbean and enjoys more time and freedom than ever before. Jane Kennedy of FL fired her boss after 5 months. She finally has the time and money she needs to complete her college education. Craig Garcia of CA tripled his income in just 90 days because took advantage of his free Membership.

    标签: Membership Internet changing dances

    上传时间: 2015-03-08


  • AjaxMembership示例代码,Membership的使用方法


    标签: AjaxMembership Membership 代码

    上传时间: 2016-04-21


  • Membership Value calculateion for Fuzzy Control

    Membership Value calculateion for Fuzzy Control

    标签: calculateion Membership Control Fuzzy

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • PCI ExpressTM Architecture

    PCI ExpressTM Architecture Add-in Card Compliance Checklist for the PCI Express Base 1.0a SpecificationThe PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability for the use of this document and the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document, nor does the PCI Special Interest Group make a commitment to update the information contained herein.Contact the PCI Special Interest Group office to obtain the latest revision of this checklistQuestions regarding the ths document or Membership in the PCI Special Interest Group may be forwarded tPCI Special Interest Group5440 SW Westgate Drive #217Portland, OR 97221Phone: 503-291-2569Fax: 503-297-1090 DISCLAIMERThis document is provided "as is" with no warranties whatsoever, including any warranty of merchantability, noninfringement, fitness for any particular purpose, or any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal, specification, or sample.  The PCI SIG disclaims all liability for infringement of proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification.  No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.

    标签: Architecture ExpressTM PCI

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 某纸业公司的固定资产管理系统

    某纸业公司的固定资产管理系统,主要有以下功能: 资产管理 折旧管理 查询管理 报表管理 系统管理 增加固定资产 减少固定资产 借出固定资产 归还固定资产 送修固定资产 完修固定资产 计算月度折旧 统计月度折旧 汇总月度折旧 查询减少资产 查询送修资产 查询完修资产 查询出借资产 查询归还资产 资产卡片报表 累计折旧报表 部门资产报表 分类资产报表 登录管理系统 退出管理系统 新建操作用户 修改用户信息 修改用户密码 查询用户密码 分配用户权限 公司信息设置 公司部门设置 系统帮助信息 会员管理结合了Asp.net2.0中的Membership,还应用了SiteMap和master文件等 默认管理员帐号:51aspx,密码:51aspx.com App_Data下为数据库文件,默认为Sql2005 MySQL下为数据库生成Sql语句,如果安装了Sql2005则可以忽略此步骤

    标签: 管理系统

    上传时间: 2016-07-07


  • 某公司的人事及工资管理系统


    标签: 管理系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • Login Manager V3.0(LM3.0) is an authentication system which can integrate with any existing website

    Login Manager V3.0(LM3.0) is an authentication system which can integrate with any existing website that meets the requirements. LM3.0 provides a gatekeeper where user must be authorized before entering the Membership secured areas. Features: 1. Flexibility LM3.0 allows administrator to integrate it with the current unprotected website. This is especially useful if major changes are going to be painful. With LM3.0, you re just one step towards getting the security you needed most. 2. Speed LM3.0 uses PHP and MySQL which enables fast data transactions.

    标签: authentication 3.0 integrate existing

    上传时间: 2017-06-06


  • KNN算法实现

    KNN算法实现,初始化模糊成员等级 initialize fuzzy Membership grades of sample output for fuzzy KNN

    标签: KNN 算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-25
