This code was used for making the practical Measurements in section 2.3 of my thesis. This Matlab code allows an OFDM signal to be generated based on an input data file. The data can be random data, a grey scale image, a wave file, or any type of file. The generated OFDM signal is stored as a windows wave file, allowing it to be viewed, listened to and manipulated in other programs. The modified wave file can then be decoded by the receiver software to extract the original data. This code was developed for the experiments that I performed in my honours thesis, and thus has not been fully debugged. This is the original code developed for the thesis and so has several problems with it. The BER performance given by the simulations is infact Symbol Error Rate.
标签: This Measurements practical section
上传时间: 2015-09-20
测量跟踪探测的一段MATLAB代码说明 TRIAC II. A MatLab code for track Measurements from SSNT detectors
标签: Measurements detectors MATLAB MatLab
上传时间: 2014-12-21
Low Level Measurements is intended as a practical guide to making precision Measurements of low level DC signals. Keithley公司出的低电压测量手册。
标签: Measurements Measurements practical precision
上传时间: 2014-11-08
This example code takes and averages 2048 analog Measurements from input P1.4 using ADC0, then prints the results to a terminal window via the UART.
标签: Measurements averages example analog
上传时间: 2016-06-13
WiMAX Concepts and RF Measurements
标签: Measurements Concepts WiMAX and
上传时间: 2016-07-12
This paper deals with the issue of incorporating pseudolite Measurements into an integrated Global Positioning System/ Inertial Navigation System ~GPS/INS! positioning and attitude system with a view to improving signal availability, solution reliability, and accuracy in a localized area
标签: incorporating Measurements integrated pseudolite
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Separation of harmonic excitation responses from contaminated Measurements based on ICA
标签: contaminated Measurements Separation excitation
上传时间: 2014-01-25
The idea behind differential GPS is to remove as much errors as possible from the range Measurements by establishing these errors at a reference site. In its most simple setup, a GPS receiver is located at a well surveyed position and its (pseudo) range Measurements are compared with the actual calculated range from this receiver to the SV s. The differences between measured ranges and calculated ranges at the reference receiver are applied as corrections to the ranges measured by other receiver(s) close by.
标签: differential Measurements possible behind
上传时间: 2013-12-19
different kind of Measurements
标签: Measurements different kind of
上传时间: 2017-05-07
Multipath Delay Measurements and Modeling for Interfloor Wireless Communications
标签: Communications Measurements Interfloor Multipath
上传时间: 2014-01-17