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  • 改进的k均值算法

    改进的k均值算法,可以加速运行时间,详见Using the Triangle Inequality to Accelerate k-Means

    标签: 均值算法

    上传时间: 2016-05-07


  • The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClusteri

    The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClustering counters all the basic k-Means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarity r may require experimentation. Also, a cluster may have a lot in common with another, i.e., sequences assigned to it are as close to it as they are to another cluster. There may also be denser sub-clusters within the larger ones.

    标签: DynamicClusteri refinement Although clusters

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 寻找k个聚类中心的算法


    标签: 聚类 算法

    上传时间: 2016-07-02


  • cskMeans 聚类算法的一种 1. 分裂法(partitioning methods):给定一个有N个元组或者纪录的数据集

    cskMeans 聚类算法的一种 1. 分裂法(partitioning methods):给定一个有N个元组或者纪录的数据集,分裂法将构造K个分组,每一个分组就代表一个聚类,K<N。而且这K个分组满足下列条件:(1) 每一个分组至少包含一个数据纪录;(2)每一个数据纪录属于且仅属于一个分组(注意:这个要求在某些模糊聚类算法中可以放宽);对于给定的K,算法首先给出一个初始的分组方法,以后通过反复迭代的方法改变分组,使得每一次改进之后的分组方案都较前一次好,而所谓好的标准就是:同一分组中的记录越近越好,而不同分组中的纪录越远越好。使用这个基本思想的算法有:K-Means算法、K-MEDOIDS算法、CLARANS算法;

    标签: partitioning cskMeans methods 聚类算法

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 聚类算法


    标签: 聚类算法

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • Host Identity Protocol on Linux is an implemetation of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and the rela

    Host Identity Protocol on Linux is an implemetation of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) and the related architecture. HIP is a proposal to change the TCP/IP stack to securely support mobility and multi-homing. Additionally, it provides for enhanced security and privacy and advanced network concepts, such as moving networks and mobile ad hoc networks. HIP is "cool", which Means that as a mobile VPN solution, when your network interfaces go up or down, there is no need to re-establish a secure tunnel.

    标签: Identity Protocol Host implemetation

    上传时间: 2016-09-01


  • 各种分类器的工具包


    标签: 分类器 工具包

    上传时间: 2016-10-04


  • SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to prob

    SSD3: Object-Oriented Programming and Design Introduction This course introduces students to problem solving by Means of object-oriented design and implementation. Emphasis is on problem analysis and solution design, documentation and implementation. Students use commercial software libraries, and create software projects. Programming assignments are carried out in Java.

    标签: Object-Oriented Introduction Programming introduces

    上传时间: 2016-10-08


  • Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation

    Because of the poor observability of Inertial Navigation System on stationary base, the estimation error of the azimuth will converge very slowly in initial alignment by Means of Kalmari filtering, and making the time initial alignment is longer. In this paper, a fast estimation method of the azimuth error is creatively proposed for the initial alignment of INS on stationary base. On the basis of the the fast convergence of the leveling error, the azimuth error can be directly calculated. By Means of this fast initial alignment method, the time of initial alignment is reduced greatly. The computer simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the method.

    标签: observability Navigation estimation stationary

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • Programming Windows with MFC isn t a book about C++ rather, it s a book about writing 32-bit Windows

    Programming Windows with MFC isn t a book about C++ rather, it s a book about writing 32-bit Windows applications in C++ using MFC rather than the Windows API as the chief Means of accessing the operating system s essential features and services.

    标签: Windows about book Programming

    上传时间: 2014-01-07
