Since the advent of optical communications, a great technological effort has been devoted to the exploitation of the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Start- ing from a few Mb/s single channel systems, a fast and constant technological development has led to the actual 10 Gb/s per channel dense wavelength di- vision multiplexing (DWDM) systems, with dozens of channels on a single fiber. Transmitters and receivers are now ready for 40 Gb/s, whereas hundreds of channels can be simultaneously amplified by optical amplifiers.
标签: Communication Techniques Optical Theory and
上传时间: 2020-05-31
This book provides the essential design techniques for radio systems that operate at frequencies of 3 MHz to 100 GHz and which will be employed in the telecommunication service. We may also call these wireless systems, wireless being synonymous with radio, Telecommunications is a vibrant indus- try, particularly on the ‘‘radio side of the house.’’ The major supporter of this upsurge in radio has been the IEEE and its 802 committees. We now devote Ž . an entire chapter to wireless LANs WLANs detailed in IEEE 802.11. We also now have subsections on IEEE 802.15, 802.16, 802.20 and the wireless Ž . Ž metropolitan area network WMAN . WiFi, WiMax,, and UWB ultra wide- . band are described where these comparatively new radio specialties are demonstrating spectacular growth.
标签: Telecommunication Design System Radio for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology enables high data-rate short-range communica- tion, in excess of hundredmegabit-per-secondsand up to multi-gigabit-per-seconds, over a wide spectrum of frequencies, while keeping power consumption at low lev- els. This low power operation results in a less-interfering co-existence with other existed communication technologies (e.g., UNII bands). In addition to carrying a huge amount of data over a distance of up to 230 feet at very low power (less than 0.5mW), the UWB signal has the ability to penetrate through the doors and other obstacles that tend to reflect signals at more limited bandwidths and higher power densities.
标签: Silicon-Based Front-Ends RF
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transforma- tive impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily life. Increasingly, the untethered exchange of information between devices is becoming a prime requirement for further progress, which is placing an ever greater demand on wireless bandwidth. The ultra wideband (UWB) system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the FCC allowed the unlicensed use of low-power, UWB radio signals in the 3.1–10.6GHz frequency band, there has been significant synergistic advance in this technology at the cir- cuits, architectural and communication systems levels. This technology allows for devices to communicate wirelessly, while coexisting with other users by ensuring that its power density is sufficiently low so that it is perceived as noise to other users.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In the two years since this book was first published, ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and consolidated as a technology, and many more people are aware of the possibilities for this exciting technology. We too have expanded and consolidated materials in this second edition in the hope that ‘Ultra Wideband: Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering’ will continue to prove a useful tool for many students and engineers to come to an understanding of the basic technologies for UWB.
标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In this book we focus on the basic signal processing that underlies current and future ultra wideband systems. By looking at signal processing in this way we hope this text will be useful even as UWB applications mature and change or regulations regarding ultra wideband systems are modified. The current UWB field is extremely dynamic, with new techniques and ideas being presented at every communications and signal-processing conference. The basic signal-processing techniques presented in this text though will not change for some time to come. Thus, we have taken a somewhat theoretical approach, which we believe is longer lasting and more useful to the reader in the long term than an up-to-the-minute summary that is out of date as soon as it is published.
标签: Wideband Signals Systems Ultra 1st
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Thepredecessorvolumeofthisbookwaspublishedin1996.Intheyears since then, some things have changed and some have not. Two of the things that have not changed are the desire for better models and faster simulations. I performed the original simulations on my “hyperfast” 133-MHz computer! At the time, I thought if I could just getafastercomputer,allofourSPICEproblemswouldbehistory,right? TodayIamsimulatingonacomputerthathasa2.6-GHzprocessorwith 512 MB of RAM, and I would still say that simulations run too slow. The computer technology has evolved, but so have the models. In 1996 wewereperformingsimulationson100-kHzpowerconverters,whereas today I routinely see 1- and 2-MHz power converters.
标签: Switch-Mode Simulation Supply Power
上传时间: 2020-06-07
NUC980 是新唐推出的工业控制物联网系列处理器. NUC980 系列采用 ARM926EJ-S 核心,执行速度高达 300 MHz ,有 LQFP64、LQFN128、LQFN216 3 种封装,堆迭 64 MB 或 128 MB DDR-II 记忆体于同一封装。该文档是 nuc980 硬件设计手册,包含如下内容:1、NUC980 电源部分电路设计2、NUC980 复位部分电路设计3、NUC980 上电、下电时序4、时钟电路设计5、EBI(外部总线接口)、ADC、USB、网络、摄像头、QSPI、CAN、SPI、I2S、uart等外设原理图、layout 设计。文件末尾还有参考设计原理图
上传时间: 2021-10-27
黑金CYCLONE4 EP4CE6F17C8 FPGA开发板ALTIUM设计硬件工程(原理图+PCB+AD集成封装库),Altium Designer 设计的工程文件,包括完整的原理图及PCB文件,可以用Altium(AD)软件打开或修改,可作为你产品设计的参考。集成封装器件型号列表:Library Component Count : 50Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1117-3.3 24LC04B_0 4148 BAV99 CAP NP_Dup2CAP NP_Dup2_1 CAP NP_Dup2_2CP2102_0 C_Dup1 C_Dup1_1C_Dup2 C_Dup3 C_Dup4 C_Dup4_1 Circuit Breaker Circuit BreakerConnector 15 Receptacle Assembly, 15-Pin, Sim Line ConnectorDS1302_8SO EC EP4CE6F17C8 Cyclone IV Family FPGA, 2V Core, 179 I/O Pins, 2 PLLs, 256-Pin FBGA, Speed Grade 8, Commercial GradeEP4CE6F17C8_1 Cyclone IV Family FPGA, 2V Core, 179 I/O Pins, 2 PLLs, 256-Pin FBGA, Speed Grade 8, Commercial GradeFuse 2 FuseHEX6HY57651620/SO_0 Header 2 Header, 2-PinHeader 9X2 Header, 9-Pin, Dual rowINDUCTOR JTAG-10_Dup1 KEYB LED LED_Dup1 M25P16-VMN3PB 16 Mb (x1) Automotive Serial NOR Flash Memory, 75 MHz, 2.7 to 3.6 V, 8-pin SO8 Narrow (MN), TubeMHDR2X20 Header, 20-Pin, Dual rowMiniUSBB OSCPNP R RESISTOR RN RN_Dup1 R_Dup1 R_Dup2 R_Dup3 R_Dup5R_Dup6 SD SPEAKERSRV05-4SW KEY-DPDT ZTAbattery
标签: 黑金 cyclone4 ep4ce6f17c8 fpga
上传时间: 2021-12-22
ZLG-imx6ul核心板开发板底板Altium Designer AD设计硬件原理图文件,IoTIoT -6G 2C 6G2C -L采用 无线 核心板 核心板 和底板 组合的方式,核心和底板 组合的方式,核心和底板 组合的方式,核心和底板 组合的方式,核心和底板 组合的方式,核心和底板 组合的方式,核心采用 NXPNXPNXP基于 ARM CortexARM CortexARM Cortex ARM CortexARM Cortex ARM CortexARM Cortex -A7内核的 内核的 i.MXi.MX i.MX6UL6UL6UL应用处理器, 应用处理器, 应用处理器, 主频最高达 主频最高达 主频最高达 528 MH z,核心板 核心板 配备 256256 MB MB MB DDR 3和 256 MB NAND FlashNAND FlashNAND FlashNAND FlashNAND FlashNAND FlashNAND FlashNAND Flash NAND Flash;此外核心板 此外核心板 还支 持支持 802.11b/g/n802.11b/g/n 802.11b/g/n 802.11b/g/n 802.11b/g/n协议 WIFIWIFIWIFIWIFI、蓝牙 4.0 通信功能 。主板 提供 8路 UARTUARTUARTUART、1路模拟 I2C、1路 12bit ADC 12bit ADC12bit ADC12bit ADC12bit ADC12bit ADC,支持两通道采样 ,支持两通道采样 ,支持两通道采样 ,支持两通道采样 ,支持两通道采样 、2路 10/100M 10/100M 10/100M以太网接口、 以太网接口、 以太网接口、 以太网接口、 1路 SD 卡电路 卡电路 、1路左右声道 左右声道 左右声道 模拟音频 模拟音频 接口、 接口、 2路 USB HostUSB HostUSB HostUSB HostUSB HostUSB Host 接口 (1路与 USB DeviceUSB Device USB DeviceUSB DeviceUSB DeviceUSB DeviceUSB DeviceUSB Device 共用同一路 共用同一路 USB OTGUSB OTGUSB OTGUSB OTGUSB OTGUSB OTGUSB OTG)、 1路 USB USB USB USB DeviceDevice DeviceDevice 接口, 接口, 可满足数据采集等多种 满足数据采集等多种 满足数据采集等多种 满足数据采集等多种 消费电子和工业控制应用 消费电子和工业控制应用 消费电子和工业控制应用 消费电子和工业控制应用 消费电子和工业控制应用 场合 。
标签: zlg 文件 核心 开发板 底板 altium designer ad 设计 硬件 原理图 imx6ul
上传时间: 2022-05-11