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  • AD826

    High-Speed, Low-Power Dual Operational Amplifier The AD826 features high output current drive capability of 50 mA min per amp, and is able to drive unlimited capacitive loads. With a low power supply current of 15 mA max for both amplifiers, the AD826 is a true general purpose operational amplifier. The AD826 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras and portable instrumentation. The AD826 can operate from a single +5 V supply, while still achieving 25 MHz of band width. Furthermore the AD826 is fully specified from a single +5 V to ±15 V power supplies. The AD826 excels as an ADC/DAC buffer or active filter in data acquisition systems and achieves a settling time of 70 ns to 0.01%, with a low input offset voltage of 2 mV max. The AD826 is available in small 8-lead plastic mini-DIP and SO packages.

    标签: 826 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • AD810

    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD810 is a composite and HDTV compatible, current feedback, video operational amplifier, ideal for use in systems such as multimedia, digital tape recorders and video cameras. The 0.1 dB flatness specification at bandwidth of 30 MHz (G = +2) and the differential gain and phase of 0.02% and 0.04° (NTSC) make the AD810 ideal for any broadcast quality video system. All these specifications are under load conditions of 150 Ω (one 75 Ω back terminated cable). The AD810 is ideal for power sensitive applications such as video cameras, offering a low power supply current of 8.0 mA max. The disable feature reduces the power supply current to only 2.1 mA, while the amplifier is not in use, to conserve power. Furthermore the AD810 is specified over a power supply range of ±5 V to ±15 V.

    标签: 810 AD

    上传时间: 2020-04-19


  • AD8001AR

    transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase perfor mance on only 50 mW of power. The AD8001 is a current feedback amplifier and features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 100 MHz while offering differential gain and phase error of 0.01% and 0.025°. This makes the AD8001 ideal for professional video electronics such as cameras and video switchers. Additionally, the AD8001’s low distortion and fast settling make it ideal for buffer high-speed A-to-D converters. The AD8001 offers low power of 5.5 mA max (VS = ±5 V) and can run on a single +12 V power supply, while being capable of delivering over 70 mA of load current. These features make this amplifier ideal for portable and battery-powered applications where size and power are critical. The outstanding bandwidth of 800 MHz along with 1200 V/µs of slew rate make the AD8001 useful in many general purpose high-speed applications where dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from 6 V to 12 V are needed. The AD8001 is available in the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.

    标签: 8001 AD AR

    上传时间: 2020-04-21


  • 队列函数queue

    参照栈类模板的例子编写一个队列类模板class <T> Queue,私有成员包括:队首指针Front,队尾指针Tail,队列容积max。实现:构造函数Queue,复制构造函数Queue,析构函数~Queue,入队函数In,出队函数Out(每次出队,后面的元素自动前移一位),判队列空函数Empty。并分别用队列类模板定义int和double对象,通过实例调用各个成员函数。

    标签: Queue 函数 double class Front Empty 队列 Tail 模板 Out

    上传时间: 2020-05-04


  • Reconfigurable+Mobile+Radio+Systems

    Digital mobile wireless communication and the Internet have undergone a fantastic growth in the last few years and, despite originating from two different worlds, they are converging. This convergence corresponds to the evolution of mobile systems towards the highest broadband data transmissions (GSM, EDGE/GPRS, UMTS then HSDPA), while the computing world gets equipped with wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi or Wi-Max.

    标签: Reconfigurable Systems Mobile Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Signal Processing for Telecommunications

    This paper presents a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech enhancement method, aiming at reducing non-stationary noise from speech signals. The system is based on the assumption that the speech and the noise are additive and uncorrelated. Cepstral features are used to extract statistical information from both the speech and the noise. A-priori statistical information is collected from long training sequences into ergodic hidden Markov models. Given the ergodic models for the speech and the noise, a compensated speech-noise model is created by means of parallel model combination, using a log-normal approximation. During the compensation, the mean of every mixture in the speech and noise model is stored. The stored means are then used in the enhancement process to create the most likely speech and noise power spectral distributions using the forward algorithm combined with mixture probability. The distributions are used to generate a Wiener filter for every observation. The paper includes a performance evaluation of the speech enhancer for stationary as well as non-stationary noise environment.

    标签: Telecommunications Processing Signal for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks Volume I

    Part I provides a compact survey on classical stochastic geometry models. The basic models defined in this part will be used and extended throughout the whole monograph, and in particular to SINR based models. Note however that these classical stochastic models can be used in a variety of contexts which go far beyond the modeling of wireless networks. Chapter 1 reviews the definition and basic properties of Poisson point processes in Euclidean space. We review key operations on Poisson point processes (thinning, superposition, displacement) as well as key formulas like Campbell’s formula. Chapter 2 is focused on properties of the spatial shot-noise process: its continuity properties, its Laplace transform, its moments etc. Both additive and max shot-noise processes are studied. Chapter 3 bears on coverage processes, and in particular on the Boolean model. Its basic coverage characteristics are reviewed. We also give a brief account of its percolation properties. Chapter 4 studies random tessellations; the main focus is on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations and cells. We also discuss various random objects associated with bivariate point processes such as the set of points of the first point process that fall in a Voronoi cell w.r.t. the second point process.

    标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 选择文件 X双色球彩票过滤器 绿色免费版

    选择文件 X 双色球彩票过滤器 绿色免费版

    标签: 双色 过滤器

    上传时间: 2020-11-27


  • 选择文件 X双色球彩票管理系统(LotterySystem)

    选择文件 X 双色球彩票管理系统(LotterySystem)

    标签: LotterySystem 双色 管理系统

    上传时间: 2020-11-27


  • 《链接:网络新科学》


    标签: 互联网

    上传时间: 2021-09-16
