一个关于VHDL的cpld开发实验程序,通过运用max+plus 运行程序,实现实验相关功能
上传时间: 2014-11-03
一个关于VHDL的cpld开发实验程序,通过运用max+plus 运行程序,实现实验相关功能
上传时间: 2013-12-02
一个关于VHDL的cpld开发实验程序,通过运用max+plus 运行程序,实现实验相关功能
上传时间: 2017-05-05
一个关于VHDL的cpld开发实验程序,通过运用max+plus 运行程序,实现实验相关功能
上传时间: 2017-05-05
一个关于VHDL的cpld开发实验程序,通过运用max+plus 运行程序,实现实验相关功能
上传时间: 2013-11-26
Hadoop是一个用于运行应用程序在大型集群的廉价硬件设备上的框架。Hadoop为应用程序透明的提供了一组稳定/可靠的接口和数据运动。在 Hadoop中实现了Google的MapReduce算法,它能够把应用程序分割成许多很小的工作单元,每个单元可以在任何集群节点上执行或重复执行。此外,Hadoop还提供一个分布式文件系统用来在各个计算节点上存储数据,并提供了对数据读写的高吞吐率。由于应用了map/reduce和分布式文件系统使得Hadoop框架具有高容错性,它会自动处理失败节点。已经在具有600个节点的集群测试过Hadoop框架。
标签: Hadoop MapReduce Google 应用程序
上传时间: 2017-05-08
Learn how to: * Tokenize a null-terminated string * Create a search and replace function for strings * Implement subtraction for string objects * Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers * Use the container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_queue * Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers * Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence * Create a function object * Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters * Read and write files * Use stream iterators to handle file I/O * Use exceptions to handle I/O errors * Create custom inserters and extractors * Format date, time, and numeric data * Use facets and the localization library * Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators * Create an explicit constructor * And much, much more
标签: null-terminated Tokenize Create string
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Video-DVM is a very cheap DVM that shows how an output as complex as a videocomposite signal can be generated entirely in software: two I/O pins and three resistors are all the hardware required. Connected to any TV set it displays voltages, included max and min peaks, using both giant digits and an analog bar-display . A serial data output for computer data logging is provided, too.
标签: videocomposite Video-DVM complex output
上传时间: 2014-12-09
VLSi KL partitioning Algorithm based programme for 100 nodes. It s dynamic progremme so by changing the MAX value we can change the number of nodes in the network.
标签: partitioning Algorithm programme progremme
上传时间: 2013-12-05
上传时间: 2014-01-23