A Matlab-based implementation of an OFDM modem has been developed for use over an acoustic channel, modem. With full lists of coding.
标签: implementation Matlab-based developed acoustic
上传时间: 2014-01-23
CheckMate is a Matlab-based tool for modeling, simulating and investigating properties of hybrid dynamic systems. Hybrid systems are modeled using the Simulink graphical user interface (GUI). Parameters and specifications are entered using both the Simulink GUI and user-defined m-files. CheckMate commands are entered in the MATLAB command window.
标签: investigating Matlab-based simulating properties
上传时间: 2013-12-13
A Matlab-based three-dimensional viewer
标签: three-dimensional Matlab-based viewer
上传时间: 2016-06-05
stegenogrpahy in matlab based on dwt
标签: stegenogrpahy matlab based dwt
上传时间: 2014-12-03
Matlab-based program that generates plots of input power and shaft torque for variable-frequency operation of three-phase induction motors
标签: variable-frequency Matlab-based generates program
上传时间: 2017-04-22
MATLAB Based GUIs for Linear Controller Design
标签: Controller MATLAB Design Linear
上传时间: 2014-01-10
基于matlab的图像或者序列的哈夫曼编码及解码程序-Matlab-based image or sequence of Huffman coding and decoding procedures
标签: Matlab-based procedures decoding sequence
上传时间: 2014-01-18
A matlab based channel simulation
标签: simulation channel matlab based
上传时间: 2014-07-25
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-12-05