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  • The MATLAB and Praat code files for performing voice conversion. By: MatThew Hutchinson

    The MATLAB and Praat code files for performing voice conversion. By: MatThew Hutchinson

    标签: Hutchinson conversion performing MatThew

    上传时间: 2015-06-04


  • 本书由知名的C++专家MatThew H.Austern执笔

    本书由知名的C++专家MatThew H.Austern执笔,引导你进入泛型编程思维模型,并将你带往此一模型的最重要成品:C++ Standard Template Library(STL)。本书揭示STL的奥秘,告诉你STL不仅仅是一组方便运用的容器类(container classes)。对于泛型组件和可交互作用的组件而言,STL是一个具备扩充能力的框架(framework)、 《泛型编程与STL》阐述了泛型编程的中心思想:concepts、modeling、refinement,并为你展示这些思想如何导出STL的基础概念:iterators、containers、function objects。循此路线,你可以把STL想像为一个由concepts(而非明确之functions或classes)组成的程序库:、你将学习其正式结构并因此获得其潜在威力所带来的完整优势。本书使你能够: ●以你自己的“可移植组件”及“可交互作用之泛型组件”扩充STL; ●产生一些算法,让它们和它们所处理之型别(types)及数据结构彻底划清界线; ●撰写更精致、更高效、更有效力的代码,可跨平台重复使用。

    标签: MatThew Austern

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • C++, although a marvelous language, isn t perfect. MatThew Wilson has been working with it for over

    C++, although a marvelous language, isn t perfect. MatThew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn t just tell you what s wrong with C++, but offers practical techniques and tools for writing code that s more robust, flexible, efficient, and maintainable. He shows you how to tame C++ s complexity, cut through its vast array of paradigms, take back control over your code--and get far better results

    标签: marvelous although language MatThew

    上传时间: 2014-01-22


  • Linux程序设计(第三版) Neil MatThew, Richard Stones, Alan Cox 著

    Linux程序设计(第三版) Neil MatThew, Richard Stones, Alan Cox 著

    标签: MatThew Richard Stones Linux

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • linux程序设计第4版

    linux经典教程,Neil MatThew 和Richard Stones世界知名的Linux/UNIX专家,有数十年Linux/UNIX开发经验和从业经历。他们使用过几乎所有UNIX版本,并精通C/C++、LISP、Fortran、Perl、Tcl和Prolog等各种语言。他们从事过各种软件项目,从实时嵌入式系统到会计系统和零售信息系统

    标签: linux 程序设计

    上传时间: 2013-07-16


  • 这是一本从小学一年级到博士班必备的工具书! 《一生受用的公式》将人类千年以来所发展的标准数学、物理公式重新汇编

    这是一本从小学一年级到博士班必备的工具书! 《一生受用的公式》将人类千年以来所发展的标准数学、物理公式重新汇编,再赋予崭新风貌,既是入门手册,是备忘录,也是参考书。它搜集了关于面积、体积、平面与球体几何的公式;齿轮与滑轮、重力、基本力学、透镜、电磁、流体、气体方程式;还有排列组合、统计、微积分及高维空间公式。此外,重要名词简介、数学物理常数与公制单位转换表,也都在附录中详列。 全书贯穿以迷人的插图,内容之丰富,令人难以想象这是出自于两位音乐家之手,值得细细玩味与收藏。 作者沃特金斯(MatThew Watkins) 英国人,身兼音乐家和数学家。在完成一项英国皇家学会(Royal Society)赞助的研究计划后,他买了一头驴子,远离尘嚣,现在过着近乎游牧民族的生活方式。

    标签: 发展 标准 物理

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming C++, although a marvelous language, isn

    Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming C++, although a marvelous language, isn t perfect. MatThew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn t just tell you what s wrong with C++, but offers practical techniques and tools for writing code that s more robust, flexible, efficient, and maintainable. He shows you how to tame C++ s complexity, cut through its vast array of paradigms, take back control over your code--and get far better results.

    标签: Programming Imperfect Practical Solutions

    上传时间: 2014-03-02


  • 电路基础(原版)

    作者:Charles K Alexander  ,MatThew N.O Sadiku 内容:电路基础知识,电子工程师必学课程

    标签: 电路基础

    上传时间: 2021-02-03
