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  • 单片机P0口的片外数据存储器扩展

    单片机作为一种微型计算机,其内部具有一定的存储单元(8031除外),但由于其内部存储单元及端口有限,很多情况下难以满足实际需求。为此介绍一种新的扩展方法,将数据线与地址线合并使用,通过软件控制的方法实现数据线与地址线功能的分时转换,数据线不仅用于传送数据信号,还可作为地址线、控制线,用于传送地址信号和控制信号,从而实现单片机与存储器件的有效连接。以单片机片外256KB数据存储空间的扩展为例,通过该扩展方法,仅用10个I/O端口便可实现,与传统的扩展方法相比,可节约8个I/O端口。 Abstract:  As a micro-computer,the SCM internal memory has a certain units(except8031),but because of its internal storage units and the ports are limited,in many cases it can not meet the actual demand.So we introduced a new extension method,the data line and address lines combined through software-controlled approach to realize the time-conversion functions of data lines and address lines,so the data lines not only transmited data signals,but also served as address lines and control lines to transmit address signals and control signals,in order to achieve an effective connection of microcontroller and memory chips.Take microcontroller chip with256KB of data storage space expansion as example,through this extension method,with only10I/O ports it was achieved,compared with the traditional extension methods,this method saves8I/O ports.

    标签: 单片机 P0口 数据存储器 扩展

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 基于ATmega16的简易示波器设计

    介绍了以AVR单片机ATmega16为核心,采用前端信号调理电路、程控增益放大器以及波形显示LCD(GDM12864A)实现的一个简易示波器。并给出该系统设计的硬件和软件设计方案。 Abstract:  Abstract:This paper introduces an easy digital storage oscilloscope based on the AVR microcontroller ATmega16,especially emphasizes on the software design and the hardware design which contains signal processing circuit,gain-programmed amplifier circuit and LCD’s interface circuit and so on.

    标签: ATmega 16 简易示波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • 基于C8051F060的数据采集存储系统的设计

    介绍一种基于C8051F060单片机和NAND Flash的数据采集存储系统,该系统可实现3路信号采样,每路采样率为5KS/s,通过异步串行通信接口实现数据传输。并详细说明系统的软件设计。 Abstract:  An acquisition and storage system based on C8051F060and NAND Flash is designed in this paper.The system is used to sample three-channel of signal,5KSPS each channel,and can upload data to test bench through UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter).The software design is discussed in detail.

    标签: C8051F060 数据采集 存储系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 基于MS5534B的微功耗气压数据采集

    气压是气象监测中的一个重要参数,提出了一种气压数据采集模块设计方案,该模块采用数字气压传感器MS5534B、MSP430单片机MSP430F2272和带实时时钟(RTC)64 KB铁电存储器。通过低功耗软件设计方法以微安级整体平均功耗实现了气压数据的采集和存储,适合电池供电的连续高精度气压采集应用。给出了模块的软硬件设计以及MS5534B的性能指标和使用经验。 Abstract:  Air pressure is an important parameter in weather monitor.This paper futs forward a new design scheme of low power-air pressure data acquisition module.The module uses a digital output barometer sensor MS5534B,MSP430 microcontroller MSP430F2272 and integrated RTC 64KB FRAM,precision air pressure measurement and storage chip.Another point of this module is low power consumption, so it is well suited for battery powered air pressure data acquisition applications. At the same time,the software and hardware deign of module is presented,And the speciaties and use notices of MS5534B are given.

    标签: 5534B 5534 MS 微功耗

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于8051F330的音频信号发生器的设计

     MMC/SD卡以其优越的性能,在单片机嵌入式设备中得到广泛应用。将MMC/SD卡作为外部掉电存储介质应用于音频信号发生器中,通过8051F330单片机上的SPI接口,实现单片机—MMC/SD卡的存储扩展,设计了此硬件平台上的MMC/SD卡的单片机驱动程序,并给出了相应的程序代码,满足音频信号发生器的大容量存储要求。 Abstract:  MMC/SD card is more and more widely used in the single chip embedded devices for their excellent performances.This article introduces the application of MMC/SD card as the external power down storage medium in audio signal generator. The extension technology especially for storage of single chip-MMC/SD card via SPI interfaces in 8051F330 single chip, including designs single chip drive program of MMC/SD card based on hardware platform,and also gives the key coding of the program. The implementation of big capacity storage is meaningful in audio signal generator.

    标签: 8051F330 音频信号 发生器

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • C8051F320列车安全巡检仪的设计

    提出了一种基于C8051F320的列车安全巡检仪的设计方案,详细阐述了巡检仪的各个模块的硬、软件设计。巡检仪集信息采集、轴温检测、照明和记录存储等功能于一体,实现了对列车安全巡检工作有效的监督和科学管理。系统软件采用C51编写,对单片机进行有效的电源管理,保证了巡检仪的稳定性、可靠性和低功耗性。 Abstract:  This paper puts forward a design of train safety inspection based on C8051F320,describes all modules hardware and software design of inspection instrument.The inspection instrument has the function of information collection, axle’s temperature detection, lighting and records storage.It can supervise and administer train safety inspection work effectively.The system software using C51 can manage the power of single chip microcomputer, and guarantee the stability, reliability and low power consumption of the inspection instrument.

    标签: C8051F320 列车 仪的设计 巡检

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 基于单片机AT89C51的MP3播放系统的设计方案

    提出一种基于单片机AT89C51SND1C的MP3播放系统的设计方案。单片机集成了专用的解码器,使用K9F1208闪存作为外存储器,放音电路采用CS4330,存储文件通过播放器上的USB接口设备从PC机上直接下载,液晶显示采用LCD1602。方案设计简单,性价比高,低功耗,易扩展。由于采用的是通用单片机实现的,可以很容易地移植到其他微控制器系统中,有很强的市场竞争能力和实用价值。 Abstract:  A MP3 player design based on microchip AT89C51SND1C was presented, which used K9F1208 Flash chip as the memory circuit and used CS4330 as play chip. Storage files were download from PC through USB interfaces player on the device,and the LCD/602 was used as display screen. This system had characteristics of simple design,low power,easy expand,low cost and high recognition. Using of universual microchip make it easy to transplant to other microcontrol system,and have strong market competitiom and practical value.

    标签: 89C C51 MP3 AT

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • keilA51原版教程

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does notrepresent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer. The software describedin this document is furnished under license agreement or nondisclosureagreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of theagreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except asspecifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. The purchasermay make one copy of the software for backup purposes. No part of this manualmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage andretrieval systems, for any purpose other than for the purchaser’s personal use,without written permission.

    标签: keilA 51 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • Adding 32 KB of Serial SRAM to

    Although Stellaris microcontrollers have generous internal SRAM capabilities, certain applicationsmay have data storage requirements that exceed the 8 KB limit of the Stellaris LM3S8xx seriesdevices. Since microcontrollers do not have an external parallel data-bus, serial memory optionsmust be considered. Until recently, the ubiquitous serial EEPROM/flash device was the only serialmemory solution. The major limitations of EEPROM and flash technology are slow write speed, slowerase times, and limited write/erase endurance.Recently, serial SRAM devices have become available as a solution for high-speed dataapplications. The N256S08xxHDA series of devices, from AMI Semiconductor, offer 32 K x 8 bits oflow-power data storage, a fast Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial bus, and unlimited write cycles.The parts are available in 8-pin SOIC and compact TSSOP packages.

    标签: Adding Serial SRAM 32

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • WP196-平面显示器中的Xilinx器件

      According to CIBC World Markets, Equity Research, theFlat Panel Display (FPD) industry has achieved sufficientcritical mass for its growth to explode. Thus, it can nowattract the right blend of capital investments and R&Dresources to drive technical innovation toward continuousimprovement in view quality, manufacturing efficiency,and system integration. These in turn are sustainingconsumer interest, penetration, revenue growth, and thepotential for increasing long-term profitability for industryparticipants. CIBC believes that three essential conditionsare now converging to drive the market forward

    标签: Xilinx 196 WP 平面显示器

    上传时间: 2013-10-18
