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  • 获得当前连接到电脑的USB设备的详细信息 Device Description Hardware Id Compatible Ids Service Class ClassGuid

    获得当前连接到电脑的USB设备的详细信息 Device Description Hardware Id Compatible Ids Service Class ClassGuid Driver Manufacturer Enumerator

    标签: Description Compatible ClassGuid Hardware

    上传时间: 2016-12-03


  • Freetz is a firmware-extension (modification) for the AVM Fritz!Box and devices with identical hardw

    Freetz is a firmware-extension (modification) for the AVM Fritz!Box and devices with identical hardware. The original firmware from the Manufacturer is extended with new functions and programs which may be selected by the user

    标签: firmware-extension modification identical devices

    上传时间: 2014-12-08


  • 开关电源滤波电路的优化设计

    随着科技的发展,人们在日常生活中使用的电器越来越多,电子设备的电磁兼容性(EMC)也越来越重要。所以,人们对电子设备的电磁兼容性的要求也越来越严格,越来越规范。而在市场竞争中,如何降低成本、减少设备体积,是各电子设备制造厂家重点研究的课题。通过对开关电源的EMI滤波电路的类别和相应的技术特点进行分析,设计出一种既能提高性能,又能降低成本的滤波电路。With the development of technology, appliances people use in their daily lives, more and more electronic devices electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) has become increasingly important. So, people electromagnetic compatibility requirements of electronic devices have become increasingly stringent, more and more standardized. The competition in the market, how to reduce costs, reduce equipment size, is the subject of the electronic equipment Manufacturer focused on research. Through the technical characteristics of the respective category and the EMI filter circuit switching power supply is analyzed both designed to improve a performance of the filter circuit can reduce the cost.

    标签: 开关电源 滤波电路

    上传时间: 2022-04-23


  • CPCI标准规范中文版.pdf

    Compact PCI(Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect)简称CPCI,中文又称紧凑型PCI,是国际工业计算机制造者联合会(PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturer's Group,简称PICMG)于1994提出来的一种总线接口标准。是以PCI电气规范为标准的高性能工业用总线。为了将PCI SIG的PCI总线规范用在工业控制计算机系统,1995年11月PCI工业计算机制造者联合会(PICMG)颁布了CPCI规范1.0版,以后相继推出了PCI-PCI Bridge规范、Computer Telephony TDM规范和User-defined I/O pin assignment规范。

    标签: cpci

    上传时间: 2022-05-20
