关于FPGA流水线设计的论文 This work investigates the use of very deep pipelines for implementing circuits in FPGAs, where each pipeline stage is limited to a single FPGA logic element (LE). The architecture and VHDL design of a parameterized integer array MULTIPLIER is presented and also an IEEE 754 compliant 32-bit floating-point MULTIPLIER. We show how to write VHDL cells that implement such approach, and how the array MULTIPLIER architecture was adapted. Synthesis and simulation were performed for Altera Apex20KE devices, although the VHDL code should be portable to other devices. For this family, a 16 bit integer MULTIPLIER achieves a frequency of 266MHz, while the floating point unit reaches 235MHz, performing 235 MFLOPS in an FPGA. Additional cells are inserted to synchronize data, what imposes significant area penalties. This and other considerations to apply the technique in real designs are also addressed.
标签: investigates implementing pipelines circuits
上传时间: 2015-07-26
The TAS3204 is a highly-integrated audio system-on-chip (SOC) consisting of a fully-programmable, 48-bit digital audio processor, a 3:1 stereo analog input MUX, four ADCs, four DACs, and other analog functionality. The TAS3204 is programmable with the graphical PurePath Studio™ suite of DSP code development software. PurePath Studio is a highly intuitive, drag-and-drop environment that minimizes software development effort while allowing the end user to utilize the power and flexibility of the TAS3204’s digital audio processing core. TAS3204 processing capability includes speaker equalization and crossover, volume/bass/treble control, signal mixing/MUXing/splitting, delay compensation, dynamic range compression, and many other basic audio functions. Audio functions such as matrix decoding, stereo widening, surround sound virtualization and psychoacoustic bass boost are also available with either third-party or TI royalty-free algorithms. The TAS3204 contains a custom-designed, fully-programmable 135-MHz, 48-bit digital audio processor. A 76-bit accumulator ensures that the high precision necessary for quality digital audio is maintained during arithmetic operations. Four differential 102 dB DNR ADCs and four differential 105 dB DNR DACs ensure that high quality audio is maintained through the whole signal chain as well as increasing robustness against noise sources such as TDMA interference. The TAS3204 is composed of eight functional blocks: Clocking System Digital Audio Interface Analog Audio Interface Power supply Clocks, digital PLL I2C control interface 8051 MCUcontroller Audio DSP – digital audio processing 特性 Digital Audio Processor Fully Programmable With the Graphical, Drag-and-Drop PurePath Studio™ Software Development Environment 135-MHz Operation 48-Bit Data Path With 76-Bit Accumulator Hardware Single-Cycle MULTIPLIER (28 × 48)
上传时间: 2016-05-06
ADC模数转换器件Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库SV text has been written to file : 4.4 - ADC模数转换器件.csvLibrary Component Count : 29Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ADC0800 National 8-Bit Analog to Digital ConverterADC0809 ADC0831 ADCADC0832 ADC8 Generic 8-Bit A/D ConverterCLC532 High-Speed 2:1 Analog MultiplexerCS5511 National 16-Bit Analog to Digital ConverterDAC8 Generic 8-Bit D/A ConverterEL1501 Differential line Driver/ReceiverEL2082 Current-Mode MULTIPLIEREL4083 Current Mode Four Quadrant MULTIPLIEREL4089 DC Restored Video AmplifierEL4094 Video Gain Control/FaderEL4095 Video Gain Contol/Fader/MultiplexerICL7106 LMC6953_NSC PCI Local Bus Power SupervisorMAX4147 300MHz, Low-Power, High-Output-Current, Differential Line DriverMAX4158 350MHz 2-Channel Video Multiplexer-AmplifierMAX4159 350MHz 2-Channel Video Multiplexer-AmplifierMAX4258 250MHz, 2-Channel Video Multiplexer-AmplifierMAX4259 250MHz 2-Channel Video Multiplexer-AmplifierMAX951 Ultra-Low-Power, Single-Supply Op Amp + Comparator + ReferenceMAX952 Ultra-Low-Power, Single-Supply Op Amp + Comparator + ReferenceMC1496 Balanced Modulator/DemodulatorPLL100k Generic Phase Locked LoopPLL10k Generic Phase Locked LoopPLL5k Generic Phase Locked LoopPLLx Generic Phase Locked Loop水位计
标签: adc 模数转换 altium designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
基于FPGA设计的相关论文资料大全 84篇用FPGA实现FFT的研究 刘朝晖 韩月秋 摘 要 目的 针对高速数字信号处理的要求,给出了用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现的 快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方案.方法 算法为按时间抽取的基4算法,采用递归结构的块浮点运 算方案,蝶算过程只扩展两个符号位以适应雷达信号处理的特点,乘法器由阵列乘法器实 现.结果 采用流水方式保证系统的速度,使取数据、计算旋转因子、复乘、DFT等操作协 调一致,在计算、通信和存储间取得平衡,避免了瓶颈的出现.结论 实验表明,用FPGA 实现高速数字信号处理的算法是一个可行的方案. 关键词 离散傅里叶变换; 快速傅里叶变换; 块浮点运算; 可编程门阵列 分类号 TP39; TN957.511 Implementation of FFT with FPGA Technology Liu Zhaohui Han Yueqiu (Department of Electronics Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081) Abstract Aim To propose a scheme for implementing FFT with FPGA in accor-dance with the requirement for high speed digital signal processing. Methods The structure of FPGA and requirement of system were considered in the experiment, radix-4 algorithm of DIT and recursive structure were adopted. The group float point arithmetic operation was used in the butterfly and the array MULTIPLIER was used to realize multiplication. Results The pipeline pattern was used to ensure the system speed, it made fetching data, calculating twiddle factor, complex multiplication and D
标签: fpga
上传时间: 2022-03-23
无扫描激光雷达测距成像技术和其他测距系统相比具有可对动态物体清晰成像,功耗低,体积小,成本低廉的优点。无论在军事上,还是在民用上都有非常重要的地位,是激光需达的重点研究方向。本论文介绍了四种基于不同原理的无扫描激光雷达方案。其中基于脉冲增益调制法的无扫描激光雷达具有很强的创造性,该方案使用脉冲光源,脉冲光源发出脉冲光照射目标物体,经物体反射后由功能光接收器MCP(Micro Channel Plate)接收,对MCP施加线性增益调制,在MCP输出端形成新的光场,由CCD(Charge Couple Device)接收.CCD输出的图像经图像处理后得到二维图像信息。该方案对背景光干扰不敏感,可成像距离远,具有很大的研究价值。本文设计了一套模拟系统来验证基于脉冲调制法的无扫描激光雷达测距方案的可行性,由于光电倍增管PMr(Photoelectric electron-MULTIPLIER tube)在功能上和MCP具有最大的相似性,所以模拟系统中功能光接收器采用光电倍增管。系统由激光驱动模块、PMT驱动模块、时序控制模块、采样接收模块四个部分组成。我们利用自行研制的模拟系统进行了大量的模拟实验,经过对实验结果分析发现该模拟系统的测量距离可达到1千米,测量误差在15米以内,表明了该方案是确实可行的。论文最后对误差来源进行了分析,并对整个项目进行了总结和展望。
上传时间: 2022-06-22
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(15)资源包含以下内容:1. msc1201 编程2.2. msc1201 编程3.3. msc1201 编程4.4. msc1201 编程5.5. yampp mp3 reference.6. yampp3 mp3 code.7. yampp3 mp3 code.8. yampp3 mp3 test code.9. yampp mp3 source code.10. μC/OS-Ⅱ实时嵌入式操作系统源代码.11. at45d041a读写程序模块.12. bcd 码转hex码.13. bcd 转hex.14. 16f877与MCP2510程序.15. 压力测量,采集压力值程序.16. 提供的程序是供四相步进电机使用。本实验使用的步进电机用直流+12V电压.17. 模块采用的就是MCU控制语音芯片和存贮器读写的方式。为了简化实验.18. EEPROM的转换工具。可把C转为BIN文件.19. ppc860平台上移植uc OS的实例.20. avr平台上移植uc OS的实例.21. PROTEL2004破解补丁.22. tms320c5409 fdct source code.23. tms320c5409 demo source code.24. tms320c5409 fft source code.25. tms320c5409 firs source code.26. tms320c5409 demo source code.27. tms320c5409 demo source code.28. tms320c5409 jpeg source code.29. tms320c5409 xrc source code.30. tms320c5409 xscrm source code.31. tms320c5409 dtmf source code.32. tms320c5409 equz source code.33. tms320c5409 dtmf source code.34. xilinx virtex architecture.35. xilinx virtex floorprint.36. Flash Programmer through JTAG for sa.37. 三星x609手机升级文件,修改了内置铃声.38. Interface 93CXX to PIC5X.39. 8x8 Software MULTIPLIER in PIC5X.40. computes the square root of a 16 bit number in pic16c.
上传时间: 2013-07-24
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(63)资源包含以下内容:1. zlg7289a驱动程序 包括头文件和主文件 汇编和C语言齐全.2. vc++ 开放的串口通讯程序.3. 电子万年历制作的全部资料,可用单面板制作,顶层线比较少可用跳线,内用源码+原理图+PCB,可以显示到2050年的阴阳历,只须调整阳历..4. i2c协议实现.5. 优龙PAX255开发板所带AC97声卡的测试程序源码.6. 周立功的USB大容量存储开发板带CPLD的代码D的源码.7. wangxiaoyong0015@yahoo.com.cn b不懂的给我发邮件!!! 谢谢啊!!一定支持我.8. 用VHDL实现的DDS.9. uclinux移植过程中.10. viterbi decoder , use verilog HDL language..11. 三星ARM试验箱.12. USB JTAG 卡. 允许从主机USB口直接控制JTAG I/O 信号。 USB端与Altera USB-Blaster使用相同的协议。主机端与openwince, OpenOCD和Altera的.13. 许多非常有用的 Verilog 实例: ADC, FIFO, ADDER, MULTIPLIER 等.14. LPC2214开发原理图,绝好!!!!!!!!!! LPC2214开发原理图,绝好.15. CPLD开发电缆原理图,绝好的东东!!! CPLD开发电缆原理图,绝好的.16. 语音评分算法的实现,主要可以实现对一段语音信号进行判别并进行打分功能..17. lpc2132开发板的原理图,适合初学者学习用.18. 用ICC写的ATMega8的4X4键盘驱动程序.19. FPGA-CPLD_DesignTool,事例程序陆续上传请需要的朋友下载.20. I2C编译通过...大家下去直接用.支持程序员联合开发网.21. 步进电机控制实验.22. MagicARM2410与PC机串口通信实验.23. CanBus通信实验.24. 这是个C的一个程序.25. 这是个嵌入式程序.26. 一个MSComm控件的收发程序.27. 包括TI全系列DSK原理图汇总.28. 周立功公司的USB2.0芯片ISP1581的键盘上位机VC编的源程序.29. 这是一个学习proteus很好的资料。希望对大家的学习很有帮助.30. 本代码内容是关于带遥控器控制的LCD显示的实时时钟。.31. 本代码是关于用INT0中断实现按键计数.32. 本代码是关于循环灯的代码.33. 本代码是关于符点数在数码管上显示的.34. 本代码是关于AT24C02串行存储器的读写的.35. 一种使用可控硅控制.36. 这是运动控制课程设计时自己设计的电路原理图.37. vxworks tffs mtd 层源码,支持非INTEL格式.38. 自己看吧 eerom的.39. DOS下的TCP/IP源代码,可以做参考..40. 基于FPGA的SD控制器实现.目前实现读操作功能,可作参考..
标签: 五金手册
上传时间: 2013-06-01
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(158)资源包含以下内容:1. PCB设计与技巧.2. 测温控制系统(C程序).3. 单片机开发.4. 本书为Linux编程工具书.5. PIC16F877_DS1302时钟程序.6. 图形接口ucGUI的内核的详细说明手册中文版.7. aduc845 N30部分 手册.8. 这是与ge 90-30通讯的教学.9. c++视频教程.10. 软件代码阅读方法与实践 英文原版.11. 请在本目录存放UCOS 2.52源代码.12. 24c04详细使用说明.13. The widespread use of embedded systems mandates the development of industrial software design method.14. 个人用CADENCE的经验总结,希望对大家有所裨益.15. 游戏机电路图 开发.16. 模糊控制,单片机实现,是超星格式文件,包括模糊理论和单片机程序.17. e2prom通过i2c总线的读写 注释少了点 自己编的.18. SPI Master Core Specification.19. Protel_dxp2004的简要使用说明.20. ARM嵌入式入门级教程。学习ARM的参考资料!.21. tcp,udp程序.22. matlab的应用.23. 从西门PLC读取数据.24. 华东师大硕士论文嵌入式图形用户界面系统的研究与开发.25. ARM7 LPC2114自已工作中编写的直流马达驱动源程序。 文件: uart_motor.HEX Uart_motor.mcp LPC2294.h 等相关文件。.26. 54x54-bit Radix-4 MULTIPLIER based on Modified Booth Algorithm.27. 单片机之间的通讯(多个) 可以设定选择接收端 KEIL C 开发平台 PROTEUS 测试过 附有proteus 原理图.28. keil c51实用技巧.29. 西门子300的一个程序.30. Terawins的芯片T112的源程序.31. 博创ARM3000原理图.32. 硬件PCB图.33. 硬件PCB图2.34. 完整的wav文件播放程序采用lpc2148芯片.35. EP9315的PCB原理图.36. 汉字在计算机内存放分为两种情况.37. 手持机嵌入式开发,本代码是基于c-c++..38. S3C2440核心板原理图.39. 详细描述了如何用CPLD来做IDE的PIO时序.40. 这是一个实用于Winrunner的记事本程序自动测试脚本和GUI文件.
标签: 无线电遥控
上传时间: 2013-07-21