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  • libnids-Win32

    V1.16 Win32 July 2012 - Ported to Win32 C++ - Allow MULTIPLE instances of libnids to coexist in the same process - Incorporate unofficial patch to track established TCP connections - Migration of calls to secure versions (i.e. strcpy to strcpy_s) - Compiles under Visual Studio 2010 with no warnings at W4 - Linux support well and truly broken, Linux specific code removed

    标签: libnids-Win32

    上传时间: 2016-07-30


  • 传感器网络中基于到达时间差有效的凸松弛方法的稳健定位

    We consider the problem of target localization by a network of passive sensors. When an unknown target emits an acoustic or a radio signal, its position can be localized with MULTIPLE sensors using the time difference of arrival (TDOA) information. In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood formulation of this target localization problem and provide efficient convex relaxations for this nonconvex optimization problem.We also propose a formulation for robust target localization in the presence of sensor location errors. Two Cramer-Rao bounds are derived corresponding to situations with and without sensor node location errors. Simulation results confirm the efficiency and superior performance of the convex relaxation approach as compared to the existing least squares based approach when large sensor node location errors are present.

    标签: 传感器网络

    上传时间: 2016-11-27


  • 元泰VINTEK原厂:VK3809IP/VK3813IP/VK3816IP高抗干扰触摸感应系列

    产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA —— ­原厂直销,样品免费,技术支持,大量现货! 产品型号:VK3809IP      封装形式:SOP16贴片       产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生        联 系 QQ:1918885898       联系手机:18898582398 原厂直销触摸触控感应芯片,多种形式选择更专业,原装正品保障,价格更具优势! 概述 VK3809IP 是一款9感应通道高抗干扰的触摸IC,工作电压:2.5V-5.5V,工作电流:1.1MA-3V,IIC/INT通讯口。可设置为9个独立按键或者最多3组滑条,可通过IIC设置工作模式和参数,可以通过CAP脚电容调节灵敏度。封装是SOP16。应用于大小家电,门禁监控和消费类电子。 ★软件简介: 此软件系提供给客户一个简易设定的滑条按键应用方案。客户只要使用 IIC 通讯格式,即可设定并读取滑条按键及独立按键触摸数据。 特色 : 1.此应用使用 16 个 Touch Pad 让客户可依照设计上的需求进行规划。16 个      Touch PAD 可规划为滑条按键或是独立按键,滑条多可规划为 3 组滑条。当无滑条按键设定时,16 Key 都可做独立按键使用。 2.修改设定参数的方式有两种,用户可配合 USB PCLink Board 来调整滑条按键  触摸灵敏度等参数,然后利用 IIC 写入指令来修改设定参数。 3.程序的独立按键输出模式有两种 MULTIPLE 以及 Single,当选则为MULTIPLE 时会将所有按下的按键输出,而选择 Single 时只会输出第一个按下的按键,当按键被放开时,才会输出下一个按键。 4.设计有省电模式,适合用在如遥控器等需要长时间待机的应用。 5.有 4 组 Slave address,可由外部开关切换。  产品应用范围: 大小家电     门禁监控设备     消费类电子 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA —— ­原厂直销,样品免费,技术支持,大量现货! 产品型号:VK3813IP      封装形式:SSOP20贴片       产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生        联 系 QQ:1918885898       联系手机:18898582398 原厂直销触摸触控感应芯片,多种形式选择更专业,原装正品保障,价格更具优势! 概述 VK3813IP 是一款13感应通道高抗干扰的触摸IC,工作电压:2.5V-5.5V,工作电流:1.1MA-3V,IIC/INT通讯口。可设置为13个独立按键或者最多3组滑条,可通过IIC设置工作模式和参数,可以通过CAP脚电容调节灵敏度。封装是SSOP20。应用于大小家电,门禁监控和消费类电子。 特色 : 1. 此应用使用 13 个 Touch Pad 让客户可依照设计上的需求进行划。13 个 Touch PAD 可规划为滑条按键或是独立按键,滑条多可规划为 3 组滑条。当无滑条按键设定时,13 Key 都可做独立按键使用。 2.修改设定参数的方式有两种,用户可配合 USB PCLink Board 来调整滑条按键触摸灵敏度等参数,然后利用 IIC 写入指令来修改设定参数。 3.程序的独立按键输出模式有两种 MULTIPLE 以及 Single,当选则为MULTIPLE 时会将所有按下的按键输出,而选择 Single 时只会输出第一个按下的按键,当按键被放开时,才会输出下一个按键。 4. 设计有省电模式,适合用在如遥控器等需要长时间待机的应用。 产品应用范围: 大小家电  门禁监控设备和消费类电子 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA —— ­原厂直销,样品免费,技术支持,大量现货! 产品型号:VK3816IP      封装形式:SSOP28贴片       产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生        联 系 QQ:1918885898       联系手机:18898582398 原厂直销触摸触控感应芯片,多种形式选择更专业,原装正品保障,价格更具优势! 概述 VK3816IP 是一款16感应通道高抗干扰的触摸IC,工作电压:2.5V-5.5V,工作电流:1.1MA-3V,IIC/INT通讯口。可设置为16个独立按键或者最多3组滑条,IIC设备地址可通过2个输入脚设置,可通过IIC设置工作模式和参数,可以通过CAP脚电容调节灵敏度。封装是SSOP28。应用于大小家电,门禁监控和消费类电子。 特色 : 1. 此应用使用 16 个 Touch Pad 让客户可依照设计上的需求进行规划。16 个 Touch PAD 可规划为滑条按键或是独立按键,滑条多可规划为 3 组滑条。当无滑条按键设定时,16 Key 都可做独立按键使用。 2. 修改设定参数的方式有两种,用户可配合 USB PCLink Board 来调整滑条按键触摸灵敏度等参数,然后利用 IIC 写入指令来修改设定参数。 3. 程序的独立按键输出模式有两种 MULTIPLE 以及 Single,当选则为MULTIPLE 时会将所有按下的按键输出,而选择 Single 时只会输出第一个按下的按键,当按键被放开时,才会输出下一个按键。 4. 设计有省电模式,适合用在如遥控器等需要长时间待机的应用。 5. 有 4 组 Slave address,可由外部开关切换。 产品应用范围: 大小家电门     禁监控设备     消费类电子

    标签: 原装正品 工程技术支持

    上传时间: 2018-12-12


  • 介绍高抗干扰触摸芯片VK38系列---9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16通道按键

    产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰/VINKA —— ­原厂直销,样品免费,技术支持,大量现货! 产品型号:VK3813IP      封装形式:SSOP20贴片       产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生        联 系 QQ:1918885898       联系手机:18898582398 原厂直销触摸触控感应芯片,多种形式选择更专业,原装正品保障,价格更具优势! 概述 VK3813IP 是一款13感应通道高抗干扰的触摸IC,工作电压:2.5V-5.5V,工作电流:1.1MA-3V,IIC/INT通讯口。可设置为13个独立按键或者最多3组滑条,可通过IIC设置工作模式和参数,可以通过CAP脚电容调节灵敏度。封装是SSOP20。应用于大小家电,门禁监控和消费类电子。 特色 : 1. 此应用使用 13 个 Touch Pad 让客户可依照设计上的需求进行划。13 个 Touch PAD 可规划为滑条按键或是独立按键,滑条多可规划为 3 组滑条。当无滑条按键设定时,13 Key 都可做独立按键使用。 2.修改设定参数的方式有两种,用户可配合 USB PCLink Board 来调整滑条按键触摸灵敏度等参数,然后利用 IIC 写入指令来修改设定参数。 3.程序的独立按键输出模式有两种 MULTIPLE 以及 Single,当选则为MULTIPLE 时会将所有按下的按键输出,而选择 Single 时只会输出第一个按下的按键,当按键被放开时,才会输出下一个按键。 4. 设计有省电模式,适合用在如遥控器等需要长时间待机的应用。 产品应用范围: 大小家电  门禁监控设备和消费类电子

    标签: 高抗干扰 触摸芯片

    上传时间: 2018-12-12


  • Data+Processing+in+Smart+Cities

    Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform MULTIPLE measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.

    标签: Processing Cities Smart Data in

    上传时间: 2020-05-23


  • Data+Processing+in+Smart+Cities

    Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform MULTIPLE measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.

    标签: Processing Cities Smart Data

    上传时间: 2020-05-25


  • Enablers for Smart Cities

    The concept of smart cities emerged few years ago as a new vision for urban development that aims to integrate MULTIPLE information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets. Modern ICT infrastructure and e-services should fuel sustainable growth and quality of life, enabled by a wise and participative management of natural resources to be ensured by citizens and government. The need to build smart cities became a requirement that relies on urban development that should take charge of the new infrastructures for smart cities (broadband infrastructures, wireless sensor networks, Internet-based networked applications, open data and open platforms) and provide various smart services and enablers in various domains including healthcare, energy, education, environmental management, transportation, mobility and public safety.

    标签: Enablers Cities Smart for

    上传时间: 2020-05-25


  • Advances+in+Mobile+Radio+Access+Networks

    This book gives a comprehensive overview of the technologies for the advances of mobile radio access networks. The topics covered include linear transmitters, superconducting filters and cryogenic radio frequency (RF) front head, radio over fiber, software radio base stations, mobile terminal positioning, high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), MULTIPLE antenna systems such as smart antennas and MULTIPLE input and MULTIPLE output (MIMO) systems, orthogonal frequency division MULTIPLExing (OFDM) systems, IP-based radio access networks (RAN), autonomic networks, and ubiquitous networks. 

    标签: Advances Networks Access Mobile Radio in

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Coding+for+MIMO+Communication+Systems

    Employing MULTIPLE transmit and receive antennas, namely using multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems, has proven to be a major breakthrough in providing reliable wireless communication links. Since their invention in the mid-1990s, transmit diversity, achieved through space-time coding, and spatial MULTIPLExing schemes have been the focus of much research in the area of wireless communications. 

    标签: Communication Systems Coding MIMO for

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Processing

    MULTIPLE-Input MULTIPLE-Output (MIMO) systems have recently been the subject of intensive consideration in modem wireless communications as they offer the potential of providing high capacity, thus unleashing a wide range of applications in the wireless domain. The main feature of MIMO systems is the use of space-time processing and Space-Time Codes (STCs). Among a variety of STCs, orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) have a much simpler decoding method, compared to other STCs

    标签: Orthogonal Space-Time Processing Complex

    上传时间: 2020-05-26
