Support servers like Tomcat, Resin, WebSphere, WebLogic etc. Multi-languages(English/Chinese...) Support RSS 2.0 RSS syndication Unlimited XML news source Customizable fetch time interval Customizable max entry count Customizable max content size
标签: Multi-languages WebSphere WebLogic Support
上传时间: 2015-10-17
Multi-target car license plate detection from complex environment2005. 复杂环境下的车牌分割。关于车牌定位及识别的论文,希望对大家有帮助!
标签: Multi-target environment detection license
上传时间: 2013-12-17
%CHECKBOUNDS Move the initial point within the (valid) bounds. % [X,LB,UB,X,FLAG] = CHECKBOUNDS(X0,LB,UB,nvars) % checks that the upper and lower % bounds are valid (LB <= UB) and the same length as X (pad with -inf/inf % if necessary) warn if too long. Also make LB and UB vectors if not % already. % Finally, inf in LB or -inf in UB throws an error.
标签: CHECKBOUNDS the initial bounds
上传时间: 2015-10-26
兴趣点POI(Point of Interests)的查询程序。可以根据条件按照最近方式搜索到POI点,如查询离某一个指定点最近的几个酒店等。程序运行于ArcGIS底层。包含有实验数据
上传时间: 2015-11-07
To develop functional modules to process grayscale image intensity data. And perform Point and spatial operations. Uses Prewitt, Sobel, and Laplacian of Guassian Methods. And calculates their histograms.
标签: functional grayscale intensity develop
上传时间: 2015-11-09
A one-dimensional calibration object consists of three or more collinear points with known relative positions. It is generally believed that a camera can be calibrated only when a 1D calibration object is in planar motion or rotates around a ¯ xed point. In this paper, it is proved that when a multi-camera is observing a 1D object undergoing general rigid motions synchronously, the camera set can be linearly calibrated. A linear algorithm for the camera set calibration is proposed,and then the linear estimation is further re¯ ned using the maximum likelihood criteria. The simulated and real image experiments show that the proposed algorithm is valid and robust.
标签: one-dimensional calibration collinear consists
上传时间: 2014-01-12
OpenJMS是一个开源的Java Message Service API 1.0.2 规范的实现,它包含有以下特性: *. 它既支持点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)模型。 *. 支持同步与异步消息发送 *. JDBC持久性管理使用数据库表来存储消息 *. 可视化管理界面。 *. Applet支持。 *. 能够与Jakarta Tomcat这样的Servlet容器结合。 *. 支持RMI, TCP, HTTP 与SSL协议。 *. 客户端验证 *. 提供可靠消息传输、事务和消息过滤
标签: point-to-point OpenJMS Message Service
上传时间: 2014-01-14
标签: Banyan-ICE Multi-ICE Open-ICE TRACE
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Share Point Team Services使用的经典介绍文章.
上传时间: 2015-11-28
Contiki is an open source, highly portable, multi-tasking operating system for memory-constrained networked embedded systems
标签: memory-constrained multi-tasking operating portable
上传时间: 2013-12-16