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  • 三电平变换器STATCOM空间矢量调制

    This paper presents a space vector modulation(SVM)-based switching strategy for a three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) converter that is adapted as a STATCOM.

    标签: STATCOM 三电平 变换器 空间矢量

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • MAX2691 L2 Band GPS Low-Noise Amplifier

      The MAX2691 low-noise amplifier (LNA) is designed forGPS L2 applications. Designed in Maxim’s advancedSiGe process, the device achieves high gain andlow noise figure while maximizing the input-referred 1dBcompression point and the 3rd-order intercept point. TheMAX2691 provides a high gain of 17.5dB and sub 1dBnoise figure.

    标签: Amplifier Low-Noise 2691 Band

    上传时间: 2014-12-04


  • Delta Sigma的ADC桥测量技术

      Sensors for pressure, load, temperature, acceleration andmany other physical quantities often take the form of aWheatstone bridge. These sensors can be extremely linearand stable over time and temperature. However, mostthings in nature are only linear if you don’t bend them toomuch. In the case of a load cell, Hooke’s law states that thestrain in a material is proportional to the applied stress—as long as the stress is nowhere near the material’s yieldpoint (the “point of no return” where the material ispermanently deformed).

    标签: Delta Sigma ADC 测量技术

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • pcb layout design(台湾硬件工程师15年经验

    PCB LAYOUT 術語解釋(TERMS)1. COMPONENT SIDE(零件面、正面)︰大多數零件放置之面。2. SOLDER SIDE(焊錫面、反面)。3. SOLDER MASK(止焊膜面)︰通常指Solder Mask Open 之意。4. TOP PAD︰在零件面上所設計之零件腳PAD,不管是否鑽孔、電鍍。5. BOTTOM PAD:在銲錫面上所設計之零件腳PAD,不管是否鑽孔、電鍍。6. POSITIVE LAYER:單、雙層板之各層線路;多層板之上、下兩層線路及內層走線皆屬之。7. NEGATIVE LAYER:通常指多層板之電源層。8. INNER PAD:多層板之POSITIVE LAYER 內層PAD。9. ANTI-PAD:多層板之NEGATIVE LAYER 上所使用之絕緣範圍,不與零件腳相接。10. THERMAL PAD:多層板內NEGATIVE LAYER 上必須零件腳時所使用之PAD,一般稱為散熱孔或導通孔。11. PAD (銲墊):除了SMD PAD 外,其他PAD 之TOP PAD、BOTTOM PAD 及INNER PAD 之形狀大小皆應相同。12. Moat : 不同信號的 Power& GND plane 之間的分隔線13. Grid : 佈線時的走線格點2. Test Point : ATE 測試點供工廠ICT 測試治具使用ICT 測試點 LAYOUT 注意事項:PCB 的每條TRACE 都要有一個作為測試用之TEST PAD(測試點),其原則如下:1. 一般測試點大小均為30-35mil,元件分布較密時,測試點最小可至30mil.測試點與元件PAD 的距離最小為40mil。2. 測試點與測試點間的間距最小為50-75mil,一般使用75mil。密度高時可使用50mil,3. 測試點必須均勻分佈於PCB 上,避免測試時造成板面受力不均。4. 多層板必須透過貫穿孔(VIA)將測試點留於錫爐著錫面上(Solder Side)。5. 測試點必需放至於Bottom Layer6. 輸出test point report(.asc 檔案powerpcb v3.5)供廠商分析可測率7. 測試點設置處:Setup􀃆pads􀃆stacks

    标签: layout design pcb 硬件工程师

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • pcb layout规则

    LAYOUT REPORT .............. 1   目錄.................. 1     1. PCB LAYOUT 術語解釋(TERMS)......... 2     2. Test Point : ATE 測試點供工廠ICT 測試治具使用............ 2     3. 基準點 (光學點) -for SMD:........... 4     4. 標記 (LABEL ING)......... 5     5. VIA HOLE PAD................. 5     6. PCB Layer 排列方式...... 5     7.零件佈置注意事項 (PLACEMENT NOTES)............... 5     8. PCB LAYOUT 設計............ 6     9. Transmission Line ( 傳輸線 )..... 8     10.General Guidelines – 跨Plane.. 8     11. General Guidelines – 繞線....... 9     12. General Guidelines – Damping Resistor. 10     13. General Guidelines - RJ45 to Transformer................. 10     14. Clock Routing Guideline........... 12     15. OSC & CRYSTAL Guideline........... 12     16. CPU

    标签: layout pcb

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 开关电源EMI设计(英文版)

    Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei ZhangThesis submitted to the Faculty of theVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Integrated EMI/Thermal Design forSwitching Power SuppliesWei Zhang(ABSTRACT)This work presents the modeling and analysis of EMI and thermal performancefor switch power supply by using the CAD tools. The methodology and design guidelinesare developed.By using a boost PFC circuit as an example, an equivalent circuit model is builtfor EMI noise prediction and analysis. The parasitic elements of circuit layout andcomponents are extracted analytically or by using CAD tools. Based on the model, circuitlayout and magnetic component design are modified to minimize circuit EMI. EMI filtercan be designed at an early stage without prototype implementation.In the second part, thermal analyses are conducted for the circuit by using thesoftware Flotherm, which includes the mechanism of conduction, convection andradiation. Thermal models are built for the components. Thermal performance of thecircuit and the temperature profile of components are predicted. Improved thermalmanagement and winding arrangement are investigated to reduce temperature.In the third part, several circuit layouts and inductor design examples are checkedfrom both the EMI and thermal point of view. Insightful information is obtained.

    标签: EMI 开关电源 英文

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 可程式盘面型位数电表

    精确度0.05%满刻度±1位数(Accuracy 0.05%F.S.±1digit) 可测量交直流电流/交直流电压/电位计/传送器/Pt-100/荷重元/电阻等信号(Measuring DCA/DCV/ACA/ACV/Potentiometer/Transmitter/Pt-100/Load Cell/Resistor/etc……) 显示范围0-19999可任意规划(Programmable rate 0 to 1999 digit) 小数点可任意规划(Decimal point can be modified) 尺寸小,稳定性高(Dimension small & High stability)

    标签: 程式 数电

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • XAPP946-适用于Virtex-4 RocketIO MGT的开关电源

      This document presents design techniques and reference circuits that power Virtex™-4 FXRocketIO™ multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) operating at data rates below 3.125 Gb/s.When using multiple transceivers, it is sometimes preferred to power them from a switchingpower supply. However, switching power supplies generate noise that affects transceiver

    标签: RocketIO Virtex XAPP 946

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 单片同步稳压器驱动外部元件负载

      The LTC®3414 offers a compact and efficient voltage regulatorsolution for point of load conversion in electronicsystems that require low output voltages (down to 0.8V)from a 2.5V to 5V power bus. Internal power MOSFETswitches, with only 67mW on-resistance, allow theLTC3414 to deliver up to 4A of output current with efficiencyas high as 94%. The LTC3414 saves space by operatingwith switching frequencies as high as 4MHz, enabling theuse of tiny inductors and capacitors.

    标签: 同步稳压器 元件 驱动 负载

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • 利用纤巧型负载点电路来简化电源电压的跟踪和排序

      Multiple-voltage electronics systems often requirecomplex supply voltage tracking or sequencing, whichif not met, can result in system faults or even permanentfailures in the fi eld. The design diffi culties in meetingthese requirements are often compounded in distributedpowerarchitectures where point-of-load (POL) DC/DCconverters or linear regulators are scattered across PCboard space, sometimes on different board planes. Theproblem is that power supply circuitry is often the lastcircuitry to be designed into the board, and it must beshoehorned into whatever little board real estate is left.Often, a simple, drop-in, fl exible solution is needed tomeet these requirements.

    标签: 负载点电路 电源电压 排序

    上传时间: 2013-10-08
