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  • 基于模糊聚类分析与模型识别的微电网多目标优化方法

    在微电网调度过程中综合考虑经济、环境、蓄电池的 循环电量,建立多目标优化数学模型。针对传统多目标粒子 群算法(multi-objective particle swarm optimization,MOPSO) 的不足,提出引入模糊聚类分析的多目标粒子群算法 (multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm based on fuzzy clustering,FCMOPSO),在迭代过程中引入模糊聚 类分析来寻找每代的集群最优解。与 MOPSO 相比, FCMOPSO 增强了算法的稳定性与全局搜索能力,同时使优 化结果中 Pareto 前沿分布更均匀。在求得 Pareto 最优解集 后,再根据各目标的重要程度,用模糊模型识别从最优解集 中找出不同情况下的最优方案。最后以一欧洲典型微电网为 例,验证算法的有效性和可行性。

    标签: 模糊 模型识别 微电网 多目标优化 聚类分析

    上传时间: 2019-11-11


  • Active+and+Programmable+Networks

    New applications such as video conferencing, video on demand, multi- media transcoders, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), intrusion detection, distributed collaboration, and intranet security require advanced functionality from networks beyond simple forwarding congestion control techniques. 

    标签: Programmable Networks Active and

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Broadband Wireless Networks

    Emerging technologies such as WiFi and WiMAX are profoundly changing the landscape of wireless broadband.  As  we evolve into future generation wireless networks, a primary challenge is the support of high data rate, integrated multi- media type traffic over a unified platform. Due to its inherent advantages in high-speed communication, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has become the modem  of  choice for a number of high profile wireless systems (e.g., DVB-T, WiFi, WiMAX, Ultra-wideband).

    标签: Broadband Wireless Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Coding+for+MIMO+Communication+Systems

    Employing multiple transmit and receive antennas, namely using multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems, has proven to be a major breakthrough in providing reliable wireless communication links. Since their invention in the mid-1990s, transmit diversity, achieved through space-time coding, and spatial multiplexing schemes have been the focus of much research in the area of wireless communications. 

    标签: Communication Systems Coding MIMO for

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Cognitive+Radio,+Software+Defined+Radio

    Today’s wireless services have come a long way since the roll out of the conventional voice-centric cellular systems. The demand for wireless access in voice and high rate data multi-media applications has been increasing. New generation wireless communication systems are aimed at accommodating this demand through better resource management and improved transmission technologies.

    标签: Radio Cognitive Software Defined

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Coordinated+Multi-Point

    Mobile communication has gained significant importance in today’s society. As of 2010, the number of mobile phone subscribers has surpassed 5 billion [ABI10], and the global annual mobile revenue is soon expected to top $1 trillion [Inf10]. While these numbers appear promising for mobile operators at first sight, the major game-changer that has come up recently is the fact that the market is more and more driven by the demand for mobile data traffic [Cis10].

    标签: Coordinated Multi-Point

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Fundamentals+of+Wireless+Communication

    The writing of this book was prompted by two main developments in wireless communications in the past decade. First is the huge surge of research activities in physical-layer wireless communication theory. While this has been a subject of study since the 60’s, recent developments in the field, such as opportunistic and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication techniques, have brought completely new per- spectives on how to communicate over wireless channels.

    标签: Communication Fundamentals Wireless of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Interference+Cancellation6

    In this book, we study the interference cancellation and detection problem in multiantenna multi-user scenario using precoders. The goal is to utilize multiple antennas to cancel the interference without sacrificing the diversity or the com- plexity of the system.

    标签: Cancellation6 Interference

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS) Handbook

    Fixed-mobile.convergence.and.voice-data.networks.have.merged.next-gen- eration,.value-added.applications.and.integrated.multimedia.services,.com- bining. Web. browsing,. instant. messaging,. presence,. voice. over. IP,. video. conferencing,. application. sharing,. telephony,. unified. messaging,. multi- media.content.delivery,.etc..on.top.of.different.network.technologies..The. convergence.of.the.communications.networks.is.motivated.by.the.need.to. support.many.forms.of.digital.traffic.as.well.as.to.amortize.implementation. and.operational.costs.of.the.underlying.networks..Historically,.the.approach. to. build. and. deploy. multimedia. services. has. focused. upon. single-point. solutions..

    标签: Multimedia Subsystem Handbook IMS IP

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE-Advanced+Relay+Technology

    LTE-Advanced becomes a truly global standard for 4G cellular communications. Relay, as one of the key technologies of LTE-Advanced, can significantly extend the coverage, and improve the system throughput. LTE-A standards and tech- nologies were described in several recent books where the limited pages for relay feature prevent the detailed explanations of the technology. In this book, we tried to provide an in-depth description of LTE-A relay development. More specifically, significant portions are spent on relay channel modeling and potential technologies during the study item phase of the development, although some of those tech- nologies, such as Type 2 cooperative relay, multi-hop relay, relay with backhaul of carrier aggregation, were not standardized in Release 10 LTE.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Technology Relay

    上传时间: 2020-05-27
