JBoss, one of the leading java Open Source groups, integrates and develops these services for a full J2EE-based implementation. JBoss provides JBossServer, the basic EJB container, and Java Manage Preface 18 Great Events of the Twentieth Centuryment Extension (JMX) infrastructure. It also provides JBossMQ, for JMS messaging, JBossTX, for JTA/JTS transactions, JBossCMP for CMP persistence, JBossSX for JAAS based security, and JBossCX for JCA connectivity. Support for web components, such as servlets and JSP pages, is providedby an abstract integration layer. Implementations of the integration service are provided for third party servlet engines like Tomcat and Jetty. JBoss enables you to mix and match these components through JMX by replacing any component you want with a JMX compliant implementation for the same APIs.
标签: integrates develops services leading
上传时间: 2014-11-03
This book is about using Python to get jobs done on Windows.This intended to be a practical book focused on tasks. It doesn t aim to teach Python programming, although we do provide a brief tutorial. Instead, it aims to cover:How Python works on Windows The key integration technologies supported by Python on Windows, such as the Win32 extensions, which let you call the Windows API, and the support for COM Examples in many topic areas showing what Python can do and how to put it to work.
标签: This book practical intended
上传时间: 2015-05-10
RapidForm add-in template for Visual C.NET. Using this template project, a user can create RapidForm template conveniently
标签: RapidForm template project add-in
上传时间: 2013-12-26
RapidForm add-in template for Visual C++. Using this template project, a user can create RapidForm template conveniently
标签: RapidForm template project add-in
上传时间: 2015-05-10
EJB is a very good book to sutdy JBuild
上传时间: 2014-11-30
This a script for 3 TCP connections with a RED bottleneck buffer. Parameters are configured automatically
标签: connections Parameters bottleneck configured
上传时间: 2015-05-11
This a script for working with short TCP files with several source nodes, sharing a single bottleneck link with a RED buffer
标签: with bottlenec working several
上传时间: 2013-12-15
This a script for working with short TCP files with several source nodes, sharing a single bottleneck link. It is used to show how with proper choice of CIR, marking decreases losses of vulnerable packets (syns etc).
标签: with bottlenec working several
上传时间: 2015-05-11
TCP over a 3 nodes Ad-hoc network with DSDV routing protocol
标签: protocol network routing Ad-hoc
上传时间: 2015-05-11
TCP over a 3 nodes Ad-hoc network with DST routing protocol.
标签: protocol network routing Ad-hoc
上传时间: 2015-05-11