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  • 基于AVR单片机的闭环控制系统

      针对科研实验中对拉压千斤顶加载过程控制的需要,采用ATmega128单片机控制步进电机进而实现对执行系统的电动泵站实行自动控制。对力和位移的数据采集与处理及用步进电机控制电动泵站手柄的技术细节作了重点描述。通过单片机的A/D变换器对AMP放大模块采集的电桥信号作量化处理,千斤顶的操控手柄位置依电动油泵阀门开启的方向和大小作若干定位,单片机根据力或位移传感器信号,实时控制步进电机驱动手柄旋转到相应操控位置。   Abstract:   This article describes the use of ATmega128 AVR microcontroller series of DBS electric pumping stations and QF100/200 separate twoway hydraulic jack to automate the process of manipulating the work of the technical content. Articles on force and displacement data acquisition and processing, and stepper motor control electric pump with the handle of the key technical details were described. Through the MCU’s A / D converter module is collected on the AMP amplification quantify the signal bridge, jack handle position control valve opening according to the direction of electric pumps for a number of positioning and size of the microcontroller based on force or displacement sensor signals, real-time control stepper motor drive control handle rotate to the appropriate location.  

    标签: AVR 单片机 闭环控制

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 基于C8051F020和Zigbee的汽车测试系统设计

    以C8051F020为核心处理器,设计无线传感器网络数据采集系统。系统采用SZ05-ADV型无线通讯模块组建Zigbee无线网络,结合嵌入式系统的软硬件技术,完成终端节点的8路传感器信号的数据采集。现场8路信号通过前端处理后,分别送入C8051F020的12位A/D转换器进行转换。经过精确处理、存储后的现场数据,通过Zigbee无线网络传送到上位机,系统可达到汽车试验中无线测试的目的。 Abstract:  This paper designs a wireless sensor network system for data acquisition with C8051F020 as core processors.The system used SZ05-ADV wireless communication module,set up a Zigbee wireless network, combined with hardware and software technologies of embedded systems,completed the end-node 8-locale sensor signal data acquisition.Eight locale signals were sent separately into the 12-bit ADC of C8051F020 for conversion through front treatment.After accurate processing and storage,the locale data was transmitted to the host computer through Zigbee wireless.The system achieves the purpose of wireless testing in vehicle trial.

    标签: C8051F020 Zigbee 汽车测试 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于MC9S12HZ256的总线式汽车数字仪表设计

    首先研究CAN总线和SAE J1939协议,提出一种基于MC9S12HZ256微控制器的总线式汽车数字仪表解决方案。详细介绍SAE J1939协议的报文帧格式及应用层协议中发动机相关参数的定义,以及步进电机及其驱动和车速信号的处理方法。该数字仪表系统硬件平台由微处理器和信号采集和信息处理及显示等模块组成。软件设计部分编程实现了对CAN总线和各传感器数据的读取、处理。该系统能够实时反映车辆工况。 Abstract:  In this paper,CAN bus and SAE J1939protocol are researched,and a vehicle digital instrument solution based on MC9S12HZ256MCU is proposed.The message frame format and some engine-related parameters’definition in SAE J1939application layer protocol are introduced in detail.Stepper motor and its driver,the methods of speed signal process-ing are also introduced.The hardware platform of vehicle digital instrument is composed by MCU,signal acquisition mod-ule,and signal processing and displaying module.Data receiving and processing from CAN bus and sensors are accom-plished by programming,and vehicle condition can be reflected in real-time.

    标签: 256 MC9 S12 MC

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 基于C8051F320的心电监护系统设计

    介绍一种基于C8051单片机的动态心电监护系统。该系统由两部分组成:以C8051F320单片机为核心的数据采集装置和以PC机为平台的分析处理系统。硬件电路功耗低,由单片机自带的USB接口将数据传送给PC机。软件平台采用LabVIEW可视化虚拟仪器系统开发平台,将传统仪器的功能模块集成到计算机中,用户可通过修改虚拟仪器的程序改变其功能。采用USB接口实时传输心电数据,并将数据采集模块设计为计算机外设,使该系统高速快捷、小巧便携。 Abstract:  In this design,a low-cost ECG electrocardiogram monitoring system is introduced,which consists of two parts:data acquisition device based on C8051F320and PC terminal as the analysis and processing system.The system is low-power consumption,the data is transmitted to the PC terminal by USB interface of the C8051F320.By using the visible virtual instrument system developing platform LabVIEW,the traditional instruments function modules are integrated into the computer,so the user can modify virtual instrument software to change its function to meet their needs.Using USB in-terface to realize real-time ECG data transmission,in addition,ECG data acquisition module is designed as the computer peripheral,which makes the syetem high-speed and portable.

    标签: C8051F320 心电监护 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 基于Attiny13的投影仪防盗器设计

    介绍一种以Atmel公司的Attiny13为处理器的投影仪防盗器设计方案。该防盗器具有功耗低,功能完整,防盗效果良好等特点,除具有报警功能外,防盗器还具有以无线方式向主机发送报警信号的功能。采用315MHz发射模块实现无线信号发送。该投影仪防盗器可适应众多厂家生产的防盗器主机。 Abstract:  This paper introduces the design scheme of overhead projector's anti-theft device which users ATMEL company’s Attiny13as processor.This anti-theft device features low powerloss,functional integrity,good effect of anti-theft.In addition to its own with alarm functions,the anti-theft device also has alarm function which can send alarm signal to the host through wireless way.It sends wireless signal using315MHz transmitting module,so this overhead projector’s anti-theft device is adapted to anti-theft device host produced by many manufacturers.

    标签: Attiny 13 投影仪 防盗器

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 基于单片机89S52的多功能计数器设计

    该系统由单片机89S52控制模块,程控宽带放大模块,整形模块,FPGA内频率、相位差测量模块等构成,采用等精度测频法测出频率和周期,可测量有效值为0.01~5V,频率范围1Hz~20MHz信号的频率、周期信号,精度高达10-6。采用计数法测量相位差,该系统可测量有效值0.5~5V,频率10Hz~100kHz信号的相位差,精度为1°。系统功能由按键控制,测量结果实时显示,人机界面友好。 Abstract:  The system consists of the following functional blocks:89S52microcontroller controlling module,programmable amplifier module,comparator module,frequency and phase difference testing module in the FPGA.The system use the equal accuracy frequency-examining technique it measures frequency and circle of signal which its ranges is from1Hz to20MHz and the amplitude of which its range is from0.01Vrms to5Vrms,precision is up to10-6.Using of count method,the system detects the phase difference of signal,the amplitude of whic its range is from0.5Vrms to5Vrms and the frequency of which its ranges is from10Hz to100kHz,precision is up to1°,The system functions is controlled by certain keys,measurement results are displayed in real-time and it is friendly interface.

    标签: 89S52 单片机 多功能 计数器

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • 微处理器dsPIC33F在微机保护装置中的应用

    数字信号处理器dsPIC33F集多通道高精度A/D转换、多通讯模式、看门狗、CMOS Flash技术等于一体,其内部可完成所有数据操作,实现总线不出芯片技术。将该处理器应用于微机保护装置,提出基于dsPIC33F微处理器的微机保护装置的设计方案,给出相应的接口电路与软件流程。该设计方案结构简单,性价比及可靠性高,开发周期短,具有一定的实用推广价值。所研制的微机保护装置现场运行效果良好。 Abstract:  The dsPIC33F microprocessor has a plentiful interior resource which contains multi-channel,high precision A/D converters,multi-communication module,watchdog,CMOS Flash technology,and so on.All data manipulations is accomplished interiorly.What is more,it makes the technology that bus does not go beyond the chip comes into practice.The paper put forwards a design scheme based on dsPIC33F microprocessor.The scheme has the advantages of simple structure,high reliability and shortened exploitation cycle.What is more,it has definite practicality and reference.The microcomputer protection device has been put into operation with excellent effects.

    标签: dsPIC 33F 33 微处理器

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 基于CDC3207G的汽车仪表板设计

    应用德国Micronas公司的CDC3207G微控制器开发了一款汽车仪表板系统。详细地介绍了该系统的硬件原理,以及步进电机,音频控制,LCD显示,LED指示灯和报警灯等几个模块的实现方法。应用μC/OS-II实时操作系统开发软件。着重介绍了启动代码的设计和任务的规划。 Abstract:  A dashboard system is developed by using CDC3207G microcontroller made by Micronas.The hardware of the sys-tem and the realization of the step motor module,audio module,LCD display and LED indicator and alarm module are ex-plained in detail.The μC/OS-II real-time operating system is used for the software development and the starting code design and the task planning is explained specifically.

    标签: 3207G 3207 CDC 汽车仪表板

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • 基于MSP430F247和TMP275的测温仪

    介绍了一种TI公司最新推出的MSP430F247单片机,利用它自带的I2C模块驱动I2C总线的温度传感器TMP275。TMP275是一款具有高精度、低功耗的新型温度传感器。由于TMP275具有可编程功能,纤小的封装以及极大的温度范围,因而广泛应用于组建超小型温度测量装置。 Abstract:  A new single chip microcomputer MSP430F247 which is released by TI is introduced.It can drive I2C interface digital temperature sensor TMP275 with I2C module.TMP275 is a new temperature sensor which has high accurate,low power. Because TMP275 has programmable function,small packages and wide temperature range,it is applied widely in very little temperature measurment equipment.

    标签: 430F F247 MSP 430

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • 基于MS5534B的微功耗气压数据采集

    气压是气象监测中的一个重要参数,提出了一种气压数据采集模块设计方案,该模块采用数字气压传感器MS5534B、MSP430单片机MSP430F2272和带实时时钟(RTC)64 KB铁电存储器。通过低功耗软件设计方法以微安级整体平均功耗实现了气压数据的采集和存储,适合电池供电的连续高精度气压采集应用。给出了模块的软硬件设计以及MS5534B的性能指标和使用经验。 Abstract:  Air pressure is an important parameter in weather monitor.This paper futs forward a new design scheme of low power-air pressure data acquisition module.The module uses a digital output barometer sensor MS5534B,MSP430 microcontroller MSP430F2272 and integrated RTC 64KB FRAM,precision air pressure measurement and storage chip.Another point of this module is low power consumption, so it is well suited for battery powered air pressure data acquisition applications. At the same time,the software and hardware deign of module is presented,And the speciaties and use notices of MS5534B are given.

    标签: 5534B 5534 MS 微功耗

    上传时间: 2014-12-27
