说明: 51单片机无刷电机仿真源码 IR2101驱动(51 single source simulation brushless MOTOR driver IR2101)
上传时间: 2022-05-27
说明: 合泰单片机HT66FM5240 - 无刷电机驱动程序源码(Hetai MCU HT66FM5240 - brushless MOTOR driver source code)
标签: 单片机 ht66fm5240 电机驱动
上传时间: 2022-05-27
说明: STM32单片机4轴步进电机加减速控制算法MDK源码(STM32 MCU 4-axis stepper MOTOR acceleration and deceleration control algorithm MDK source code)
上传时间: 2022-06-07
Abstract: A sliding mode observer and fractional-order phase-locked loop (FO-PLL) method is proposed for the sensorless speed control of a permanent magnet synchronous MOTOR (PMSM).The saturation function is adopted in order to reduce the chattering phenomenon caused by the sliding mode observer. In this proposed FO-PLL, method, a regulable fractional order r is involved, which means that the FO-PLL provides an extra degree of freedom. In fact, the conventional phase-locked loop (PLL) applied in sensorless PMSM control can be seen as a special case of the proposed FO-PLL. By selecting a proper fractional order r a better performance may be achieved. The computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Key words: fractional calculus; fractional order phase-locked loop; sensorless control; sliding mode observer; permanent magnet synchronous MOTOR; speed controll
上传时间: 2022-06-18
超声波电机(Utrasonic MOTOR简称USM)是一种新型的微特电机,有别于传统的电磁电机。在本文引言中,说明了USM与传统电磁电机相比的主要优点、基本组成及应用前景,同时说明了开展专用USM的驱动电路研究工作的背景及主要工作内容,作者要完成设计、样品加工及应用三部分工作等,此论文就是这三部分研究工作的总结。首先,根据对驱动电路的要求,结合国内外传统压电马达驱动电路的系统方案,设计出专用超声波电机的驱动电路的系统方案。在本方案中增加了位置检测与归零单元,去掉了频率跟踪单元,采用DSP作为控制单元,整合了电机驱动信号产生、电机选择与启动、位置检测信号处理和特殊信号译码等功能,有利于电路小型化和稳定性。方案具有新颖和独特性。其次,详细介绍了利用仿真与实际调试相结合的方法,完成了推挽逆变电路及升压脉冲变压器的工程设计和调试,着重解决了浪涌及功率开关管保护等问题,注意了变压器绕制工艺与漏感的关系。采用DSP芯片实现了多种控制和软、硬件结合,给出了用C语言编写的程序,重点解决了程序的调试与抗干扰问题。采用独特的数字编码方法,实现了位置检测的结构设计,完成了性能初步调试以及与DSP组成闭环系统,消除电机不断步进引起的空间位置上的积累误差,实现了电机步进误差归零的技术要求。设计了电路工程板图,完成了样机两台的加工和调试工作,与超声波电机进行了匹配调试实验,重点解决了阻抗匹配问题,达到了驱动电路的设计指标,实现了设计、加工、匹配调试三解工作的基本,aCn.coinal最后,根据前一段工作,提出了一些今后工作的意见,特别是工程应用化与集成化方面的研究想法。关键词:超声波电机,驱动电路,DSP,脉冲变压器,位置检测与归等
上传时间: 2022-06-18
·Overview:20 minutes-Introduction and Objectives-MOTOR Control Development Toolbox:Library blocks,FreeMASTER, and Bootloader·Hands-On Demo:50 minutes-MOTOR Kit(Describe Freescale 3-Phase MOTOR Kit)-Convert simple model to run on MOTOR Kit with MCD Toolbox and use FreeMASTER·Model Based Design:10 minutes-Model Based Design Steps:Simulation,SIL,PIL and ISO 26262-SIL/PIL Hands-On Demo Step 2& 3 of MBD·MOTOR Control:20 minutes-FOC Sensor-less control and how to use it to turn a MOTOR·MOTOR Control Hands-On Demo:80 minutes-Implement FOC Sensor-less MOTOR Control on MOTOR Kit-Run software from the model and use FreeMASTER to monitor·Summary and Q&A:10 minutes
上传时间: 2022-06-24
简介设计者根据对环境的需求,希望能不断开拓高级电机控制技术,用以制造节能空调、洗衣机和其他家用电器产品。到目前为止,较为完善的电机控制解决方案通常仅用作专门用途。然而,新一代数字信号控制器(Digital Signal Controller,DSC)的出现使得性价比高的高级电机控制算法最终成为现实。例如,空调需要能够对温度作出快速响应以迅速改变电机的转速。因此,我们需要高级电机控制算法,以制造出更加节能的静音设备。在这种情况下,磁场定向控制(Field Oriented Control,FOC)脱颖而出,成为满足这些环境需求的主要方法。本应用笔记讨论了使用Microchip dsPIC2 DSC系列对永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous MOTOR,PMSM)进行无传感器FOC的算法。
上传时间: 2022-06-30
简介本文档介绍了如何使用dsPIC30F数字信号控制器(Digital Signal Controller,DSC)控制正弦电流来驱动具有位置传感器的永磁同步电机(Permanent Mag-net Synchronous MOTOR,PMSM).电机控制固件使用dsPIC30F外设,而数学运算则由DSP引擎完成。为充分利用dsPIC30F的特殊DSP运算性能,固件采用C语言编写,只有某些子程序采用汇编语言编写。应用特性·使用空间矢量调制(Space Vector Modulation,SVM)方法产生用于驱动PMSM电机各相的正弦电流·正弦电压与PMSM电机转子位置同步·四象限运行,可实现正向、反向和制动运行·基于数字比例一积分一微分(Proportional Integral Derivative,PID)控制的闭环转速控制·相位超前技术可实现更宽的调速范围·由dsPICODSC的DSP引擎实现小数数学运算
上传时间: 2022-07-05
Agenda■MOTOR Types Overview■BLDC MOTOR Applications■Comparison of DC to Brushless DC MOTORs■Hall Sensors■Six-Step Commutation■Sensorless Commutation with Back-EMFVector MOTOR Control basicsClosed-Loop Speed Control■Introduction to BLDC MOTOR Control Evaluation Kit■SummaryAll the popular MOTOR types have their specific applications, and all can be controlled with microcontrollers.We wll talk about Brushless DC MOTORs as it is the fast growing MOTOR type today.MOTORs used in modern Air conditioners, home appliances, tools, even electric bikes are all going to Brushless DC.
上传时间: 2022-07-07
3-phase Sensor-less Fan MOTOR DriverAM2355NThe AM2355N is a 3-phase sensor-less DC fan MOTOR driver IC. It senses the BEMF (BackElectro-Motive Force) of the MOTOR in rotation and provides corresponding commutation current tothe MOTOR. Rotation speed can be controlled by PWM input signal. The drivers include LockDetection, Thermal Shutdown, and Over-current Protection. Forward and Reverse control.www.junmintech.com
标签: am2355n
上传时间: 2022-07-26