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  • Modern_Control_Theory

    The main aim of this book is to present a unified, systematic description of basic and advanced problems, methods and algorithms of the modern con- trol theory considered as a foundation for the design of computer control and management systems. The scope of the book differs considerably from the topics of classical traditional control theory mainly oriented to the needs of automatic control of technical devices and technological proc- esses. Taking into account a variety of new applications, the book presents a compact and uniform description containing traditional analysis and op- timization problems for control systems as well as control problems with non-probabilistic MODELS of uncertainty, problems of learning, intelligent, knowledge-based and operation systems – important for applications in the control of manufacturing processes, in the project management and in the control of computer systems.

    标签: Modern_Control_Theory

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Structure and Interpretation of Signals

    Signals convey information. Systems transform signals. This book introduces the mathe- matical MODELS used to design and understand both. It is intended for students interested in developing a deep understanding of how to digitally create and manipulate signals to measure and control the physical world and to enhance human experience and communi- cation.

    标签: Interpretation Structure and Signals Systems of

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Bishop-Pattern-Recognition-and-Machine-Learning

    Pattern recognition has its origins in engineering, whereas machine learning grew out of computer science. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same field, and together they have undergone substantial development over the past ten years. In particular, Bayesian methods have grown from a specialist niche to become mainstream, while graphical MODELS have emerged as a general framework for describing and applying probabilistic MODELS. Also, the practical applicability of Bayesian methods has been greatly enhanced through the development of a range of approximate inference algorithms such as variational Bayes and expectation propa- gation. Similarly, new MODELS based on kernels have had significant impact on both algorithms and applications.

    标签: Bishop-Pattern-Recognition-and-Ma chine-Learning

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • interpretable-machine-learning

    Machinelearninghasgreatpotentialforimprovingproducts,processesandresearch.Butcomputers usually do not explain their predictions which is a barrier to the adoption of machine learning. This book is about making machine learning MODELS and their decisions interpretable. After exploring the concepts of interpretability, you will learn about simple, interpretable MODELS such as decision trees, decision rules and linear regression. Later chapters focus on general model- agnosticmethodsforinterpretingblackboxMODELSlikefeatureimportanceandaccumulatedlocal effects and explaining individual predictions with Shapley values and LIME.

    标签: interpretable-machine-learning

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Ansoft0MaxwellV12电机瞬态分析教程

    This Getting Started Guide is written for Maxwell beginners and experienced users who would like to quickly re familiarize themselves with the capabilities of MaxwelL.This guide leads you step-by-step through solving and analyzing the results of a rotational actuator magnetostatic problem with motion By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to perform the following tasks Modify a MODELS design parameters y Assign variables to a model's design parameters.Specify solution settings for a design Validate a designs setupRun a maxwell simulation v Plot the magnetic flux density vecto v Include motion in the simulation本《入门指南》是为希望快速重新熟悉MaxwelL功能的Maxwell初学者和有经验的用户编写的。本指南将引导您逐步解决和分析旋转致动器静运动问题的结果。按照本指南中的步骤,您将学习如何执行以下任务。修改模型设计参数y将变量分配给模型的设计参数。指定设计的解决方案设置验证设计设置运行maxwell模拟v绘制磁通密度vecto v在模拟中包含运动

    标签: ansoft maxwell

    上传时间: 2022-03-10


  • 基于2.4G的双电机遥控船模控制系统设计

    以STC12C5A60S2单片机为控制核心,采用2.4G(JF24D)无线遥控模块进行无线发射与接收,设计了一种双电机遥控船模控制系统.该系统通过切换档杆实现前进后退,方向盘左右转动、暂停按钮等控制直流电机的正转、反转、暂停,使得电机驱动的遥控船模实现前进后退、左右转向、暂停等功能,有效解决了驱动功率小和船模之间相互干扰等问题,可广泛应用于遥控船模领域.Using STC12C5A60S2 single-chip microcomputer as the controller and 2.4 G(JF24D)wireless remote control module for wireless transmission and reception, a dual-motor remote control ship model control system is designed. The system realizes forward and backward by switching the gear lever. The steering wheel rotates left and right and the pause button controls the forward, reverse and pause of the dc motor. The remote controller of ship model driven by the motor realizes forward and backward, left and right steering, pause and other functions. The ship model control system can effectively solve the problems of small driving power and mutual interference between ship MODELS, and can be widely used in the field of remote controller of ship model.

    标签: 电机 遥控船模 控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 《统计学习基础 数据挖掘推理与预测》中文版.pdf

    统计学习基础:数据挖掘、推理与预测介绍了这些领域的一些重要概念。尽管应用的是统计学方法,但强调的是概念,而不是数学。许多例子附以彩图。《统计学习基础:数据挖掘、推理与预测》内容广泛,从有指导的学习(预测)到无指导的学习,应有尽有。包括神经网络、支持向量机、分类树和提升等主题,是同类书籍中介绍得最全面的。计算和信息技术的飞速发展带来了医学、生物学、财经和营销等诸多领域的海量数据。理解这些数据是一种挑战,这导致了统计学领域新工具的发展,并延伸到诸如数据挖掘、机器学习和生物信息学等新领域。许多工具都具有共同的基础,但常常用不同的术语来表达。【内容推荐】《统计学习基础:数据挖掘、推理与预测》试图将学习领域中许多重要的新思想汇集在一起,并且在统计学的框架下解释它们。随着计算机和信息时代的到来,统计问题的规模和复杂性都有了急剧增加。数据存储、组织和检索领域的挑战导致一个新领域“数据挖掘”的产生。数据挖掘是一个多学科交叉领域,涉及数据库技术、机器学习、统计学、神经网络、模式识别、知识库、信息提取、高性能计算等诸多领域,并在工业、商务、财经、通信、医疗卫生、生物工程、科学等众多行业得到了广泛的应用。【作者简介】Trevor Hastie,Robert Tibshirani和Jerome Friedman都是斯坦福大学统计学教授,并在这个领域做出了杰出的贡献。Hastie和Tibshirani提出了广义和加法模型,并出版专著“Generalized Additive MODELS”。Hastie的主要研究领域为:非参数回归和分类、统计计算以及生物信息学、医学和工业的特殊数据挖掘问题。他提出主曲线和主曲面的概念,并用S-PLUS编写了大量统计建模软件。Tibshirani的主要研究领域为:应用统计学、生物统计学和机器学习。他提出了套索的概念,还是“An Introduction to the Bootstrap”一书的作者之一。Friedman是CART、MARS和投影寻踪等数据挖掘工具的发明人之一。他不仅是位统计学家,而且是物理学家和计算机科学家,先后在物理学、计算机科学和统计学的一流杂志上表发论文80余篇。

    标签: 统计

    上传时间: 2022-05-04


  • proteus元件库详尽版


    标签: Proteus 元件库

    上传时间: 2022-05-12


  • COMSOL声学模块介绍

    Mathematical modeling has become an important part of the research and devclopment work in engineering and scicnce. Retaining a competitive edge requiresa fast path between ideas and prototypes, and in this regard mathematical modeling and simulation provide a valuable shortcut for understanding both qualitative and quantitative aspects of scientific and engineering design. To assist you in gaining this edge, COMSOL Multiphysics offers state-of-the art performance, being built from the ground up with a Java3D interface and C/C++ solvers.The Acoustics Module is an optional package that extends the COMSOL Multiphysicsmodcling cnvironment with customized user interfaces and functionality optimizcd for the analysis of acoustics. Like all modules in the COMSOL family, it provides a brary of prewritten ready-to-run MODELS that make it quicker and casier to analyze disciplinc-specific problcms.

    标签: comsol 声学模块

    上传时间: 2022-06-19
