MIX的模拟器: MIX是《计算机程序设计艺术》(TAOCP)的作者高德纳(Donald.E.Knuth)在TAOCP中描述算法时使用的一种假想的机器,所以书中的汇编代码无法在任何一个机器上运行,附件中的程序可以让以MIXAL汇编语言写成的算法在Windows平台上汇编并且可以单步跟踪运行。详细情况参看其中的MIXBuilder.doc文件。
上传时间: 2015-04-03
These listed libraries are written in WTL. But it s really hard to MIX both MFC & WTL together. Obviously, it s not reasonable to ask a developer or a team to giving up MFC and move to the WTL world just because there were some great controls or visual Frameworks written in WTL (there are many things that should be considered especially in a company with hundreds of developers like the company I work for). Unfortunately, there was no such good and free visual Framework in MFC until now. Whatever difficulties there are, I still desire to be able to use them and now my effort is here to be shared with you. Under the Hood
标签: libraries WTL together written
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Creates a Gaussian MIXture model with specified architecture.MIX = GMM(DIM, NCENTRES, COVARTYPE) takes the dimension of the space DIM, the number of centres in the MIXture model and the type of the MIXture model, and returns a data structure MIX.
标签: architecture COVARTYPE specified Gaussian
上传时间: 2016-04-28
"Everyone will want this book because it provides a great MIX of practical experience, historical perspective, and a depth of understanding that only comes from being intimately involved in the field. I ve already enjoyed and learned from reading this book, and surely you will too." -Sam Leffler
标签: experience historical practical Everyone
上传时间: 2017-02-11
Source code for MIXing WAV files.It has example files to MIX
标签: files example Source MIXing
上传时间: 2017-04-16
Talkthrou with sine signal MIX (interrupt on/off)
标签: Talkthrou interrupt signal with
上传时间: 2014-01-23
·详细说明:《计算机程序设计艺术_第1卷_基本算法》,经典的计算机程序设计学习书籍,这是第1卷。【内容简介】 这第1册更新了《计算机程序设计艺术 第1卷 基本算法》(第3版)的部分内容,并且最终将成为该书第4版的一部分。具体地说,它向程序员提供了盼望已久的MMIX--代替原来的MIX的一个以RISC为基础的计算机,并且描述了MMIX汇编语
上传时间: 2013-05-23
JBoss, one of the leading java Open Source groups, integrates and develops these services for a full J2EE-based implementation. JBoss provides JBossServer, the basic EJB container, and Java Manage Preface 18 Great Events of the Twentieth Centuryment Extension (JMX) infrastructure. It also provides JBossMQ, for JMS messaging, JBossTX, for JTA/JTS transactions, JBossCMP for CMP persistence, JBossSX for JAAS based security, and JBossCX for JCA connectivity. Support for web components, such as servlets and JSP pages, is providedby an abstract integration layer. Implementations of the integration service are provided for third party servlet engines like Tomcat and Jetty. JBoss enables you to MIX and match these components through JMX by replacing any component you want with a JMX compliant implementation for the same APIs.
标签: integrates develops services leading
上传时间: 2014-11-03
Urwid is a Python library for making text console applications. It has many features including fluid interface resizing, support for UTF-8 and CJK encodings, standard and custom text layout modes, simple markup for setting text attributes, and a powerful, dynamic list box that handles a MIX of widget types. It is flexible, modular, and leaves the developer in control.
标签: applications including features console
上传时间: 2013-12-16
With this example-driven book, you get a quick, practical, and thorough introduction to Java s API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) and the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). Java Web Services: Up and Running takes a clear, no-nonsense approach to these technologies by providing you with a MIX of architectural overview, complete working code examples, and short yet precise instructions for compiling, deploying, and executing a sample application. You ll not only learn how to write web services from scratch, but also how to integrate existing services into your Java applications. All the source code for the examples is available from the book s companion website.
标签: example-driven introduction practical thorough
上传时间: 2013-12-18