上传时间: 2013-12-17
利用MSP430 单片机的一般 I/O口进行的数字量的采集 利用A/D采集通道实现模拟量到数字量的转化
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The code assumes a two-dimensional computational domain with TMz polarization (i.e., non-zero field Ez, Hx, and Hy). The program is currently written so that the incident field always strikes the lower-left corner of the total-field region first. (If you want a different corner, that should be a fairly simple tweak to the code, but for now you ll have to make that tweak yourself.) I have attempted to provide copious comments in the code and hope that a knowledgeable C programmer can quickly map the approach as described in the paper to what is in the program.
标签: two-dimensional computational polarization non-zero
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Many many developers all over the net respect NASM for what i s - a widespread (thus netwide), portable (thus netwide!), very flexible and mature assembler tool with support for many output formats (thus netwide!!). Now we have good news for you: NASM is licensed under LGPL. This means its development is open to even wider society of programmers wishing to improve their lovely assembler. The NASM project is now situated at SourceForge.net, the most famous Open Source development center on The Net. Visit our development page at http://nasm.2y.net/ and our SF project at http://sf.net/projects/nasm/
标签: developers widespread netwide respect
上传时间: 2014-01-20
FlashFlex51 Microcontroller Control of CompactFlash Card in I/O Mode
标签: Microcontroller CompactFlash FlashFlex Control
上传时间: 2014-01-24
提出了一种基于样本的分级检索 MPEG 视频的新方法:首先用I 帧的dct_dc_size 字段快速粗检,然后用断层摄影(tomography)法分析B 帧运动矢 量的时空分布特性以进一步缩小结果集,最后用DC 图像的精确匹配方法验证检索结果.试验结果表明,本方法 所需计算量较小,且可保证较高的检索精度.
标签: dct_dc_size tomography MPEG 帧
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Motorola 单片机 掌握I/O口的基本使用方法
上传时间: 2014-06-30
MSP430F449的i/o口AQ430 Practice Code
上传时间: 2014-01-26
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Use the verilog language write a MIPS CPU code, and have additional instruction, for example: selection sort instruction. The code has contain combination circuit and sequenial circuit. CPU have contain ALU, ADD, ALU_CONTROL, DATA_MEMORY, INST_MEMORY, REGISTER, PC, and TESTBRANCH.
标签: instruction additional language example
上传时间: 2014-01-17