JAVA music player. Project Homepage : Developer Homepage : ----------------------------------------------------- To launch jlGui just doucle click under jlGui2.0.jar. If nothing appear then edit jlGui.bat (or script and setup JLGUI_HOME variable and launch the script. To play local file : Left click on "Eject" button. To play remote file/stream : Right click on "Eject" Button. To fill in playlist : Edit default.m3u file before launching jlGui.
标签: jlgui Developer Homepage javazoom
上传时间: 2016-11-16
FatFs06.rar FatFs is a generic file system module to implement the FAT file system to small embedded systems. The FatFs is written in compliance with ANSI C, therefore it is independent of hardware architecture. It can be incorporated into cheap microcontrollers, such as 8051, PIC, AVR, SH, Z80, H8, ARM and etc..., without any change.
标签: system FatFs file implement
上传时间: 2016-11-17
新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 帮助 | 高级搜索 把百度设为主页 百度一下,找到相关网页165篇,用时0.050秒 Book Switzerland Hotels .. HRS, Over 230,000 hotels worldwide, Real time prices and av.. 中国Quick Book 速达软件 速达软件是全球最大的中小企业管理软件品牌Quickbooks家族的中.. 上海索迪IBM大学生sql编程.. 政府授牌-索迪IBM封闭式软件实训基地,与千家IT企业签订人才服务.. 上海it编程工程师培训 NII.. NIIT是全球领先的IT学习解决方案公司,拥有近500万注册学生及33.. java语言编程培训 首选上.. 上海达内外企软件工程师定向委培.近万名学员成功就业IBM,HP,华.. 上海游戏开发编程培训 高.. 上海游戏学院是一家致力于培养游戏开发与设计人才的专业机构.开.. 加工中心编程培训 大型数控机床培训基地,加工中心编程培训.本校凭承“优师资,严管.. 上海php编程培训, 助您年.. 上海最早最大php编程培训中心,学费仅需付六成,可申请先就业后付.. 找tale book 源代码
上传时间: 2017-03-10
MIPS 仿真器,能够实现汇编,反汇编和模拟运行。自己开发的,java课的大程,可能问题比较多,仅做参考,而且程序架构也设计地不是很好。但作为新手大程学习和简单的MIPS模拟还是没有问题的。 本 MIPS 模拟器支持的指令如下: add,addi,sub,subi,and,andi,or,ori,nor,beq,bne,j,jr,jal,lw,lh,lb,sw,sh,sb, 其中所有的跳 转指令第三个操作数只能为一个行标签[不支持相对地址以及绝对地址],标签可 以写在一行开头,以冒号结尾。
上传时间: 2014-01-04
The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. The term image registration is most commonly used to denote the process of alignment of images , that is of transforming them to the common coordinate system. This is done by optimizing a similarity measure between the two images. A widely used measure is Mutual Information (MI). This method requires estimating joint histogram of the two images. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach. The technique is intensity-based rather than feature-based. As a comparative assessment the performance based on normalized mutual information and cross correlation as metric have also been presented.
标签: present modalities existence different
上传时间: 2017-04-03
Esto es una libreria de crc16 que encontre por internet. La pongo aqui para que si quereis la utiliceis. Hasta ahora a mi me ha funcionado bastante bien
标签: que encontre libreria internet
上传时间: 2017-06-03
How to install SQL Server 2000 file containing pictures for the steps that is needed to setup the Microsoft SQL server 2000
标签: containing the pictures install
上传时间: 2017-06-07
上传时间: 2017-06-27
题目:加密软件 要求:(1)输入任意一段明文M,以及密钥K (2)根据一下公式将其转换为密文C。 Ci = mi + K ,其中i = 0,1,……n-1 , K 为密钥; (3)具有输入输出界面。
上传时间: 2013-11-25
This function is another tutorial on how to do computer vision type stuff with Octave/Matlab. It shows how to implement Hartley and Zisserman s "DLT" algorithm for estimating a homography from point correspondences
标签: function computer tutorial another
上传时间: 2013-12-21