a chap 2 for learn ing about java, it is a good for begineer start from learning for java
标签: for java begineer learning
上传时间: 2014-01-10
a chap 315 updated for learn ing about java, it is a good for begineer start from learning for java
标签: for java begineer learning
上传时间: 2015-08-23
算法实现:Jieping Ye. Generalized low rank approximations of matrices. Machine Learning, Vol. 61, pp. 167-191, 2005.
标签: approximations Generalized Learning matrices
上传时间: 2015-08-29
The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user interface features such as an icon-based toolbar and an interactive interface to Emacs customization. A new chapter details how to install and run Emacs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, including tips for using Emacs effectively on those platforms.
标签: Emacs describes including Learning
上传时间: 2015-08-29
LVQ算法( Learning Vector Quantization,学习矢量量化网络)是一种基于模型(神经网络)的方法,本实验要实现的是对LVQ改进的聚类方法——MLVQ(闫德勤等人提出)。该方法克服了LVQ算法对初值敏感的问题和广义学习矢量量化(GLVQ)网络算法性能不稳定的缺点。(附文章)
标签: Quantization Learning Vector LVQ
上传时间: 2015-08-31
a meta serach engine
上传时间: 2014-09-12
2005 Center for Biological & Computational Learning at MIT and MIT All rights reserved. Permission to copy and modify this data, software, and its documentation only for internal research use in your organization is hereby granted, provided that this notice is retained thereon and on all copies. This data and software should not be distributed to anyone outside of your organization without explicit written authorization by the author(s) and MIT.
标签: Computational Biological MIT Permissio
上传时间: 2014-01-27
《Learning Perl》英文第三版,perl语言入门的经典之作,非常适合初学者自学,内容详细,解释清晰。
上传时间: 2014-01-10
《Learning Perl Objects References And Modules》英文版,详细介绍了perl语言中的对象引用和模块,是一本深入了解perl语言的好书。
标签: References Learning Objects Modules
上传时间: 2013-12-11
cshell learning book for entry level
标签: learning cshell entry level
上传时间: 2014-01-07