AMSN是一款功能丰富的MSN MESSenger软件,遵照GNU GPL进行发布,除了Windows,还可在其他多种平台下运行,比如GNU/Linux、FreeBSD、Mac OS X等。 功能 * 显示图片 * 表情可定制 * 多语言支持(目前约40种语言,包括简体、繁体中文) * 一次可登录几个帐号 * 支持文件传送 * 可进行分组 * 动画表情可带声音 * 可保存聊天记录 * 事件警告 * 支持摄像头 * 支持时间戳 * 支持网络会议 * 分页式的聊天窗口 * 支持MSN的移动服务 * 可选择登录后的各种默认状态,比如隐身等 * 有不少插件可供下载使用 * 直接通过aMSN下载新版本,并可自动对语言文件、插件进行升级
上传时间: 2013-12-14
Yahoo MESSenger for Mobile
标签: MESSenger Mobile Yahoo for
上传时间: 2014-01-02
ZX MESSenger 文件传送服务器 用于传送用户自定义头像文件的辅助服务器代码 Visual Basic Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
标签: Visual Basic MESSenger Microsoft
上传时间: 2013-12-20
What I am trying to introduce here is a full fledged Java Instant MESSenger, which has all the features supplied by commercial MESSengers like Yahoo or MSN. Although it cannot compared to be in par with those MESSengers, it is an attempt by me to learn Advanced Java and JNI concepts. The challenges I faced here were often overcome by referring to numerous sites, which nearly zeroes in or completely solved the issues I faced at that point of time. It improved my learning curve and also believe would do the same to you too. Ofcourse, there are some bugs and glitches, which I hope you would excuse. Thanks to anyone who takes the pain to report them or even suggest better way of doing things to me.
标签: introduce MESSenger Instant fledged
上传时间: 2014-12-05
MESSenger Client Java
上传时间: 2017-05-02
JavaScript Instant MESSenger
标签: JavaScript MESSenger Instant
上传时间: 2014-01-08
MESSenger Plus! Script help document
标签: MESSenger document Script Plus
上传时间: 2017-06-18
instant MESSenger~~~~~~~~~~~
上传时间: 2017-08-18
Deitel MESSenger Case Study using Java Sockets
标签: MESSenger Sockets Deitel Study
上传时间: 2014-01-14
用来在局域网中发送消息,包装了"Net send"。可以进行消息轰炸^_^。 可供参考的东西是界面实现的部分,即如何实现非标准的windows界面。 感谢cbuttonst和cflatcombobox的作者。 接收方需要开启MESSenger服务。
上传时间: 2015-01-19