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  • 用VB做QQ强制聊天器 用VB做QQ强制聊天器 大家好..我是愚罪..QQ:303931726 今天教大家来用VB做QQ强制聊天器..... 废话不多说了``` 直接打开VB

    用VB做QQ强制聊天器 用VB做QQ强制聊天器 大家好..我是愚罪..QQ:303931726 今天教大家来用VB做QQ强制聊天器..... 废话不多说了``` 直接打开VB 新建一个EXE文件..新建一个Text和一个Command按纽 最后直接把代码写上去就可以了... Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Sub Command1_Click() ShellExecute 0, "open", "tencent://message/?uin=" + Text1.Text, "", "", 1 End Sub 可以了...生成试验下..我就不美化了..你们可以去美化下``` 看。。成功了

    标签: 303931726 QQ

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • The acceptance and introduction of serial communication to more and more applications has led to re

    The acceptance and introduction of serial communication to more and more applications has led to requirements that the assignment of message identifiers to communication functions be standardized for certain applications. These applications can be realized with CAN more comfortably, if the address range that originally has been defined by 11 identifier bits is enlarged

    标签: more communication introduction applications

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • TC35i新版西门子工业GSM模块是一个支持中文短信息的工业级GSM模块,工作在EGSM900和GSM1800双频段,电源范围为直流3.3~4.8V ,电流消耗——休眠状态为3.5mA

    TC35i新版西门子工业GSM模块是一个支持中文短信息的工业级GSM模块,工作在EGSM900和GSM1800双频段,电源范围为直流3.3~4.8V ,电流消耗——休眠状态为3.5mA,空闲状态为25mA,发射状态为300mA(平均),2.5A峰值;可传输语音和数据信号, 功耗在EGSM900(4类)和GSM1800(1类)分别为2W和1W ,通过接口连接器和天线连接器分别连接SIM卡读卡器和天线。SIM电压为3V/1.8V,TC35i的数据接口(CMOS电平)通过AT命令可双向传输指令和数据,可选波特率为300b/s~115kb/s , 自动波特率为1.2kb/s~115kb/s。它支持Text和PDU格式的SMS(Short Message Service,短消息),可通过AT命令或关断信号实现重启和故障恢复

    标签: GSM 1800 EGSM 3.3

    上传时间: 2016-08-26


  • 把那个放大镜拖到mfc写的程序的窗口上

    把那个放大镜拖到mfc写的程序的窗口上,如securecrt,vc6等,松开鼠标就能看到一些内部函数地址了。如oninitdialog,onok什么的一目了然。拖到子窗口如铵钮上时,可以看出其id,当然,这个工作也可以由spy++完成。结合其父窗口message map的输出,还可以知道当点击这个按钮时,会跳到哪段程序上执行

    标签: mfc 放大镜 程序 窗口

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sen

    ARP test mode. According to the idea we design the arithmetic for the key part, first the system sends a message to the target machine, and then system wait for the response. Once system receives a message, it starts to analyze the message, according to the message s parameter system judges whether the message satisfies the conditions. Once the message satisfies all the conditions, the system thinks the machine is sniffing, and adds this machine into the list of sniffing machines. On this basis the detection has done well, and at the same time we insert the result into the log database for inquire and analyze later.

    标签: the arithmetic According design

    上传时间: 2016-10-06


  • 1.1 前言 2005-3-2公司开会并分给我一个任务:写一个程序从福建移动的BOSS系统取出一些相关数据。我得到的资料只有一个“福建移动BOSS与业务增值平台接口规范V1.2.2(新).doc”

    1.1 前言 2005-3-2公司开会并分给我一个任务:写一个程序从福建移动的BOSS系统取出一些相关数据。我得到的资料只有一个“福建移动BOSS与业务增值平台接口规范V1.2.2(新).doc”,这个规范页数不多,一下就浏览完了。但之后依然不知所措,感觉到了一条河边,河前有一条大道(就是这份文档)能让我直达目的地,但却找不到过河的桥。这份文档只给出了数据的格式编码规范,但没有告诉你用什么技术,怎么去取这些数据,甚至连一个数据格式的XML例子文件也没有。 里面只有这样几句话:“交易消息(包括请求和应答)是以XML格式表达的,包括两个部分:Message Header(消息头)与Service Content(交易业务内容)。” “接口协议使用HTTP协议,落地方为发起方提供访问的URL,发起方使用HTTP POST方法发送请求报文并得到应答报文,发起方作为落地方的HTTP客户端,落地方作为发起方的HTTP服务器。因此,各个参与方需要同时实现HTTP客户端以及服务器的功能。” 这里面有两个关键字:XML、HTTP,再加上老大说用SOAP,我想这个BOSS系统和外界的信息交换技术也是基于SOAP实现的吧。于是我上网搜索了一些资料,始有此文。

    标签: BOSS 2005 1.1

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 短信发送实现gprs猫发送短信息

    短信发送实现gprs猫发送短信息,wap push,push load,免提短信源代码.-gprs cat achieve this short message, WAP push, push load. Handsfree SMS source code

    标签: gprs 发送 短信

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • Produce Java classes to calculate and display the Poisson probability when input the value of the av

    Produce Java classes to calculate and display the Poisson probability when input the value of the average (A) arrival rate of customers at some business in the range of 1 to 10. The error message will output when A is out of the range。

    标签: the probability calculate Produce

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • You may have heard the Latest Brief web service on CodeProject.com. It provides several methods for

    You may have heard the Latest Brief web service on CodeProject.com. It provides several methods for web client programs to retrieve information about CodeProject.com, such as the latest article updates, the latest comments, and the latest lounge posts, etc. Some very popular articles on the CodeProject site make use of this service. In this article, I am going to present a java client program that uses soap message to call the methods of this web service. My program is not a general java soap client, which means you cannot use it to call other web services directly. However, you can easily modify it for other web services. The program uses only basic Java, it does not depend on any other external class library.

    标签: CodeProject provides service methods

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP Service Pack 2, there is a security restriction dis

    If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP Service Pack 2, there is a security restriction disallowing scripts to run in files opened on your local machine. When you first try to run the examples, you will most likely get a message saying, "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer." To see the example, you must click on the message and select "Allow Blocked Content". JavaScript高级程序设计 里面自代源码

    标签: restriction Explorer Internet security

    上传时间: 2016-11-18
