上传时间: 2013-12-04
上传时间: 2016-06-30
先进的发动机管理系统--ME7-Motronic ME7系统是目前国内采用的德国BOSCH公司生产的Motronic系列发动机管理系统(Engine Management System 简称EMS)的最先进的一种,与之前的M1和M3系统的最大不同在于ME7系统的控制策略是基于扭矩控制的。 ME7系统的电控单元(EMS ECU)采用了两片高性能CPU,大容量的闪存(Flash MEMory),在提高系统运行处理能力和程序、匹配数据升级方面有明显的提高。 电控单元(EMS ECU)中的CPU还集成了CAN总线控制器,与车内其它电子控制系统组成了CAN总线网络,进一步提高了系统性能,并同时也为诊断和维修提供了方便。 此外,ME7系统集成了众多先进的传感器和执行器,可以更加准确、可靠地测量和执行动作,所有这些都为提高整个汽车的综合性能奠定了坚实的基础。
标签: Motronic Management Engine System
上传时间: 2016-07-03
三星公司官方 GIVEIO.SYS源代码下载。 In windows NT/2000/XP, any application can’t access the I/O such as the parallel port. So, GIVEIO.SYS enables SJF.exe to access the parallel port without any MEMory fault. In windows 95/98, GIVEIO.SYS isn’t needed.
标签: application the windows GIVEIO
上传时间: 2014-01-11
上传时间: 2014-08-23
RS232.C was written to provide all of the basic functionality needed to employ serial I/O in any application written with Borland C language compilers. Some features are: 1. Ease of use. No assembly language or library files are used and a simple "#include" statement is all that is required to access all of the functions provided. 2. Both input and output are buffered and interrupt driven for efficiency. 3. Serial ports 1 - 4 are supported on PC, AT and PS/2 compatibles.Chained interrupts used on port 3 and 4 are allowed for so as not to interfere with devices such as a mouse or printer. Transmission speeds of 110 to 115200 baud are available. 4. Detection and utilization of hardware buffered UARTs (NS16550AF etc.) found in some machines is automatic. 5. Interrupt driven hardware and XON/XOFF flow control is provided for. 6. All source code is included. RS232.C can be used with all MEMory models.
标签: functionality provide written employ
上传时间: 2016-08-24
FM1702的例子程序 Chip type : ATmega16L Program type : Application Clock frequency : 7.372800 MHz MEMory model : Small External SRAM size : 0 Data Stack size : 256
标签: type Application frequency 7.372800
上传时间: 2016-10-08
it is programed on dsk6455,and test * 1 Internal MEMory Version * 2 External MEMory(SDRAM) * 3 Flash * 4 Codec * 5 UserIO * 6 MemPattern(Fill pattern) * 7 MemPattern(Address Pattern) * 8 DSP * 9 LED/Swt * 10 Codec LoopBack *
上传时间: 2013-12-11
NIOSII实例代码。包括系统时钟代码,DMA(MEMory to MEMory)驱动代码,Fine-gained Flash Access驱动代码,Timestamp驱动代码,ISR代码,Simple Flash Access驱动代码,UART代码
上传时间: 2013-12-30
内存管理程序,功能与FASTMM相似,PLEASE NOTE: There are two ways to install BigBrain. You may use the MEMory manager code natively compiled into your EXE or you can use an included external DLL which will allow you to share MEMory across multiple DLLs with one central place for MEMory management. Using the DLL allows your application to share strings, and serves the same purpose as the ShareMem unit included with Delphi. BigBrainShareMem.dll should be 100% compatible with the DelphiMM.dll and could even simply be renamed to DelphiMM.dll to simplify deployment.
上传时间: 2014-12-02