DWT变换源代码,As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
上传时间: 2014-12-05
TI DSP tms320c6416 EDMA测试代码,包括QEDMA、EDMA Link功能、Chain功能。这是学习EDMA的最生动教材。
上传时间: 2014-01-20
This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurrency control, transaction management, security features are not enabled. B+Trees can be used as an index for factor access to the data. Help facility is provided to know the syntax of SQL Statements.
标签: project implement developed Database
上传时间: 2013-12-25
FS4510开发板示例程序demo4 压缩包内含FS4510开发板LCD驱动程序与定时器程序 文件说明 demo4.apj 为 SDT2.51 的项目文件 init.s 为初始化文件 汇编格式 lcd.c LCD驱动文件 demo4.c 主程序 包含定时器初始化和 timer0 和 timer1 的使用 memory.a memory分配 snds.a init.s用到的硬件信息 isr.c 一些中断哑函数 \include 包含文件 该示例程序在 SDT2.51 环境下编译 在 ADW 下运行 使用 JTAG调试头 通过学习该程序可以了解ARM4510 的初始化,时钟中断,及对lcd的控制
上传时间: 2015-09-01
FS4510开发板示例程序 demo5_pre----中断服务程序 串口驱动 演示的功能包括中断 定时器 串口 它提供了可以在 FS4510板子上运行的参考代码 文件说明 demo5_pre.apj 为 SDT2.51 的项目文件 汇编格式 init.s 为初始化文件 lcd.c LCD驱动文件 demo5.c 主程序 包含定时器初始化和 timer0 和 timer1 的使用 包含中断服务程序 uart.c 串口驱动 pollio.c 串口查询输入(暂时没有串口输入) memory.a memory分配 snds.a init.s用到的硬件信息 wuisr.c 一些中断服务程序哑函数 \include 包含文件
上传时间: 2015-09-01
通过I2C总线,读取Memory SPD信息
上传时间: 2014-01-13
RTL-lwIP is the porting of the lwIP TCP/IP stack to RTLinux-GPL.The focus of the RTL-lwIP stack is to reduce memory usage and code size, making RTL-lwIP suitable for use in small clients with very limited resources such as embedded systems.
标签: RTL-lwIP the stack RTLinux-GPL
上传时间: 2015-09-05
标签: 900
上传时间: 2015-09-08
IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context help) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1.2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3. disable the image transfer under wireless link
标签: IrCOMM2k Infrared ARCHIVE Virtual
上传时间: 2015-09-15
Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link
标签: Bing point-to-point measurement determines
上传时间: 2015-09-15