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  • palm编程

    palm编程,基于palm os系统开发的简单获取设备memory信息的小程序.

    标签: palm 编程

    上传时间: 2015-11-07


  • 1设计题目及要求 一、程序设计题目:学生成绩管理程序设计 二、 程序设计功能及要求: 1.显示学生各门成绩,总分,和平均分. 2.按总分由高到的进行排列. 3.要求输入一个学号.要求能找出一

    1设计题目及要求 一、程序设计题目:学生成绩管理程序设计 二、 程序设计功能及要求: 1.显示学生各门成绩,总分,和平均分. 2.按总分由高到的进行排列. 3.要求输入一个学号.要求能找出一个学生的.姓名.各门功课的成绩. 3 算法分析 1. 学生成绩管理软件的数据结构 2. 排序 3. 查找 4. 其它 4 主要流程图 1写程序结构及各模块(输入,显示等等)结构图 本程序用了c++语言里面的思想,比如用了cin 和 cout 函数.分了俩个类.一个是File类.一个是Link类. File类里面主要的是用于保存和导入数据. Link类主要是用于链表的操作…. 本程序分为几个文件编写有.file.cpp文件和file.h文件 Link.cpp文件和Link.h文件 manager..cpp文件和manager.h文件. 本程序的主体结构是链表.用链表操作.实现动态创建和销毁. 主函数main().是在Manger.cpp 里面.是程序的入口处 File.cpp 和 link.cpp 是存放file类.和 link类的源函数变量代码. File.h 和Link.h 是存放file 类 和link 类的声明

    标签: 程序设计 程序 设计功能

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses

    About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses memory mapped I/O (if available), supports cursors, and can create in-memory databases. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: This release comes with many changes and new features. It can manage multiple databases in one file. A new flag (HAM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) places an exclusive lock on the file. hamsterdb was ported to Windows CE, and the Solution file for Visual Studio 2005 now supports builds for x64. Several minor bugs were fixed, performance was improved, and small API changes occurred. Pre-built libraries for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) are available for download. Author: cruppstahl

    标签: C. hamsterdb structure database

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development board, with 16-bit DDR SDR

    This leon3 design is tailored to the Altera NiosII Startix2 Development board, with 16-bit DDR SDRAM and 2 Mbyte of SSRAM. As of this time, the DDR interface only works up to 120 MHz. At 130, DDR data can be read but not written. NOTE: the test bench cannot be simulated with DDR enabled because the Altera pads do not have the correct delay models. * How to program the flash prom with a FPGA programming file 1. Create a hex file of the programming file with Quartus. 2. Convert it to srecord and adjust the load address: objcopy --adjust-vma=0x800000 output_file.hexout -O srec fpga.srec 3. Program the flash memory using grmon: flash erase 0x800000 0xb00000 flash load fpga.srec

    标签: Development Startix2 tailored Altera

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple

    Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.

    标签: Spartan drives This perphrials

    上传时间: 2014-05-29


  • FLASH文件系统的源码

    FLASH文件系统的源码,Flash memory is a nonvolatile memory, which allows the user to electrically program (write) and erase information. The exponential growth of flash memory has made this technology an indispensable part of hundreds of millions of electronic devices. Flash memory has several significant differences with volatile (RAM) memory and hard drive technologies which requires unique software drivers and file systems. This paper provides an overview of file systems for flash memory and focuses on the unique software requirements of flash memory devices.

    标签: FLASH 文件系统 源码

    上传时间: 2015-11-29


  • VerboseGC demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API to print the garbage collection sta

    VerboseGC demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API to print the garbage collection statistics and memory usage remotely by connecting to a JMX agent with a JMX service URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<hostName>:<portNum>/jmxrmi where <hostName> is the hostname and <portNum> is the port number to which the JMX agent will be connected.

    标签: the demonstrates collection management

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that gives a personal computer (PC) th

    Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a communications architecture that gives a personal computer (PC) the ability to interconnect a variety of devices using a simple four- wire cable. The USB is actually a two-wire serial communication link that runs at either 1.5 or 12 megabits per second (mbs). USB protocols can configure devices at startup or when they are plugged in at run time. These devices are broken into various device classes. Each device class defines the common behavior and protocols for devices that serve similar functions. Some examples of USB device classes are shown in the following table

    标签: communications architecture Universal computer

    上传时间: 2015-12-08


  • Avalon Interface Specification,The Avalon interface specification is designed to accommodate periphe

    Avalon Interface Specification,The Avalon interface specification is designed to accommodate peripheral development for the system-on-a-programmable-chip (SOPC) environment. The specification provides peripheral designers with a basis for describing the address-based read/write interface found on master and slave peripherals, such as microprocessors, memory, UART, timer, etc.

    标签: Avalon Specification specification accommodate

    上传时间: 2014-03-06


  • 一个verilog语言描写的同步fifo,包括:Fifo using declared registers for storage和Fifo using (model of) standard mem

    一个verilog语言描写的同步fifo,包括:Fifo using declared registers for storage和Fifo using (model of) standard memory chip for storage.两种方式,包含testbench

    标签: using Fifo registers declared

    上传时间: 2015-12-15
