上传时间: 2013-12-15
Instead of finding the longest common subsequence, let us try to determine the length of the LCS. Then tracking back to find the LCS. Consider a1a2…am and b1b2…bn. Case 1: am=bn. The LCS must contain am, we have to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn-1. Case 2: am≠bn. Wehave to find the LCS of a1a2…am-1 and b1b2…bn, and a1a2…am and b b b b1b2…bn-1 Let A = a1 a2 … am and B = b1 b2 … bn Let Li j denote the length of the longest i,g g common subsequence of a1 a2 … ai and b1 b2 … bj. Li,j = Li-1,j-1 + 1 if ai=bj max{ L L } a≠b i-1,j, i,j-1 if ai≠j L0,0 = L0,j = Li,0 = 0 for 1≤i≤m, 1≤j≤n.
标签: the subsequence determine Instead
上传时间: 2013-12-17
dsPIC30F4011 SPI 範例程式 此壓縮檔包含 MCP4921 SPI DAC & 25LC160 SPI EEPROM 的範例程式, 也包含使用 dsPIC30F4011 做 SPI SLAVE 的範例. 使用的實驗板為 APP020 或是 APP020 PLUS
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Verilog HDL的程式,上網找到SPI程式, vspi.v這程式相當好用可用來接收與傳送SPI,並且寫了一個傳輸信號測試,spidatasent.v這程式就是傳送的資料,分別為00 66... 01 77...... 02 55這樣的資料,並透過MAX+PULS II軟體進行模擬,而最外層的程式是test_createspi.v!
上传时间: 2017-03-06
In this project we analyze and design the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser receiver for uniformly quantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels.This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise model. Based on this model, we derive the weight vector and the output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the MMSE receiver. The effects of quantization on the MMSE receiver performance is characterized in a single parameter named 鈥漞quivalent noise variance鈥? The optimal quantizer stepsize which maximizes the MMSE receiver output SNR is also determined.
标签: mean-square multiuser receiver project
上传时间: 2014-11-21
The second edition of WiMax Operator鈥檚 Manual includes most of the material from the first edition, plus new discussions of 鈥?The ultra-high-speed mobile telephone standard, HSDPA 鈥?Ultrawideband (UWB) 鈥?Changes to DSL technologies 鈥?Mobile voice 鈥?Mobile entertainment 鈥?New backup systems The new edition also reflects the changes that have occurred in the industry over the last year and half, including the emergence of restandards wireless broadband equipment with fully developed mobile capabilities, ignificant alterations in the competitive landscape, and he opening of valuable new spectrum for roadband wireless operators.
标签: edition the Operator includes
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Learn to build applications with Jakarta Struts, the most popular JSP development framework. Struts Kick Start is a "hands-on" book filled with sample applications and code snippets you can reuse, and in-depth coverage of new features in Struts 1.1. If you are looking for a practical book that "shows you how to do it", then Struts Kick Start is for you. Plus, it s the first Struts book with detailed examples of the major Struts tags
标签: Struts applications development framework
上传时间: 2013-12-30
标签: 数码管显示
上传时间: 2013-12-22
三本电子书,分别是:c++ primer中文版(第三版) ,C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition) ,OpenGL 编程指南 第六版
标签: 电子书
上传时间: 2013-11-27
标签: PowerInspact 电源监控 说明书
上传时间: 2014-01-11