此为本人期末的课程设计VC设计:浏览器程序设计。注:本源码用Word文档存放。 简介内容:随着互联网在世界范围的广泛应用,WWW(World Wide Web,万维网)也日益成为互联网上信息交流不可缺少的工具。它是一种以HTTP(HyperText Tranfer Protocol,超文本传输协议)为基础,使用HTML(HypeText MARKUP Language,超文本标记语言)编写的有若干Web网页构筑而成的世界。 本课程设计要求设计类似于微软的IE浏览器,具备一个浏览器的基本功能,可以完成网上冲浪的任务。 设计 Visual C++为我们提供了一个ChtmlView类,有了它。可以很方便地设计浏览器。
上传时间: 2015-03-29
WAP无线应用协议.包括WAE Wireless Application Enviromnent 无线应用环境, WAP Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议,WDP Wireless Datagrm Protocol 无线数据报协议,WML Wireless MARKUP Language 无线标记语言,WSP Wireless Session Protocol 无线会话协议,WTA Wireless Telephony Application 无线电话应用,WTLS Wireless Transport Layer Security 无线传输层安全,WTP Wireless Transaction Protocol 无线事务协议
标签: Application Wireless Enviromnent WAP
上传时间: 2015-09-12
Example to support XML files using MSXML. ========================================= XML (Extensible MARKUP Language) is a commonly used basis for representing a huge range of structured data file formats. The specification is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C?. This plugin is intended as an example of how XML data can be read with a DataPlugin. You can adjust it to meet the needs of your own XML file format. After installing the URI file (double click on it), you can find the VBScript file located at "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\USI\plugins\DataPlugins\XML Example" You can make changes to this file to read your specific XML file.
标签: XML Example support Extensi
上传时间: 2016-01-03
The Unisoft software module GERBER CONNECTION (CNC-BRIDGE). GERBER CONNECTION has all the features of VIEW-MARKUP and adds the ability to open multiple gerber file layers and add information to components. It is always the preference to use the CAD data vs. gerber data. If you do not have the CAD data then GERBER CONNECTION can help.
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Urwid is a Python library for making text console applications. It has many features including fluid interface resizing, support for UTF-8 and CJK encodings, standard and custom text layout modes, simple MARKUP for setting text attributes, and a powerful, dynamic list box that handles a mix of widget types. It is flexible, modular, and leaves the developer in control.
标签: applications including features console
上传时间: 2013-12-16
PDM系统数据发布网站——通知发布模块,一篇优秀的毕业论文,可做毕业设计的参考用。 本网站命题为“PDM系统数据发布网站——通知发布模块”,这个课题是基于PDM系统上的,要求实现的是在Windows环境下实现工厂内部对通知及图纸的发布以及各相关的车间处室利用PDM客户端仅仅实现浏览图纸、接收通知。基于以上考虑我们决定选择利用Windows XP系统开发操作系统Dreamweaver MX 2004系统开发前台页面设计,Tomcat 5.0.19 JSP服务端引擎,JDK等开发环境进行网站设计。使用JSP技术(即:结合MARKUP(HEML或XML)和Java编程技术)进行编程,从而实现了课题要求的PDM系统数据发布网站——通知发布模块。
上传时间: 2017-07-14
将源代码转换成html,支持多操作系统,支持多种编程语言:Ada95, ASP, Assembler, Basic, C, C#, C++, Cg, CLIPS, Fortran, Haskell, Java, MARKUP, Modula2, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Renderman, Ruby, SQL, Tcl
上传时间: 2013-12-28
DelphiDoc is a program for automatic generation of documentation on a Delphi-Project. At the moment the documentation will be generated in HTML (HyperText MARKUP Language) format, in the Windows help (.hlp-files) format, in the LaTeX format or in PDF (Portable Document Format) with some additional xfig-/wmf-files. Export to XMI to import it into other UML tools is also available.
标签: Delphi-Project documentation generation DelphiDoc
上传时间: 2013-12-23
第14章 ASP.NET XML和Web Service 在上一章中讲到的Web.config配置文件就是基于XML文件格式的,XML(Extensible MARKUP Language,可扩展标记语句)是一种描述数据和数据结构的语言,XML文本可以保存在任何存储文本中,这就让XML具有了可扩展性、跨平台型以及传输与存储方面的优点。
上传时间: 2017-08-25
===================================== GoAhead WebServer 2.1.8 Release Notes ===================================== .. NOTES: .. This document is maintained using the reStructuredText MARKUP system. .. You may download this from <http://docutils.sf.net>. Also note that running .. the docutils code requires that a version of Python version 2.1 or later .. be installed on the machine. Since the GoAhead release procedure itself .. runs in Python, this should not be a problem. .. .. To add new entries to the release notes, follow the MARKUP shown below .. (releases should be underlined with a row of '=' characters, each item .. noted within a release should be underlined with '-' characters.
上传时间: 2016-01-30