Kalman filter toolbox written by Kevin Murphy,See learning_demo.m for a demo of parameter estimation using EM.
标签: learning_demo estimation parameter toolbox
上传时间: 2014-01-24
有限元素求和 给定具有n个不同元素的整数集合A和另一个整数值M,问,可否从A中取最多k次元素(所取元素可以相同),使得所取的元素和为M。 例如,从n=3个元素的集合A={1, 4, 6}中取最多 k=3次,使 M=13 。可以取 1+6+6=13,若m=6,则可以直接取6 或者 1+1+4。 若可以,则输出 yes,否则,输出no.
上传时间: 2017-02-28
M-System DOC(Disk on a chip) Flash芯片的映像读写工具, 目前驱动程序的版本为5.1.4.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
M-System DOC(Disk on a Chip) Flash芯片的诊断工具, 可以从Flash芯片中获取特定的数据信息, 用于判断芯片当前的状态.
上传时间: 2014-08-23
M-System DOC(Disk on a Chip) Flash芯片映像读写工具, 可以进行二片Flash芯片的内容互相拷贝, 提高烧录程序的效率.
上传时间: 2017-03-04
A simple M/M/1 queue simulation using SMPL
标签: simulation simple queue using
上传时间: 2017-03-27
数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 function [sampl,re_sampl]=system_1(A,F,P,D,snr,m,N) 输入变量A ,F,P分别为输入信号的幅度、频率和相位,D为量化电平数,snr 为信道信噪比,N为D/A转换时的内插点数;输出变量sampl为抽样后的输入 信号,re_sampl为恢复出的输入信号。 数字基带传输系统的MATLAB仿真实现 [sampl,quant,pcm]=a_d_1(A,F,P,D) [changed_ami]=signal_encod_1(pcm) [ami_after_channel]=channel_1(changed_ami,snr) [adjudged_ami]=adjudg_1(ami_after_channel,m) re_pcm=signal_decod_1(adjudged_ami) [re_voltag,re_sampl,re_sampl1]=d_a_1(re_pcm,sampl,D,N)
标签: function re_sampl MATLAB system
上传时间: 2017-04-21
This is a paragraph on the calculation of current harmonic content of M documents, using MATLAB implementation, high accuracy.
标签: calculation documents paragraph harmonic
上传时间: 2017-05-24
In C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP, author Paul M. Embree presents a complete guide to digital signal processing techniques in the C programming language. This book is structured in such a way that it will be most useful to the engineer who is familiar with DSP and the C language, but who is not necessarily an expert in both. All of the example programs in this book have been tested using standard C compilers in the UNIX and MS-DOS programming environments. In addition, the examples have been compiled using the real-time programing tools of specific real-time embedded DSP microprocessors (Analog Devices ADSP-21020 and ADSP-21062 Texas Instruments TMS320C30 and TMS320C40 and AT&T DSP32C) and then tested with real-time hardware using real-world signals.
标签: M. Algorithms Real-Time complete
上传时间: 2014-01-07
迷宫算法(maze) /* Maze * Starting point is m[0][0], need to find a path go to m[9][9]. 0 means OK, * 1 means cannot go there, boundary is 0 and 9, cannot go beyond boundary. * Each step can be made horizontally or vertically for one more grid (diagonal * jump is not allowed). * Your program should print a series of grid coordinates that start from m[0][0] * and go to m[9][9] * Hint: No need to find the shortest path, only need to find one path that gets * you to desitination. */
上传时间: 2013-12-27