matlab 使用简介 网页形式 含有大量的实例 没有单独的M文件 不过复制粘贴也是一样
上传时间: 2014-01-07
LMS 算法MATLAB代码,可以经常LMS的计算.这个是.M文件.希望大家多交流
上传时间: 2015-05-04
上传时间: 2014-01-05
m序列发生器(简单型码序列发生器-----simple shift register generator)
标签: generator register simple shift
上传时间: 2014-12-01
《C++ Primer》配套源代码 ++ Primer的第三版结合了Stanley Lippman的实践经验和Josée Lajoie对于ANSI/ISO标准C++的深入理解。
标签: Primer Lippman Stanley Lajoie
上传时间: 2013-12-23
<===== 关于 GANT 鼠标集 (M) =====> 此“GANT 鼠标集 (M)”包含黄色和蓝色两种颜色主题,每种颜色主题分别有两套鼠标。换句话说,这个鼠标集共提供4套鼠标,分别放在4个文件夹内。 这里,我简单介绍一下每套鼠标,以所在文件夹名来指代: - yellow_normal_24x24:黄色,9个 ani 文件(动态鼠标)和6个 cur 文件(静态鼠标),与预览图中所示一样; - yellow_colorful_24x24:黄色,除“Work in Background.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同; - blue_normal_24x24:蓝色,9个 ani 文件和6个 cur 文件; - blue_colorful_24x24:蓝色,除“Work in Background.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同。 所有鼠标的尺寸都是 24像素 x 24像素。 感谢 mattahan 准许我使用他的 GANT 图标来制作这几套鼠标! 同时非常感谢 cyberchaos05(,他为我制作了鼠标的预览图。 “GANT 鼠标集 (M)”仅供个人使用,不得用于任何商业目的!
上传时间: 2013-12-20
MATLABThe CD-ROM accompanying this book contains MATLAB® M-files (MATLAB language source code) and Simulink® block diagram models for designing, implementing and testing control systems.
标签: MATLAB accompanying MATLABThe contains
上传时间: 2013-11-26
This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operation of the system.
标签: correlation receiver models system
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Models UWB TX and RX using BPSK fifth derivative. MATLAB Release: R13 Description: This m file models a UWB system using BPSK with the fifth order derivative of the gaussian pulse with correlation receiver and intgrator.
标签: Description derivative Release Models
上传时间: 2015-05-08
This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5 nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by changing fs,t,t1. The program uses the actual first and second derivative equations for the Gaussian pulse waveforms. The first derivative is considered to be the monocycle or monopulse as discussed in most papers. The second derivative is the waveform generated from a dipole antenna used in a UWB system. Other information is contained in the file.
上传时间: 2015-05-08