adi bf54x 通过spi接口读取memory程序
上传时间: 2016-08-17
Memory Layout Example.
上传时间: 2013-11-29
Linux MTD介绍: MTD(memory technology device内存技术设备)是用于访问memory设备(ROM、flash)的Linux的子系 统。MTD的主要目的是为了使新的memory设备的驱动更加简单,为此它在硬件和上层之间提供了一个 抽象的接口。MTD的所有源代码在/drivers/mtd子目录下。我将CFI接口的MTD设备分为四层(从设备节 点直到底层硬件驱动),这四层从上到下依次是:设备节点、MTD设备层、MTD原始设备层和硬件驱 动层。 根文件系统 文件系统 字符设备节点 MTD字符设备 MTD块设备 MTD原始设备 FLASH硬件驱动 块 重点是mtd的定义, 以及为什么要有mtd mtd设备的分层
标签: memory MTD Linux technology
上传时间: 2013-12-27
GameCubeMemoryCardTestJig_LastCode_ok,is a SOURCE code for GameCube Memory CARD.
标签: GameCubeMemoryCardTestJig_LastCod GameCube SOURCE Memory
上传时间: 2013-12-18
旺宏Flash Memory MX29LV320 driver. This program can for embedded system that using MX29LV320 (4MBytes) flash memory. User can porting to any RTOS by himself.
标签: 320 embedded 4MBytes program
上传时间: 2016-09-26
HT48F MCU系列2K位EEPROM Data Memory的读写 - 使用C语言
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Running an Application from Internal Flash Memory on the tms320c2812.
标签: Application Internal Running Memory
上传时间: 2013-11-30
linux 0.11 bios memory distrabute
标签: distrabute memory linux 0.11
上传时间: 2013-12-25
ARM S3C2410硬件手册重点 a.Memory Controller b.Nand Flash c.UART d.Interrupt e.Timer
标签: Controller Interrupt S3C2410 Memory
上传时间: 2013-12-17
For solving the following problem: "There is No Free Lunch" Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB One day, CYJJ found an interesting piece of commercial from newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of "Lunch Special" which was said that one could "buy one get two for free". That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by di with price pi , you may get the two neighboring dishes di-1 and di+1 for free! If you pick up d1, then you may get d2 and the last one dn for free, and if you choose the last one dn, you may get dn-1 and d1 for free. However, after investigation CYJJ realized that there was no free lunch at all. The price pi of the i-th dish was actually calculated by adding up twice the cost ci of the dish and half of the costs of the two "free" dishes. Now given all the prices on the menu, you are asked to help CYJJ find the cost of each of the dishes.
标签: Limit following solving problem
上传时间: 2014-01-12