XML+ASP 强大的自动生成静态产品目录网页实例,可完全代替数据库+服务端程序的网站设计模式.优点在于: 1.它只需在自己的配置有IIS或其它ASP执行软件的电脑上执行一次便自动生成大量(上传的示例会生成两千多页)静态html网页,你只需将这些静态网页和图片发布到网站服务器上去就行了,因此,在服务器不支持数据库或服务器端程序如ASP, JSP等的情况下照样可用. 2.网上有许多工具能方便的修改xml,你完全不需要学习数据库知识和安装数据库软件. 上传的代码是已经应用的代码. 提示: 1.由于以前写的时候没有考虑给别人看的,所以没写太多注释,请见谅,不过ASP结构是很清淅的 2.javascript 装在一个.js文件里且经过了压缩,目的是节省空间,这在生成大量网页时很重要.如需修改请用专门的script修改工具. 效果可以看下: http://www.samluo.com/light/light.htm 这个目录里的两千多文件全是由一个ASP文件预先生成的.
上传时间: 2014-01-22
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\VC++多媒体特效制作百例\CHAR12\Light
标签: SettingsAdministrator Documents Light CHAR
上传时间: 2017-03-07
LwIP是瑞士计算机科学院(Swedish Institute of Computer Science)的AdamDunkels等开发的一套用于嵌入式系统的开放源代码TCP/IP协议栈。LwIP的含义是Light Weight(轻型)IP协议。LwIP可以移植到操作系统上,也可以在无操作系统的情况下独立运行。LwIP协议的基础是在减少对硬件资源占用的前提下完成TCP/IP协议的主要功能
标签: LwIP AdamDunkels Institute Computer
上传时间: 2014-11-04
awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, light, and extensible. It is primarily targeted at the power user, developer, and anyone dealing with everyday computing tasks who wants to have fine-grained control over a graphical environment.
标签: X. configurable generation framework
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This thesis presents a comprehensive overview of the problem of facial recognition. A survey of available facial detection algorithms as well as implementation and tests of di铿€erent feature extraction and dimensionality reduction methods and light normalization methods are presented.
标签: comprehensive recognition presents overview
上传时间: 2017-05-05
XiangQi Wizard (Chinese Chess Wizard) is a powerful XiangQi (chinese chess) program, which supports UCCI engines. XQWizard Light is the Mobile version for Windows CE and Java ME. ElephantEye is the UCCI engine in XQWizard with strong AI.
标签: XiangQi Wizard powerful supports
上传时间: 2014-01-26
After decades of war one company, who had gained powerful supplying both sides with weaponary, steps forwards and crushes both warring factions in one swift movement. Using far superior weaponary and AI craft, the company was completely unstoppable and now no one can stand in their way. Thousands began to perish under the iron fist of the company. The people cried out for a saviour, for someone to light this dark hour... and someone did.
标签: supplying weaponary powerful decades
上传时间: 2013-12-02
上传时间: 2017-08-07
Implementation of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) that rendered triangle based models. Our goal was to generate complex models with a movable camera. We wanted to be able to render complex images that consisted of hundreds to thousands of triangles. We wanted to apply interpolated shading on the objects, so that they appeared more smooth and realisitc, and to have a camera that orbitted around the object, which allowed us to look arond the object with a stationary light source. We chose to do this in hardware, because our initial implementation using running software on the NIOS II processor was too slow. Implementing parallelism in hardware is also easier to do than in software, which allows for more efficiency. We used Professor Land s floating point hardware, which allowed us to do calculations efficiency, which is essential to graphics.
标签: Implementation Processing Graphics rendered
上传时间: 2014-11-22
The AP2406 is a 1.5Mhz constant frequency, slope compensated current mode PWM step-down converter. The device integrates a main switch and a synchronous rectifier for high efficiency without an external Schottky diode. It is ideal for powering portable equipment that runs from a single cell lithium-Ion (Li+) battery. The AP2406 can supply 600mA of load current from a 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage. The output voltage can be regulated as low as 0.6V. The AP2406 can also run at 100% duty cycle for low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable system. Idle mode operation at light loads provides very low output ripple voltage for noise sensitive applications. The AP2406 is offered in a low profile (1mm) 5-pin, thin SOT package, and is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltage of 1.2V, 1.5V and 1.8V
上传时间: 2017-02-23