内有51单片机、74系列等众多芯片原理图及封装,是altium designer的使用者的宝贵资源
标签: Libraries Schematic designer altium
上传时间: 2013-10-22
基于USB接口的数据采集模块的设计与实现Design and Implementation of USB-Based Data Acquisition Module路 永 伸(天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院,天津300222)摘要文中给出基于USB接口的数据采集模块的设计与实现。硬件设计采用以Adpc831与PDIUSBDI2为主的器件进行硬件设计,采用Windriver开发USB驱动,并用Visual C十十6.0对主机软件中硬件接口操作部分进行动态链接库封装。关键词USB 数据采集Adpc831 PDNSBDI2 Windriver动态链接库Abstract T hed esigna ndim plementaitono fU SB-BasedD ataA cquisiitonM oduleis g iven.Th ec hips oluitonm ainlyw ithA dpc831a ndP DTUSBD12i sused for hardware design. The USB drive is developed场Wmdriver, and the operation on the hardware interface is packaged into Dynamic Link Libraries场Visual C++6.0. Keywords USB DataA cquisition Adttc831 PDfUSBD12 Windriver0 引言US B总 线 是新一代接口总线,最初推出的目的是为了统一取代PC机的各类外设接口,迄今经历了1.0,1.1与2.0版本3个标准。在国内基于USB总线的相关设计与开发也得到了快速的发展,很多设计者从各自的应用领域,用不同方案设计出了相应的装置[1,2]。数据采集是工业控制中一个普遍而重要的环节,因此开发基于USB接口的数据采集模块具有很强的现实应用意义。虽然 US B总线标准已经发展到2.0版本,但由于工业控制现场干扰信号的情况比较复杂,高速数据传输的可靠性不容易被保证,并且很多场合对数据采集的实时性要求并不高,开发2.0标准产品的成本又较1.1标准产品高,所以笔者认为,在工业控制领域,目前开发基于USB总线1.1标准实现的数据采集模块的实用意义大于相应2.0标准模块。
上传时间: 2013-10-23
内有51单片机、74系列等众多芯片原理图及封装,是altium designer的使用者的宝贵资源
标签: Libraries Schematic designer altium
上传时间: 2013-11-17
本书由Java技术的创建者编写,对Java 2平台标准版,V1.2中新增加的包及类进行了描述。本书主要由包概述和类描述构成。包概述对每个包及其所有类进行了简要描述,另外还画出了包中的类的继承层次结构示意图。每个类描述都独自构成一个小节,包含了类层次结构示意图、类描述、类示例、成员概述以及那些在版本1.2中作了修改或新增的类成员的描述。还详细说明了Java软件开发包(JDK)1.1到从版本1.2对类及方法所作的修改。需要指出的是:本书是补充版本,有些材料需要参阅《The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, Volume 1》一书的内容。 本书是参考手册而不是指导手册,它不对Java语言进行解释。为了快速定位所需要的类或类成员的信息,本书按类的字母顺序组织。 本书由赵皑、黄志军、阳亮组织翻译,参加本书翻译的还有姚远、程子进、肖利平、刘永亮、薛亮、毛静萍、查海平、赵峰、郭树厢、曹波、肖斌、彭建明、郑欢。参加录入工作的有陈军、姜明、姜志明、张志荣等。 希望本书能够帮助Java程序员获取完整、专业和权威的信息,同时也希望本书能够帮助读者更全面地了解Java语言。由于水平有限和时间仓促,本书的翻译必定会存在一些纰漏,恳切希望广大读者批评指正。
上传时间: 2014-01-27
linux 的引导程序源码The Microsoft® Windows® Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the documentation, samples, header files, Libraries, and tools you need to develop applications that run on Windows. The applications you develop with this edition of the SDK can run on the x86, x64 and Itanium-based versions of Windows Server 2003 SP1, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP x64 Pro Edition, and Windows 2000. A new custom install allows you to select components you wish to install on a more granular level.
标签: documentation Development Microsoft reg
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The Small C compiler translates a subset of the C language into assembly language. It runs under PC/MS-DOS 2.1 and later. Small C is compatible with the Microsoft and Small Mac assemblers. Small C takes full advantage of the ability of these assemblers to generate relocatable object code, to maintain Libraries of relocatable modules, and to link separately compiled program modules. It supports a small memory model with one code and one data/stack segment.
标签: language translates compiler assembly
上传时间: 2015-04-08
aPLib is a 32-bit compression library based on the compression algorithm used in aPACK (my executable packer). aPLib is an easy-to-use alternative to many of the heavy-weight compression Libraries available.
标签: compression algorithm executa library
上传时间: 2013-11-30
By Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington ISBN 1-56592-243-3 First Edition, published August 1998. (See the catalog page for this book.) Search the text of Perl Cookbook. Table of Contents Copyright Page Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Strings Chapter 2: Numbers Chapter 3: Dates and Times Chapter 4: Arrays Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: Pattern Matching Chapter 7: File Access Chapter 8: File Contents Chapter 9: Directories Chapter 10: Subroutines Chapter 11: References and Records Chapter 12: Packages, Libraries, and Modules Chapter 13: Classes, Objects, and Ties Chapter 14: Database Access Chapter 15: User Interfaces Chapter 16: Process Management and Communication Chapter 17: Sockets Chapter 18: Internet Services Chapter 19: CGI Programming Chapter 20: Web Automation Index Colophon
标签: Christiansen Torkington published Edition
上传时间: 2014-02-20
OpenCV means Intel® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection of C functions and a few C++ classes that implement some popular Image Processing and Computer Vision algorithms. OpenCV has cross-platform middle-to-high level API that consists of a few hundreds (>300) C functions. It does not rely on external Libraries, though it can use some when it is possible. OpenCV is free for both non-commercial and commercial use (see the license for details). OpenCV provides transparent interface to Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). That is, it loads automatically IPP Libraries optimized for specific processor at runtime, if they are available. More information about IPP can be retrieved at http://www.intel.com/software/products/ipp/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本文是opencv的入门教程
标签: collection functions Computer Library
上传时间: 2015-09-12
C++/CLI in Action is a practical guide that will help you breathe new life into your legacy C++ programs. The book begins with a concise C++/CLI tutorial. It then quickly moves to the key themes of native/managed code interop and mixed-mode programming. You抣l learn to take advantage of GUI frameworks like Windows Forms and WPF while keeping your native C++ business logic. The book also covers methods for accessing C# or VB.NET components and Libraries. Written for readers with a working knowledge of C++.
标签: practical breathe Action legacy
上传时间: 2015-10-17