标号: FDIV 功能:浮点数除法 入口条件:被除数在[R0]中,除数在[R1]中。出口信息:OV=0时,商仍在[R0]中,OV=1时,溢出。影响资源:PSW、A、B、R2~R7、位1EH、1FH 堆栈需求: 5字节
上传时间: 2014-12-28
入口条件:被除数在R2、R3、R4、R5中,除数在R6、R7中。出口信息:OV=0时商在R2、R3中,OV=1时溢出。影响资源:PSW、A、B、R1~R7 堆栈需求: 5字节DIVS: LCALL MDS ;计算结果的符号和两个操作数的绝对值PUSH PSW ;保存结果的符号LCALL DIVD ;计算两个绝对值的商JNB OV,DVS1 ;溢出否?POP ACC ;溢出,放去结果的符号,保留溢出标志
上传时间: 2013-11-09
汇编器在微处理器的验证和应用中举足轻重,如何设计通用的汇编器一直是研究的热点之一。本文提出了一种开放式的汇编器系统设计思想,在汇编语言与机器语言间插入中间代码CMDL(code mapping description language)语言,打破汇编语言与机器语言的直接映射关系,由此建立起一套描述汇编语言与机器语言的开放式映射体系。基于此开放式映射体系开发了一套汇编器系统,具有较高层次上的通用性和可移植性。【关键词】指令集,CMDL,汇编器,开放式 Design of Retargetable Assembler System Liu Ling Feng Wen Nan Wang Ying Chun Jiang An Ping Ji Li Jiu IME of Peking University, 100871【摘要】An assembler plays a very important role in the field of microprocessor verifications and applications, thus how to build a retargetable assembler system has been a hotspot in this field for long time. This paper presents a new method about the retargetable assembler system design.It provides a kind of language CMDL, code mapping description language. During the process of assembling, assembler languages are firstly translated to CMDL, and then mapped to the machine codes. In an other word, CMDL is inserted between assembler languages and machine codes during the translation procedure. As a medium code, CMDL has a lot of features, such as high extraction, strong descript capabilities. It can describe almost all attributes of assembler languages. By breaking the direct mapping relationship between assembler languages and machine codes, the complexities of machine codes are hided to the users, therefore, the new retargetable assembler system has higher retargetable level by converting the mapping from assembler languages and machine codes to assembler languages and CMDL, and implementationof it becomes easier. Based on the new mapping system structure, a retargetable assemblersystem is developed. It proved the whole system has good retargetability and implantability.【关键词】instruction set, symbol table, assembler, lexical analysis, retargetability
上传时间: 2013-10-10
LTC1732 是LINEAR TECHNOLOGY 公司推出的锂离子电池充电控制集成电路芯片。它具有电池插入检测和自动低压电池充电功能。文章介绍了该芯片的结构、特点、工作原理及应用信息,给出了典型的应用电路。 LTC1732 是LINEAR TECHNOLOGY 公司生产的锂-离子(Li-离子)电池恒流/恒压线性充电控制器。它也可以对镍-镉(NiCd)和镍-氢(NiMH)电池恒流充电。其充电电流可通过外部传感电阻器编程到7%(最大值)的精度。最终的浮动电压精度为1%。利用LTC1732 的SEL 端可为4.1V 或4.2V 电池充电。当输入电源撤消后,LTC1732 可自动进入低电流睡眠状态,以使消耗电流下降到7μA。LTC1732 的内部比较器用于检测充电结束条件(C/10),而总的充电时间则是通过可编程计时器的外部电容来设置的。在电池完全放电后,控制器将自动以规定电流的10%对被充电电池进行慢速充电直到电池电压超过2.457V。当放电后的电池插入充电器或当输入电源接通时,LTC1732 将开始重新充电。另外,如果电池一直插入在充电器且在电池电压降到3.8V(LTC1732-4)或4.05V(LTC1732-4.2)以下时,充电器也将开始重新充电。LTC1732 的其它主特点如下:●具有1%的预置充电电压精度;●输入电压范围4.5V~12V;●充电电流可编程控制;●具有C/10 充电电流检测输出;●可编程控制充电终端计时;●带有低电压电池自动小电流充电模式;●可编程控制恒定电流接通模式;●具有电池插入检测和自动低压电流充电功能;●带有输入电源(隔离适配器)检测输出;●LTC1732-4.2 型器件的再充电阈值电压为4.05V;●LTC1732-4 型器件的再充电阈值电压为3.8V。
上传时间: 2013-11-12
支持40 GbE、100 GbE和Interlaken的高密度硬核MLD/PCS模块,从而提高系统集成度。 宽带数据缓冲,提供1,600-Mbps外部存储器接口。 数据包处理和流量管理功能的高效实现。 更高的系统性能,同时保持功耗和成本预算不变。
上传时间: 2013-11-23
作者RICHARD CHI-HSI LI,结合自己20年RF设计经验,整理的RF设计技术与经验,工程性很强,从最基本的LNA、MIXERS、差分对等讲起,涉及到阻抗匹配,接地,天线设计,RF系统分析,是一本很不错的书。英文版
上传时间: 2013-10-30
The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to labviewNow Completely Updated for labview 8! Master labview 8 with the industry's friendliest, most intuitive tutorial: labview for Everyone, Third Edition. Top labview experts Jeffrey Travis and Jim Kring teach labview the easy way: through carefully explained, step-by-step examples that give you reusable code for your own projects! This brand-new Third Edition has been fully revamped and expanded to reflect new features and techniques introduced in labview 8. You'll find two new chapters, plus dozens of new topics, including Project Explorer, AutoTool, XML, event-driven programming, error handling, regular expressions, polymorphic VIs, timed structures, advanced reporting, and much more. Certified labview Developer (CLD) candidates will find callouts linking to key objectives on NI's newest exam, making this book a more valuable study tool than ever. Not just what to d why to do it! Use labview to build your own virtual workbench Master labview's foundations: wiring, creating, editing, and debugging VIs; using controls and indicators; working with data structures; and much more Learn the "art" and best practices of effective labview development NEW: Streamline development with labview Express VIs NEW: Acquire data with NI-DAQmx and the labview DAQmx VIs NEW: Discover design patterns for error handling, control structures, state machines, queued messaging, and more NEW: Create sophisticated user interfaces with tree and tab controls, drag and drop, subpanels, and more Whatever your application, whatever your role, whether you've used labview or not, labview for Everyone, Third Edition is the fastest, easiest way to get the results you're after!
上传时间: 2013-10-14
6小时学会labview, labview Six Hour Course – Instructor Notes This zip file contains material designed to give students a working knowledge of labview in a 6 hour timeframe. The contents are: Instructor Notes.doc – this document. labviewIntroduction-SixHour.ppt – a PowerPoint presentation containing screenshots and notes on the topics covered by the course. Convert C to F (Ex1).vi – Exercise 1 solution VI. Convert C to F (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution subVI. Thermometer-DAQ (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution VI. Temperature Monitor (Ex3).vi – Exercise 3 solution VI. Thermometer (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Convert C to F (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Temperature Logger (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution VI. Multiplot Graph (Ex5).vi – Exercise 5 solution VI. Square Root (Ex6).vi – Exercise 6 solution VI. State Machine 1 (Ex7).vi – Exercise 7 solution VI. The slides can be presented in two three hour labs, or six one hour lectures. Depending on the time and resources available in class, you can choose whether to assign the exercises as homework or to be done in class. If you decide to assign the exercises in class, it is best to assign them in order with the presentation. This way the students can create VI’s while the relevant information is still fresh. The notes associated with the exercise slide should be sufficient to guide the students to a solution. The solution files included are one possible solution, but by no means the only solution.
标签: labview
上传时间: 2013-10-13
The NXP LPC315x combine an 180 MHz ARM926EJ-S CPU core, High-speed USB 2.0OTG, 192 KB SRAM, NAND flash controller, flexible external bus interface, an integratedaudio codec, Li-ion charger, Real-Time Clock (RTC), and a myriad of serial and parallelinterfaces in a single chip targeted at consumer, industrial, medical, and communicationmarkets. To optimize system power consumption, the LPC315x have multiple powerdomains and a very flexible Clock Generation Unit (CGU) that provides dynamic clockgating and scaling.The LPC315x is implemented as multi-chip module with two side-by-side dies, one fordigital fuctions and one for analog functions, which include a Power Supply Unit (PSU),audio codec, RTC, and Li-ion battery charger.
上传时间: 2014-01-17
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上传时间: 2013-11-13