Ants performing 3 actions: searching ore , mining ore , returning ore basic Artificial Neurological Network working the Learning proces to pick their state through Genetic Programming 人工智能中的蚁群算法
标签: ore Neurological performing Artificial
上传时间: 2013-12-26
一个用神经网络方法实现人脸识别的程序,来源于CMU的machine Learning 课程作业,具有参考价值
上传时间: 2013-11-28
This is a simple demo of a Kalman filter for a sinus wave, it is very commented and is a good approach to start when Learning the capabilities of it.
标签: commented is Kalman approa
上传时间: 2013-12-15
Zero-order-hold Intended for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems, the text is also useful for graduate students and practicing engineers who are Learning state-space design techniques.
标签: Zero-order-hold senior-level Intended analysis
上传时间: 2013-12-04
Upper gain margin Intended for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems, the text is also useful for graduate students and practicing engineers who are Learning state-space design techniques.
标签: senior-level Intended analysis control
上传时间: 2013-12-12
linux-unix130.linux.and.unix.ebooks\130 linux and unix ebooks\linux\Learning Linux - Collection of 12 Ebooks 1999zip
标签: linux ebookslinuxLearning unix linux-unix
上传时间: 2013-11-25
C/C++ Reference There are no "Introduction to Programming" tutorials here. This site is meant to be used by more-or-less experienced C++ programmers, who have a good idea of what they want to do and simply need to look up the syntax. If you re interested in Learning C/C++, try one of these sites: How C Programming Works C Programming C++ Language Tutorial
标签: Introduction Programming Reference tutorials
上传时间: 2014-07-26
Today s ActionScript-based applications require increasingly sophisticated architectures and code. This book aids intermediate and advanced ActionScript developers in Learning how to plan and build applications more effectively. You ll learn how to apply design patterns as solutions to common programming scenarios. Beyond a reference, Advanced ActionScript with Design Patterns is a practical guide complete with sample mini-applications illustrating each design pattern. The accompanying CD includes a trial version of Flash 8 along
标签: ActionScript-based architectures sophisticated applications
上传时间: 2016-08-17
是一本介绍java基础应用的好书 Java For Artists targets both the undergraduate computer science or information technology student and the practicing programmer. It is both an introductory-level textbook and trade book. As a textbook it employs Learning objectives, skill-building exercises, suggested projects, and self-test questions to reinforce the Learning experience. The projects offered range from the easy to the extremely challenging. It covers all the topics you’d expect to find in an introductory Java programming textbook and then some. As a trade book it goes purposefully deeper into topics cut short or avoided completely in most introductory textbooks. Its coverage of advanced GUI programming techniques, network programming and object-oriented theory will enable you to take your skills to a higher level.
标签: undergraduate information computer Artists
上传时间: 2016-09-28
是否懂得C语言并不是学习C++的前提。不仅仅是因为C++本身兼容C语言,更重要的是C++所倡导的程序设计观念是和C语言完全不同的。C语言在某种意义上是对CPU模型的抽象。尽管C++完全保留了C语言的机器模型,但是C++更加注重对现实世界进行抽象。为此,C++创始人Bjarne Stroustrup专门写过一篇著名的文章:《Learning Standard C++ as a New Language》(把标准C++作为一种全新的语言来学习)
上传时间: 2013-12-25