%求输入一维信号的计盒分形维数 %y是一维信号 %cellmax:方格子的最大边长,可以取2的偶数次幂次(1,2,4,8...),取大于数据长度的偶数 %D是y的计盒维数(一般情况下D>=1),D=lim(LOG(N(e))/LOG(k/e)),
上传时间: 2013-12-13
上传时间: 2014-08-31
3、使用如下命令更改密码: shell> mysqladmin -u root -p password ‘newpass’ Enter Password:******* 出现Enter Password的提示后输入原来的密码oldpass即可。 读者可以尝试其它所有本章介绍的方法。 4、首先以root用户的身份连接到服务器: shell> mysql -u root -p Enter password:******* 出现Enter password提后输入root用户的密码,然后即进入mysql客户机的交互模式,可以看到下面的提示: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 3.23.25-beta-LOG Type help or \h for help. Type \c to clear the buffer mysql> 然后发布查询,直接键入题目中的语句: mysql> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user
标签: Enter mysqladmin Password password
上传时间: 2016-03-17
基于DSP平台实现turbo码Max_LOG_MAP算法,基于标准C 语言研究 了Turbo 码Max - LOG - MAP 译码算法的软件编程与实现,为了提高程序的运行效率,结合TMS320C6000 系列DSP 芯片 的结构与特点采用循环展开、数据的存取优化设计、算法改进等措施进行了代码优化,给出了测试结果,非常值得一看
标签: Max_LOG_MAP turbo DSP 算法
上传时间: 2014-01-11
In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial College). The data and simulations are described in: Nando de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew Gee Nonlinear State Space Estimation with Neural Networks and the EM algorithm After downloading the file, type "tar -xf EMdemo.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory EMdemo containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "EMtremor". The figures will then show you the simulation results, including ROC curves, likelihood plots, decision boundaries with error bars, etc. WARNING: Do make sure that you monitor the LOG-likelihood and check that it is increasing. Due to numerical errors, it might show glitches for some data sets.
标签: Rauch-Tung-Striebel algorithm smoother which
上传时间: 2016-04-15
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his LOG-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-01-14
本程序是一个行计算器(即对表达式求值)。计算器能实现加、减、乘、除、取余(%)和乘方(^)运算;能实现三角函数(正弦函数sin和余弦函数cos),求10为底的对数LOG,求2为底的对数ln,求e的指数幂exp,其参数也可以是合法的表达式; 计算器并能对表达式的合法性进行测试,错误的能给出表达式错误的信息。 ] 输入文件格式:第一行是一个正整数N,表示有多少行表达式。接下来的N行每一行是 一个表达式。表达式使用由浮点数(只用小数点表示)和运算符表示。 输出格式:每个行输出一个表达式的结果(浮点输出结果使用小数点表示法表示,)
上传时间: 2016-05-27
上传时间: 2013-12-22
% EM algorithm for k multidimensional Gaussian mixture estimation % % Inputs: % X(n,d) - input data, n=number of observations, d=dimension of variable % k - maximum number of Gaussian components allowed % ltol - percentage of the LOG likelihood difference between 2 iterations ([] for none) % maxiter - maximum number of iteration allowed ([] for none) % pflag - 1 for plotting GM for 1D or 2D cases only, 0 otherwise ([] for none) % Init - structure of initial W, M, V: Init.W, Init.M, Init.V ([] for none) % % Ouputs: % W(1,k) - estimated weights of GM % M(d,k) - estimated mean vectors of GM % V(d,d,k) - estimated covariance matrices of GM % L - LOG likelihood of estimates %
标签: multidimensional estimation algorithm Gaussian
上传时间: 2013-12-03
This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his LOG-likelihood decoder).
标签: LDPC introduction simulation software
上传时间: 2014-12-05