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  • PowerPCB培训教程

    欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了 PADS-PowerPCB  的绝大部分功能和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) · 元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) · 覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object LINKING Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output)      使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。

    标签: PowerPCB 培训教程

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • Invoke JavaProg.main() from a win32 program: . compile Main.java . compile VC project . set include

    Invoke JavaProg.main() from a win32 program: . compile Main.java . compile VC project . set include path for jni.h, which is under java_Home\include . set LINKING path for jvm.lib, which is under java_Home\lib\jvm.lib . copy Main.class and Main$1.class to the working dir of the VC project (or the same dir with the output executable App.exe) . run App.exe . set searching path for jvm.dll

    标签: compile JavaProg include program

    上传时间: 2014-11-16


  • This a JavaBean application, which contains 4 beans. In this package, there are 4 files: cexchange

    This a JavaBean application, which contains 4 beans. In this package, there are 4 files: cexchange.jar(ready to load into BeanBuilder), readme.txt, currencyData.txt(data file), screenshot.jpg(LINKING beans)

    标签: application cexchange JavaBean contains

    上传时间: 2015-07-05


  • #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls() // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3d

    #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls() // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3dControlsStatic() // Call this when LINKING to MFC statically #endif CPreviewDialogDlg dlg m_pMainWnd = &dlg int nResponse = dlg.DoModal() if (nResponse == IDOK) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with OK } else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL) { // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is // dismissed with Cancel } // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the // application, rather than start the application s message pump. return FALSE }

    标签: Enable3dControls Enable3d AFXDLL shared

    上传时间: 2015-12-19


  • 序言 1. OBJECT文件 导言 ELF头(ELF Header) Sections String表(String Table) Symbol表(Symbol Table)

    序言 1. OBJECT文件 导言 ELF头(ELF Header) Sections String表(String Table) Symbol表(Symbol Table) 重定位(Relocation) 2. 程序装载与动态连接 导言 Program头(Program Header) Program装载(Program Loading) Dynamic连接(Dynamic LINKING) 3. C LIBRARY C Library

    标签: String Symbol Table ELF

    上传时间: 2016-03-10


  • PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点

    PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) ·元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) ·覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft 的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object LINKING Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。 你不必一次完成整个教程,如果在任何时候退出后,下次直接找到你要进入 的部分,继续学习本教程。 当你完成了本教程的学习后,可以参考在线帮助(On-line Help)以便得到更多 的信息。如果你需要附加的信息内容,你可以与PADS 在各地办事处或代理商取 得联系,以便得到更多的帮助。 欢迎使用PowerPCB进行PCB设计!

    标签: PowerPCB PADS-PowerPCB 教程

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Computational+RFID

    Sensors are points ofcontact betweenthe material world ofatoms, mass, andenergy and the seemingly immaterial world of information, computation, and cognition. LINKING these two domains more tightly yields all sorts of practical benefits, such as improvedinputdevicesforcomputers,moreeffectivemedicaldevices(implantedor worn), more precise agricultural operations, better monitored buildings or bridges, more secure payment systems, and more reliable sensor–actuator control systems. There are many settings in which tighter coupling between digital and physical planes can enhance safety, security, performance, and reliability.

    标签: Computational RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08
