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  • Cyber-Physical Systems

    This book provides an overview of recent innovations and achievements in the broad areas of cyber-physical systems (CPS), including architecture, networking, systems, applications, security, and privacy. The book discusses various new CPS technologies from diverse aspects to enable higher level of innovation towards intelligent LIFE. The book provides insight to the future integration, coordination and interaction between the physical world, the information world, and human beings. The book features contributions from renowned researchers and engineers, who discuss key issues from various perspectives, presenting opinions and recent CPS-related achievements.Investigates how to advance the development of cyber-physical systems Provides a joint consideration of other newly emerged technologies and concepts in relation to CPS like cloud computing, big data, fog computing, and crowd sourcing Includes topics related to CPS such as architecture, system, networking, application, algorithm, security and privacy

    标签: Cyber-Physical Systems

    上传时间: 2019-04-21


  • Enablers for Smart Cities

    The concept of smart cities emerged few years ago as a new vision for urban development that aims to integrate multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage a city’s assets. Modern ICT infrastructure and e-services should fuel sustainable growth and quality of LIFE, enabled by a wise and participative management of natural resources to be ensured by citizens and government. The need to build smart cities became a requirement that relies on urban development that should take charge of the new infrastructures for smart cities (broadband infrastructures, wireless sensor networks, Internet-based networked applications, open data and open platforms) and provide various smart services and enablers in various domains including healthcare, energy, education, environmental management, transportation, mobility and public safety.

    标签: Enablers Cities Smart for

    上传时间: 2020-05-25


  • Introduction to RF Power Amplifier Design

    Radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers are used in everyday LIFE for many applica- tions including cellular phones, magnetic resonance imaging, semiconductor wafer processing for chip manufacturing, etc. Therefore, the design and performance of RF amplifiers carry great importance for the proper functionality of these devices. Furthermore, several industrial and military applications require low-profile yet high-powered and efficient power amplifiers. 

    标签: Introduction Amplifier Design Power to RF

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE-Advanced+DRX+Mechanism

    Today, our everyday LIFE is almost impossible to detach from the influence of wireless mobile communication technologies. This global trend is growing exponentially, and the mobile-only data traffic is expected to exceed stationary data traffic. However, for further development of mobile communication, there is a major obstacle to overcome, which is the resource-paucity of portable devices relative to stationary hardware.

    标签: LTE-Advanced Mechanism DRX

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Communications

    One of the very first books published on the social impact of the mobile phone was Timo Kopomaa’s The City in Your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile Information Society. The book, published in 2000, was based on research that Kopomaa had under- taken for Nokia and Sonera as part of his doctoral studies in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the Helsinki University of Technology. The first line he writes in the book is peculiar: ‘Mobile communication is not a serious matter’. By this, we assume he is referring to a view of the world that would regard the mobile phone as little more than an unremarkable fact of everyday LIFE – a simple play- thing for the young, or a productivity tool for the business executive and busy parent.

    标签: Communications Wireless Mobile and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+Communications+An+Introduction+to+New+Media

    Do you have a mobile phone? We think you probably do, one way or another. We would also guess that you might use it for many diff erent things in the course of your everyday LIFE—as a telephone certainly, but also as an address book, as a clock or watch, as a camera, or now as a connection to your computer, email and the internet. Th ere will be a range of people you use it to contact (or not), and various strategies you use to take calls—or send texts, or take photos, or receive emails, or search online (or not, in diff erent situations). Th ere are also likely to be a range of social relation- ships in your LIFE that your mobile phone helps to maintain—or disrupts, or inter- venes in, or makes possible, or complicates, or just plain helps to handle.

    标签: Communications Introduction Mobile Media New An to

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Ultra Wideband - Circuits

    Recent advances in wireless communication technologies have had a transforma- tive impact on society and have directly contributed to several economic and social aspects of daily LIFE. Increasingly, the untethered exchange of information between devices is becoming a prime requirement for further progress, which is placing an ever greater demand on wireless bandwidth. The ultra wideband (UWB) system marks a major milestone in this progress. Since 2002, when the FCC allowed the unlicensed use of low-power, UWB radio signals in the 3.1–10.6GHz frequency band, there has been significant synergistic advance in this technology at the cir- cuits, architectural and communication systems levels. This technology allows for devices to communicate wirelessly, while coexisting with other users by ensuring that its power density is sufficiently low so that it is perceived as noise to other users.

    标签: Circuits Wideband Ultra

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • UMTS+Network+Planning

    The continuing explosive growth in mobile communication is demanding more spectrally efficient radio access technologies than the prevalent second generation (2G) systems such as GSM to handle just the voice traffic. We are already witnessing high levels of mobile penetration exceeding 70% in some countries. It is anticipated that by 2010 more than half of all communications will be carried out by mobile cellular networks. On the other hand, the information revolution and changing LIFE habits are bringing the requirement of commu- nicating on a multimedia level to the mobile environment. But the data handling capabilities and flexibility of the 2G cellular systems are limited.

    标签: Planning Network UMTS

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes

    Thanks to the advances in micromachining fabrication technologies and significant cost reduction due to mass production, miniature sensors of angular rate, or gyroscopes, found their way into the everyday LIFE of every user of modern gadgets, such as smart phones, tablets or even wristwatches. Often without realising, many of us are carrying in our pockets fully equipped with all necessary sensors complete inertial navigation systems that not so long ago were available only for advanced vehicles in sea, land, air or space. Accelerometers and gyroscopes are found in specifications of any gadget supposed to react to user movements. And one of the most commonly used type of gyroscopes used to developed these systems is Coriolis vibratory gyroscope (CVG).

    标签: Gyroscopes Vibratory Coriolis

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • MEMS+Lorentz+Force+Magnetometers

    Nowadays sensors are part of everyday LIFE in a wide variety of fields: scientific applications, medical instrumentation, industrial field, ...and, last but not least, popular mass production and low-cost goods, like smartphones and other mobile devices. Markets and business behind the field of sensors are quite impressive. A common trend for consumer applications is miniaturization which requires, on one side, a lot of research, development efforts, and resources but, on the other hand, allows costs and final application size reduction. In this scenario scientific community and industries are very active to drive innovation.

    标签: Magnetometers Lorentz Force MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06
