W abooklikethistogether,manypeoplewhoneverhope to see their namesinprint get involved and provide alot of help. I wouldliketogivecreditwherecreditisdueandacknowledgethose people here. Firstandforemost,atleasthalfofthecreditforthisbookneedstogotomy wife,BrigitteKilger-Mattison. Brigittewasresponsible for editingall the mate- rial, creating all the graphics, and coordinating all the efforts of everyone else involvedinthisproject.Thisbookcouldnothavebeencompletedwithouther painstaking attention to detail, her dedication, and her loyalty.
标签: Data Warehousing Mining and
上传时间: 2020-05-27
This edition updates and continues the series of books based on the residential courses on radiowave propagation organised by the IEE/IET. The first course was held in 1974, with lectures by H. Page, P. Matthews, D. Parsons, M.W. Gough, P.A. Watson, E. Hickin, T. Pratt, P. Knight, T.B. Jones, P.A. Bradley, B. Burgess and H. Rishbeth.
标签: Propagation Radiowaves edition 3rd of
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Part I provides a compact survey on classical stochastic geometry models. The basic models defined in this part will be used and extended throughout the whole monograph, and in particular to SINR based models. Note however that these classical stochastic models can be used in a variety of contexts which go far beyond the modeling of wireless networks. Chapter 1 reviews the definition and basic properties of Poisson point processes in Euclidean space. We review key operations on Poisson point processes (thinning, superposition, displacement) as well as key formulas like Campbell’s formula. Chapter 2 is focused on properties of the spatial shot-noise process: its continuity properties, its Laplace transform, its moments etc. Both additive and max shot-noise processes are studied. Chapter 3 bears on coverage processes, and in particular on the Boolean model. Its basic coverage characteristics are reviewed. We also give a brief account of its percolation properties. Chapter 4 studies random tessellations; the main focus is on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations and cells. We also discuss various random objects associated with bivariate point processes such as the set of points of the first point process that fall in a Voronoi cell w.r.t. the second point process.
标签: Stochastic Geometry Networks Wireless Volume and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
正则表达式用于字符串处理、表单验证等场合,实用高效。现将一些常用的表达式收集于此,以备不时之需。 匹配中文字符的正则表达式: [\u4e00-\u9fa5] 评注:匹配中文还真是个头疼的事,有了这个表达式就好办了 匹配双字节字符(包括汉字在内):[^\x00-\xff] 评注:可以用来计算字符串的长度(一个双字节字符长度计2,ASCII字符计1) 匹配空白行的正则表达式:\n\s*\r 评注:可以用来删除空白行 匹配HTML标记的正则表达式:<(\S*?)[^>]*>.*?</\1>|<.*? /> 评注:网上流传的版本太糟糕,上面这个也仅仅能匹配部分,对于复杂的嵌套标记依旧无能为力 匹配首尾空白字符的正则表达式:^\s*|\s*$ 评注:可以用来删除行首行尾的空白字符(包括空格、制表符、换页符等等),非常有用的表达式 匹配Email地址的正则表达式:\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)* 评注:表单验证时很实用 匹配网址URL的正则表达式:[a-zA-z]+://[^\s]* 评注:网上流传的版本功能很有限,上面这个基本可以满足需求 匹配帐号是否合法(字母开头,允许5-16字节,允许字母数字下划线):^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,15}$ 评注:表单验证时很实用 匹配国内电话号码:\d{3}-\d{8}|\d{4}-\d{7} 评注:匹配形式如 0511-4405222 或 021-87888822 匹配腾讯QQ号:[1-9][0-9]{4,} 评注:腾讯QQ号从10000开始 匹配中国邮政编码:[1-9]\d{5}(?!\d) 评注:中国邮政编码为6位数字 匹配身份证:\d{15}|\d{18} 评注:中国的身份证为15位或18位 匹配ip地址:\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ 评注:提取ip地址时有用。 匹配特定数字:
上传时间: 2020-12-16
SI-PNP 60 V 0,6 A 0,6 W 100 MHz
标签: 2N2905
上传时间: 2021-07-02
复活节计算 int y, n, a, q, b, m, w, d, mm = 4; y = atoi(argv[1]); n = y-1900; a = fmod(n,19);
上传时间: 2021-07-09
快速傅里叶变换,fft应用实例。供学习,供参考。 原理:快速傅里叶变换 (fast Fourier transform), 即利用计算机计算离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的高效、快速计算方法的统称,简称FFT。快速傅里叶变换是1965年由J.W.库利和T.W.图基提出的。采用这种算法能使计算机计算离散傅里叶变换所需要的乘法次数大为减少,特别是被变换的抽样点数N越多,FFT算法计算量的节省就越显著。
上传时间: 2021-07-14
PROTEL99SE电路设计教程protell技术大全程简明使用手册Protel封装库至Allegro的转化等学习文档资料PROTEL 99 SE特性手册.docPROTEL 99SE 简明使用手册.docProtel for Windows PCB 转 GERBER文件.mhtProtel PCB 转SCH全攻略.pdfProtel 原理图-PCB到Cadence的数据转换.mhtProtel99 SE Gerber File 输出说明.mhtPROTEL99SE教程protell技术大全.docProtel到Allegro -CCT格式转换.mhtProtel封装库至Allegro的转化.pdfProtel常见错误.pdfPRTEL99的PCB文件生成GERBER文件流程.mhtW-Protel99SE精彩教程.chm电路设计与制板Protel99入门与提高.pdf
标签: protel99se 电路设计
上传时间: 2021-10-15
AD7790是一款适合低频测量应用的低功耗、完整模拟前端,内置一个低噪声16位Σ-Δ型ADC,一路差分输入可配置为缓冲或无缓冲模式,此外还有一个增益可设置为1、2、 4或8的数字PGA。该器件采用内部时钟工作,因此,用户不必为其提供时钟源。器件的输出数据速率可通过软件编程设置,可在9.5 Hz至120 Hz的范围内变化,更新速率较低时均方根(RMS)噪声为1.1 µV。内部时钟频率可以使用系数2、 4或8进行分频,从而可以降低功耗。更新速率、截止频率和建立时间与时钟频率成比例变化。这款器件采用2.5 V至5.25 V电源供电,工作电压为3 V时,最大功耗为225 µW,采用10引脚MSOP封装。
上传时间: 2021-10-25
[摘要]全球电源管理技术领袖国际整流器公司(International Rectifier,简称IR)今天发布了IR1150 系列产品,专用于AC-DC 功率因数矫正电路,商标为PFC(tm)。由于采用紧凑的SO-8 封装,有助于将PFC 控制板面积缩减一半,在75W-4k W 功率范围内,为计算机、消费电子产品和家电提供了简便、灵活、高密度的解决方案。
标签: ir集成电路
上传时间: 2021-11-23