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  • PCA9670 Remote 8-bit IO expand

    The PCA9670 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9670 is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 Khz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time andmore device addresses (64 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.

    标签: Remote expand 9670 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • PCA9671 Remote 16-bit IO expan

    The PCA9671 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) family.The PCA9671 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher I2C-bus speeds(1 MHz versus 400 Khz) so that the output can support PWM dimming of LEDs, higherI2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devices can be on the bus withoutthe need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity (400 mA versus 100 mA) thatsupports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time and more device addresses (64versus 8) to allow many more devices on the bus without address conflicts.

    标签: Remote expan 9671 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • PCA9672 Remote 8-bit IO expand

    The PCA9672 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9672 is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 Khz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all LEDs on at the same time and moredevice addresses (16 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.

    标签: Remote expand 9672 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • PCA9673 Remote 16-bit IO expan

    The PCA9673 provides general purpose remote I/O expansion for most microcontrollerfamilies via the two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus) and is a part of the Fast-mode Plusfamily.The PCA9673 is a drop in upgrade for the PCF8575 providing higher Fast-mode Plus(Fm+) I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 Khz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(400 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all 25 mA LEDs on at the same time andmore device addresses (16 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.

    标签: Remote expan 9673 PCA

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • PCA9674 PCA9674A Remote 8-bit

    The PCA9674/74A is a drop-in upgrade for the PCF8574/74A providing higher Fast-modePlus I2C-bus speeds (1 MHz versus 400 Khz) so that the output can support PWMdimming of LEDs, higher I2C-bus drive (30 mA versus 3 mA) so that many more devicescan be on the bus without the need for bus buffers, higher total package sink capacity(200 mA versus 100 mA) that supports having all LEDs on at the same time and moredevice addresses (64 versus 8) are available to allow many more devices on the buswithout address conflicts.

    标签: 9674 PCA Remote 9674A

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 单片机外围线路设计

    当拿到一张CASE单时,首先得确定的是能用什么母体才能实现此功能,然后才能展开对外围硬件电路的设计,因此首先得了解每个母体的基本功能及特点,下面大至的介绍一下本公司常用的IC:单芯片解决方案• SN8P1900 系列–  高精度 16-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)•  信号放大低漂移: 2V•  放大倍数可编程: 1/16/64/128  倍–  升压- 稳压调节器 (Charge-Pump Regulator)•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1909–  内置液晶驱动电路 (LCD Driver)–  单芯片解决方案 •  耳温枪  SN8P1909 LQFP 80 Pins• 5000 解析度量测器 SN8P1908 LQFP 64 Pins•  体重计  SN8P1907 SSOP 48 Pins单芯片解决方案• SN8P1820 系列–  精确的12-Bit  模数转换器–  可编程运算放大器 (PGIA)• Gain Stage One: Low Offset 5V, Gain: 16/32/64/128• Gain Stage One: Low Offset 2mV, Gain: 1.3 ~ 2.5–  升压- 稳压调节器•  电源输入: 2.4V ~ 5V•  稳压输出: e.g. 3.8V at SN8P1829–  内置可编程运算放大电路–  内置液晶驱动电路 –  单芯片解决方案 •  电子医疗器 SN8P1829 LQFP 80 Pins 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 高度抗交流杂讯能力• 标准瞬间电压脉冲群测试 (EFT): IEC 1000-4-4• 杂讯直接灌入芯片电源输入端• 只需添加1颗 2.2F/50V 旁路电容• 测试指标稳超 4000V (欧规)– 高可靠性复位电路保证系统正常运行• 支持外部复位和内部上电复位• 内置1.8V 低电压侦测可靠复位电路• 内置看门狗计时器保证程序跳飞可靠复位– 高抗静电/栓锁效应能力– 芯片工作温度有所提高: -200C ~ 700C     工规芯片温度: -400C ~ 850C 高速/低功耗/高可靠性微控制器• 最新 SN8P2000 系列– SN8P2500/2600/2700 系列– 1T  精简指令级结构• 1T:  一个外部振荡周期执行一条指令•  工作速度可达16 MIPS / 16 MHz Crystal–  工作消耗电流 < 2mA at 1-MIPS/5V–  睡眠模式下消耗电流 < 1A / 5V额外功能• 高速脉宽调制输出 (PWM)– 8-Bit PWM up to 23 Khz at 12 MHz System Clock– 6-Bit PWM up to 93 Khz  at 12 MHz System Clock– 4-Bit PWM up to 375 Khz  at 12 MHz System Clock• 内置高速16 MHz RC振荡器 (SN8P2501A)• 电压变化唤醒功能• 可编程控制沿触发/中断功能– 上升沿 / 下降沿 / 双沿触发• 串行编程接口

    标签: 单片机 线路设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • I2C总线高频头控制程序(Keil C51程序 基于芯片TS

    I2C总线高频头控制程序(Keil C51程序 基于芯片TSA5522系列) /*I2C总线高频头控制Keil C51程序(PLL芯片为TSA5522系列)                               *///--------------------------------------------------------------------------////                                源程序大公开                              ////                    (c) Copyright 2001-2003 xuwenjun                     ////                            All Rights Reserved                           ////                                    V1.00                                 ////--------------------------------------------------------------------------////标 题: I2C总线高频头控制程序(PLL芯片为TSA5522系列)                       ////文件名: xwj_fi1256.c                                                      ////版 本: V1.00                                                             ////修改人: 徐文军                         E-mail:xuwenjun@21cn.com           ////日 期: 06-02-26 首次公开                                                 ////描 述: I2C总线高频头控制程序(PLL芯片为TSA5522系列)                       ////声 明:                                                                   ////        以下代码仅免费提供给学习用途,但引用或修改后必须在文件中声明出处. ////        如用于商业用途请与作者联系.    E-mail:xuwenjun@21cn.com           ////        有问题请mailto xuwenjun@21cn.com   欢迎与我交流!                  ////--------------------------------------------------------------------------////老版本: 无                             老版本文件名:                      ////创建人: 徐文军                         E-mail:xuwenjun@21cn.com           ////日 期: 06-02-26                                                          ////描 述:                                                                   ////--------------------------------------------------------------------------//                                                                                                /* 频率单位为Khz     */#define FUENCY 38900                                                        /* 中频频率          */#define PLLdataH(f) ((f+FUENCY)*16/1000/256)        /* 频率数据高 第1字节*/#define PLLdataL(f) ((f+FUENCY)*16/1000%256)        /* 频率数据低 第2字节*/#define PLLCON1 0x8e                                                        /* 控制字1    第3字节*/                                                                                                /* 控制字2    第4字节*/#define PLLCON2(f) (((f)<(168000))?(0xa0):(((f)<(450000))?(0x90):(0x30)))#define PLLdata3(fchan) PLLdataH (fchan),PLLdataL (fchan),PLLCON2 (fchan)

    标签: Keil I2C C51 程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-10


  • 基于LPC2138的AES3数字音频接口设计

         随着数字音频技术的不断发展,数字化音频设备已广泛应用于广播电视节目领域。鉴于专业数字音频设备越来越多地需求,以及专用接收发送设备的复杂性,本设计采用Philips公司的ARM7控制芯片LPC2138结合音响设备专用芯片,设计一个简单的AES/EBU(AES3)数字音频收发系统,实现了专业AES3数字音频的接收与发送。实验显示,在输入1 Khz,24 dBu时,本设计的总谐波失真小于0.005%,信噪比大于90 dBu。  

    标签: 2138 AES3 LPC 数字音频

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • MIL-STD-188-110C波形的Turbo均衡技术应用研究

    介绍了美军标MIL-STD-188-110C定义的短波波形,阐述了Turbo均衡原理并详细介绍了基于MMSE的线性Turbo均衡算法,对MIL-STD-188-110C中定义的波形5在12 Khz和24 Khz带宽的情况下应用Turbo均衡进行仿真,验证Turbo均衡技术在宽带短波波形中的应用效果。

    标签: MIL-STD Turbo 188 110

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • 基于以太网的虚拟示波器设计

    为提升虚拟仪器传输速率与实时性能,扩展监测范围,在VC的软件平台上设计了一种全功能虚拟示波器。与传统虚拟示波器相比,该系统采用嵌入式系统完成信号采集,采用工业以太网为传输介质,通过线性插值算法和多线程编程思想,实现波形显示、参数计算、频谱分析以及波形存储及回放功能。实验结果表明,该虚拟示波器可以实现20 Khz采样频率下的波形精确显示,达到预期的各项指标。 Abstract:  o enhance the transfer rate and real-time of virtual instrument performance, expand scope of monitoring, this paper uses the VCs software platform to design a fully functional virtual oscilloscope. Compared with traditional virtual oscilloscope, this system adopts the embedded system to complete the data acquisition, industrial Ethernet as the transmission medium used by the linear interpolation algorithm and multi-threaded programming ideas, namely to achieve waveform display, parameter calculation, spectrum analysis and waveform storage and playback. Experimental results show that the virtual oscilloscope can accurately display the waveform with 20Khz sampling frequency, and achieve the desired targets.

    标签: 以太网 虚拟 波器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-25
