This project demonstrates the use of secure hash functions technique to implement a file encryption / decryption system. This implemented application can encrypt / decrypt multiple files on the fly using a password. The password supplied by the user is used as the source message from which the hash code (key) is generated using the SHA algorithm. Then this key is used to enctypted the data in the file(s). This key is stored in the encrypted file along with the encrypted data.
标签: demonstrates encryption functions implement
上传时间: 2014-01-10
解决no pubkey问题脚本,用于ubuntu添加key,直接运行addkey key值 后为key值
上传时间: 2014-11-05
XTHIDE is a GUI that allows the user to hide a text message in an image file. The user will be asked for a key that will be used to both encode and decode the text into an image. The key can be of length from 2 to 900 characters. The encryption pattern for a key hell is not a subset of the encryption pattern for hello . See help. Created with version 7.01.
标签: user message XTHIDE allows
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This Program Cotains Eeprom Read-write functions, 4 Bit LCD interface routines, Keyboard Interface with normal Key Input to the 89C52 atmel Microcontroller.
标签: Read-write Interface functions interface
上传时间: 2014-01-03
根据MAC地址生产序列号, 改变char[] key 即可生成不同序列号
上传时间: 2013-12-26
3G Mobile Open Wide Door For E-commerce The 3G mobile Internet business in 3G era will obtain rapid development, but it still cannot become the ma in 3G era. In the age of 3G speech business, but is still a subject of value-added business will have great development, the 3G mobile Internet business.
标签: E-commerce 3G Internet business
上传时间: 2017-03-23
Program for implementing AES on 8051 based microcontrollers. SDCC is used as the C compiler. Microcontroller used is P89V51RD2. There are 2 programs included. One program will accept string via UART and accept key via a 4x4 keypad and display decrypted text on 16x2 LCD. The other program will accept plaintext from UART and show encrypted text on 16x2 LCD after receiving key from 4x4 membrane keypad. Schematics and screenshots are included.
标签: microcontrollers implementing compiler Program
上传时间: 2017-04-07
单总线多点测温系统,单总线它采用单根信号线既传输时钟又传输数据,而且数据传输是双向的它具有节省I/O 口线资源结构简单成本低廉便于总线扩展和 维护等诸多优点。本系统中所有的DS18B20都接在单片机的P1.1口上。用一个液晶屏显示,从单片机P3口接上8个开关,与右边的DS18B20 编号对应。当没有开关按下时屏幕显示"which NO you want press which key",要想看那一点处的温度就按下几号键(点击key右边的小红 点,按一下弹下,再按一下弹起)。只能有一个按键按下,当有多个按键下时,屏幕上显示“please press one key only !".
上传时间: 2017-04-07
very simple nonvisual Delphi component useful for shareware program developing. It uses crypted license files containing information about exe file (size and crc), expired date and any additional information. As TArtLicense uses RSA asymmetric algorithm and TArtLicense knows only decryption key, nobody can change information inside license file.
标签: developing nonvisual component shareware
上传时间: 2017-04-08
full wave rectifierDuring the period from 伪 to 蟺, the input voltage vs input current is are positive and the power flows from supply to the load. The converter is said to be operated at rectification mode .During the period from 蟺 to 蟺+伪 , the input voltage vs is negative and the input current is is positive and reverse power flows from load to the supply. The converter is said to be operated in inversion mode. Depending on the value of 伪, average output voltage can be either positive or negative and hence provides 2 quadrant operation.
标签: input rectifierDuring the positive
上传时间: 2017-04-10