上传时间: 2016-03-29
上传时间: 2013-12-15
When working with mathematical simulations or engineering problems, it is not unusual to handle curves that contains thousands of points. Usually, displaying all the points is not useful, a number of them will be rendered on the same pixel since the screen precision is finite. Hence, you use a lot of resource for nothing! This article presents a fast 2D-line approximation algorithm based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm (see [1]), well-known in the cartography community. It computes a hull, scaled by a tolerance factor, around the curve by choosing a minimum of key points. This algorithm has several advantages: 这是一个基于Douglas-Peucker算法的二维估值算法。
标签: mathematical engineering simulations problems
上传时间: 2013-12-20
ead file "YD.DOC". Who is the intended user Beginners in assembly and programmers. Features of the program: Yilmaz Disassembler:is an interactive disassembler which lets the user be a part of the disassembling process,is flexible, the user can disassemble in different formats,has user friendly interface, mouse support, pop-up menu commands, short cut key commands, context-sensitive on-line help,and it is cheap. Program s capacity and limitations: Max executable file size is 64 KB. Can not disassemble program of EXE-format.Only 8086/8088 CPU instructions can be disassembled. Disassemble 8087 Math Co-processor s instructions.
标签: programmers Beginners Features assembly
上传时间: 2014-06-21
// This program measures the voltage on an external ADC input and prints the // result to a terminal window via the UART. // // The system is clocked using the internal 24.5MHz oscillator. // Results are printed to the UART from a loop with the rate set by a delay // based on Timer 2. This loop periodically reads the ADC value from a global // variable, Result.
标签: the measures external program
上传时间: 2013-12-27
// // Histogram Sample // This sample shows how to use the Sample Grabber filter for video image processing. // Conceptual background: // A histogram is just a frequency count of every pixel value in the image. // There are various well-known mathematical operations that you can perform on an image // using histograms, to enhance the image, etc. // Histogram stretch (aka automatic gain control): // Stretches the image histogram to fill the entire range of values. This is a "point operation," // meaning each pixel is scaled to a new value, without examining the neighboring pixels. The // histogram stretch does not actually require you to calculate the full histogram. The scaling factor // is calculated from the minimum and maximum values in the image.
标签: Sample Histogram Grabber sample
上传时间: 2013-12-15
--- --- ----- 1、界面更友善 2、优化主代码 3、更新热门词 4、增加搜索排行榜 5、修正切换搜索引擎时左栏不会随所选引擎自动变换问题 例:原http://so.ok881.com/go.asp?Key=唱得响亮&NO=9(这时左栏处于“网页”分类目录) 当将NO=9换成NO=101 时,左栏能自动切换到“影视”分类目录 6、增加相关搜索关键词 (经测试此功能所得关键词会大量被搜索引擎收录) ^_^ 惊喜中... 7、增加知识搜索、行情搜索; 8、更新免费搜索代码,提供多种尺寸及颜色选择。
上传时间: 2016-04-20
This will sample all 8 A/D-channels. The result will be send out via UART1 and can be seen within any terminal-program (9600 Baud). With each pressed key the next channel will be converted. No interrupts are used.
标签: will D-channels sample result
上传时间: 2016-04-23
/* * The internal form of a hash table. * * The table is an array indexed by the hash of the key collisions * are resolved by hanging a linked list of hash entries off each * element of the array. Although this is a really simple design it * isn t too bad given that pools have a low allocation overhead. */ split from apache for general usage
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Infrared telecontrol design based on the the VHDL includes the mode of infrared send,receive mode,key code mode,ringing mode and so on.
标签: the mode telecontrol Infrared
上传时间: 2016-05-02