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  • 1. beep -- PWM测试 为 ADS1.2 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试

    1. beep -- PWM测试 为 ADS1.2 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后在57600的超级终端里按PC机键盘的“+”“-” 按键,可以听到BUZZ增大减小的声音。 2. key -- 按键测试 为 SDT2.51 下编译的项目, 在sdt2.51的ADW里调试,该程序运行后按FS44B0X上的按键key1 key2 key3 key4 相应的发光二极管亮 3 keyint -- 按键中断测试 该项目在SDT2.51下编译调试。主程序是while空循环,中断服务程序对应四个按键做相应的处理,key1 按键点亮D1灯,并在串口打印信息,因为没有加按键去抖动程序,所以,一次按键,产生几次中断。

    标签: beep 2.51 PWM ADS

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This book is about using Python to get jobs done on Windows.This intended to be a practical book foc

    This book is about using Python to get jobs done on Windows.This intended to be a practical book focused on tasks. It doesn t aim to teach Python programming, although we do provide a brief tutorial. Instead, it aims to cover:How Python works on Windows The key integration technologies supported by Python on Windows, such as the Win32 extensions, which let you call the Windows API, and the support for COM Examples in many topic areas showing what Python can do and how to put it to work.

    标签: This book practical intended

    上传时间: 2015-05-10


  • 由于电子商务广泛采用公开密钥技术

    由于电子商务广泛采用公开密钥技术,职能部门有必要对公钥加以管理。本文简要介绍了基于PKI的密钥托管技术及密钥托管代理的概念,分析了密钥托管的步骤,以及政府部门在密钥托管代理的帮助下强制访问信息的过程。 关键词:密钥托管 证书授权认证 公开密钥 公钥基础设施 托管证书 网络的安全问题得到人们的日益重视。网络面临的威胁五花八门:内部窃密和破坏,截收,非法访问,破坏信息的完整性,冒充,破坏系统的可用性,重演,抵赖等。于是公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure,PKI)应运而生。PKI是电子商务和其它信息系统的安全基础,用来建立不同实体间的"信任"关系。它的基础是加密技术,核心是证书服务。用户使用由证书授权认证中心(Certificate Authority,CA)签发的数字证书,结合加密技术,可以保证通信内

    标签: 电子商务 密钥

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statisti

    The module LSQ is for unconstrained linear least-squares fitting. It is based upon Applied Statistics algorithm AS 274 (see comments at the start of the module). A planar-rotation algorithm is used to update the QR- factorization. This makes it suitable for updating regressions as more data become available. The module contains a test for singularities which is simpler and quicker than calculating the singular-value decomposition. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not square the condition number. The matrix X X is not formed. Hence it is suitable for ill- conditioned problems, such as fitting polynomials. By taking advantage of the MODULE facility, it has been possible to remove many of the arguments to routines. Apart from the new function VARPRD, and a back-substitution routine BKSUB2 which it calls, the routines behave as in AS 274.

    标签: least-squares unconstrained Statisti Applied

    上传时间: 2015-05-14


  • he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with on

    he LPC932 can be used to create a Pulse Width Modulated PWM signal. That s an analog signal, with only 2 discrete levels, for example 0V and 5V and a constant period. The current value of this signal at a certain poiTnt of time is proportional to its Duty Cycle. That s the High Time during one period divided by the period. It can also be calculated as the average value during a particular period. That means after low pass filtering, (e.g. RC circuit) the signal becomes analog, with an actual value controlled by the microcontroller. The PWM functionality enables the LPC932 to control for example the speed of DC motors or the brightness of electric lighting.

    标签: signal Modulated analog create

    上传时间: 2015-05-14


  • 数字运算

    数字运算,判断一个数是否接近素数 A Niven number is a number such that the sum of its digits divides itself. For example, 111 is a Niven number because the sum of its digits is 3, which divides 111. We can also specify a number in another base b, and a number in base b is a Niven number if the sum of its digits divides its value. Given b (2 <= b <= 10) and a number in base b, determine whether it is a Niven number or not. Input Each line of input contains the base b, followed by a string of digits representing a positive integer in that base. There are no leading zeroes. The input is terminated by a line consisting of 0 alone. Output For each case, print "yes" on a line if the given number is a Niven number, and "no" otherwise. Sample Input 10 111 2 110 10 123 6 1000 8 2314 0 Sample Output yes yes no yes no

    标签: 数字 运算

    上传时间: 2015-05-21


  • bung.cpp bung.dfm bung.h DbgWarn.cpp DbgWarn.dfm DbgWarn.h Debug.cpp Debug.dfm Debug.h Emu.cpp Emu

    bung.cpp bung.dfm bung.h DbgWarn.cpp DbgWarn.dfm DbgWarn.h Debug.cpp Debug.dfm Debug.h Emu.cpp Emu.dfm Emu.h gbc.bpg gbc.bpr gbc.cpp gbc.exe gbc.res gbcemu.bpr gbcemu.cpp gbcemu.dll gbcemu.h gbcemu.lib Gotodialog.cpp Gotodialog.dfm Gotodialog.h MapView.cpp MapView.dfm MapView.h Pal.cpp Pal.dfm Pal.h readme.txt reg.cpp reg.dfm reg.h rom.cpp rom.h Search.cpp Search.dfm Search.h Sound.cpp Sound.h TileView.cpp TileView.dfm TileView.h VALUE.CPP VALUE.DFM VALUE.H

    标签: DbgWarn Debug cpp bung

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 小型CA的完整代码


    标签: 代码

    上传时间: 2015-05-31


  • 2^x mod n = 1 acm竞赛题 Give a number n, find the minimum x that satisfies 2^x mod n = 1. Input

    2^x mod n = 1 acm竞赛题 Give a number n, find the minimum x that satisfies 2^x mod n = 1. Input One positive integer on each line, the value of n. Output If the minimum x exists, print a line with 2^x mod n = 1. Print 2^? mod n = 1 otherwise. You should replace x and n with specific numbers. Sample Input 2 5 Sample Output 2^? mod 2 = 1 2^4 mod 5 = 1

    标签: mod satisfies minimum number

    上传时间: 2015-06-02


  • Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a deci

    Expert Choice represents a significant contribution to the decision making process 工t assists a decision maker in solving complex problems involving many criteria and several courses of action . An Expert Choice solution to a problem reflects the expertise of the decision maker , not the computer . Behavioral scientists have spent many years studying the human mind and how it makes decisions . They have found that humans are influenced by their previous experiences and this causes them to have biases . Basic instincts , preferences and environmental factors also play key roles in how we analyze data and make decisions . There 15 way to remove these factors from human decision making , nor would we necessarily want to , but as the problems of our world become more and more complex , it 15 necessary for us to employ a framework to help make more logical and less biased decisions while still taking our feelings and intuition into consideration .

    标签: contribution significant represents decision

    上传时间: 2015-06-02
